Posts tagged "Strategy Management Edition"

Excerpt: Empowering employees for a new strategic vision and adaptability…

May 27th, 2024 Posted by Publications 0 thoughts on “Excerpt: Empowering employees for a new strategic vision and adaptability…”

The transformative shifts occurring today compel employees to recalibrate their thinking, embrace cutting-edge technologies, adapt behaviors, and operate in new environments. While these changes hold the promise of progress, they simultaneously introduce disruptions. 

Effective change management is a critical factor for organizational success in this dynamic scenario. Change management relies on strategic leadership, as highlighted in the Certified Agile Strategy Execution course offered by The KPI Institute (TKI). This program emphasizes the importance of shaping a strategic vision and guiding employees through essential actions for its realization. It involves anticipating change, maintaining flexibility, and empowering others to drive strategic change when needed. 

However, TKI’s State of Strategy Management Practice Global Report – 2023 reveals a stark reality in the business environment: 34% of professionals identify poor management of changes as a significant contributor to strategic failure. Meanwhile, on the employees’ side, the challenge of change fatigue emerges during transformation changes.


This excerpt is from the cover story of Performance Magazine Issue No. 29, 2024 – Strategy Management Edition titled “Empowering employees for a new strategic vision and adaptability through change management.” To find out the factors that hinder employees’ performance and engagement when experiencing continuous change and how to cultivate a positive and adaptive organizational culture, download the free digital copy of the Performance Magazine on the TKI Marketplace. An additional printed copy is available and can be purchased via Amazon.

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