Monthly Archives: August, 2015

kuala lumpur

Kuala Lumpur, 30 September-2 October- Certified Data Visualization Professional

August 30th, 2015 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “Kuala Lumpur, 30 September-2 October- Certified Data Visualization Professional”

Visual communication is effective only when it is aligned with the way people see and think. The course provides insights on the importance of data visualization, fundamental principles, as well as means to increase non-verbal communication skills through effective visualizations.

This course will help you improve communication within your company, through visual displays of quantitative data. You will learn, through practical applications, how to communicate visually in an effective way and how to increase reporting efficiency, leading to a better understanding of the presented data, and thus, to smarter and quicker strategic decisions.

Some of the main aspects addressed by the “Certified Data Visualization Professional” course are the need for a more rigorous approach to creating visual representations of vast information, techniques of standardization and tailored data visualization tools.

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kuala lumpur

Certified KPI Professional and Practitioner Training Courses in Kuala Lumpur

August 25th, 2015 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “Certified KPI Professional and Practitioner Training Courses in Kuala Lumpur”

The Certified KPI Professional and Practitioner Training Courses in Kuala Lumpur were part of a series of certification courses dedicated to rigorous usage of KPIs in practice. These courses were organized in 2015 at global level in more than 30 cities from 5 continents, by The KPI Institute.

Facilitated by Teodora Gorski, Managing Director TKI MENA, these courses were held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, between 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st of August 2015.

269 copyThe agenda for the Certified KPI Professional Course covered in the first day the following subjects:

  • Introduction to the world of KPIs;
  • The pillars of KPI architecture;
  • KPI selection.

The second day sessions covered the following discussion topics:

  • KPI documentation;
  • Data visualization – Designing KPI Dashboards and Scorecards;
  • KPI data gathering and reporting.

In the third day of the course the next themes were approached:

  • KPI management enablers: software, hardware, communication and culture;
  • Generating value from using KPIs;
  • Measuring and learning with KPIs.

In order to enable both the theoretical understanding and practical experience of using a variety performance management tools and techniques for deploying KPIs correctly across different industries and functional areas, some of the methods used throughout the course were:

  • Group discussions, exercises, simulations and case studies;
  • Explanation of the theory regarding performance measurement;
  • Presentation of the performance management templates as tools to support the integration of performance management practices in organizations;
  • Customized feedback regarding the present use and the future plans for implementing performance management systems;
  • Active involvement of all the participants in a collaborative learning environment where opinions and experiences are shared.

The course was attended by practitioners from Kuala Lumpur and Saudi Arabia, having different backgrounds and areas of expertise in their working fields like Petrochemicals, Telecommunication, Empowering Energy, Retail and Airlines.

Before beginning the course, sharing challenges of previous experience in working with KPIs was encouraged and some of them were:

  • How to start in setting KPIs
  • People buy-in
  • Data gathering
  • Data validation
  • Linking KPIs across the organization
  • Cascading KPIs across the organization
  • How to measure the “right” performance
  • Realistic target setting
  • Employees set too low targets
  • Creating the PM System Architecture

Participants were invited to express some learning needs and they communicated the following expectations from the course:

  • Target setting
  • Achieving KPI targets
  • KPI Measurement
  • Understanding the PM system
  • KPI worked and Terminology
  • KPIs related terminology
  • Defining KPIs
  • KPI selection
  • Industry specific KPIs
  • KPIs for profit/non-profit organizations
  • NPS
  • Performance culture
  • Bonus system and R&R

In addition to the training sessions, on the last day of the course, participants completed a certification test for obtaining the Certified KPI Professional status. The certification recognizes the professionals’ ability to deploy and use KPIs in accordance with The KPI Institute’s Key Performance Indicators Management Framework, the main body of knowledge on the rigorous use of KPIs in business.

The second course was the Certified KPI Practitioner which focused on practical exercises, accounted for 90 percent of the course’s time, the remaining time being dedicated to review relevant theoretical concepts. Independent from the course, participants can in the future to opt in to obtain their KPI Practitioner Certification by following the steps highlighted on The KPI Institute’s website.

Details about the KPI certification programs can be found on

If the opportunity of customized KPI training courses is of interest to you, email us at [email protected] and you will receive a tailored offer.

For more information contact one of our representatives:

Alexandru Muntean
[email protected]

functional areas

The Functional Area KPI Dictionary Series is now launched!

August 25th, 2015 Posted by Broad Topics, Research 0 thoughts on “The Functional Area KPI Dictionary Series is now launched!”

The KPI Institute, the global authority on performance through Key Performance Indicators research and education, is glad to announce the launch of an innovative KPI Dictionary Series, compiling for the first time a comprehensive list of Key Performance Indicators’ examples, definitions and calculation formulas grouped into 14 functional areas!

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human resources

A Primer for Human Resources KPIs

August 20th, 2015 Posted by Research 0 thoughts on “A Primer for Human Resources KPIs”

Human Resources are an integral part of any company, whether it’s a fresh start-up, mid-sized enterprise or large corporation. Finding the best talent for your roster of employees is what will give you the edge over current or would-be competitors. However, picking the right person for the job isn’t like picking the right outfit for the right occasion. One’s clothes doesn’t influence everyone else’s attire, however, one’s underperformance on the job can have a negative impact over the entire organizational entity.

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Certified KPI Professional Training Course in London

August 19th, 2015 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “Certified KPI Professional Training Course in London”

The Certified KPI Professional Training Course in London is part of a series of certification courses dedicated to rigorous usage of KPIs in practice. These courses were organized in 2015 at global level in more than 30 cities from 5 continents, by The KPI Institute.

Facilitated by Adrian Brudan, General Manager TKI EMEA, this course was held in London, UK, during 10th, 11th and 12th of August 2015.

272 copyThe agenda for the Certified KPI Professional Course covered in the first day the following subjects:

  • Introduction to the world of KPIs;
  • Understanding KPIs;
  • KPI taxonomy;
  • KPI typology.

The second day sessions covered the following discussion topics:

  • KPI documentation;
  • KPI selection;
  • KPI in context;
  • Working with targets.

In the third day of the course the next themes were approached:

  • KPI management enablers: software, hardware, communication and culture;
  • Data visualization – Designing KPI Dashboards and Scorecards;
  • Data gathering;
  • Working with data custodians.

In order to enable both the theoretical understanding and practical experience of using a variety performance management tools and techniques for deploying KPIs correctly across different industries and functional areas, some of the methods used throughout the course were:

  • Group discussions, exercises, simulations and case studies;
  • Explanation of the theory regarding performance measurement;
  • Presentation of the performance management templates as tools to support the integration of performance management practices in organizations;
  • Customized feedback regarding the present use and the future plans for implementing performance management systems;
  • Active involvement of all the participants in a collaborative learning environment where opinions and experiences are shared.

The course was attended by professionals from London, having different backgrounds and areas of expertise in their working fields like Beverage, Engineering & Construction, Consulting, Leisure, etc.

Before beginning the course, sharing challenges of previous experience in working with KPIs was encouraged and some of them were:

  • KPIs accountability
  • Selecting relevant KPIs
  • Cascading KPIs
  • Getting the buy-n for KPI usage
  • KPI data gathering
  • Deploying a culture based on performance
  • Review of KPIs and objectives
  • Stakeholder education
  • KPI measurement/ documentation
  • Frequency of measurement

Participants were invited to express some learning needs and they communicated the following expectations from the course:

  • Difference between Objectives and KPIs
  • How many objectives and KPIs
  • Governance of the KPI framework
  • Challenges with Performance management implementation
  • Defining and implementing proper KPIs
  • Defining the right KPIs
  • Meeting KPI targets
  • Key stakeholder involvement in the KPI establishment process
  • Linking strategy with KPIs
  • Aligning organizational performance
  • Creating awareness and getting the buy in

In addition to the training sessions, the learning experience is comprised of a pre-course stage, a core course stage and an after-course stage. Upon participating at the face to face training course and completing all the activities on our eLearning platform you will receive the following:

  • Certificate of Completion: after completing pre-course activities and passing the Certification Exam;
  • Certificate of Attendance: after participating at the 3 days of on-site training course;
  • Certified KPI Professional diploma: after you have successfully completed all of the 3 stages of the learning experience.

We strongly advise you to ensure that you will receive your Certified KPI Professional title, as this certification recognizes the professionals’ ability to deploy and use KPIs in accordance with The KPI Institute’s Key Performance Indicators Management Framework, the main body of knowledge on the rigorous use of KPIs in business.

Details about the KPI certification programs can be found on

If the opportunity of customized KPI training courses is of interest to you, email us at [email protected] and you will receive a tailored offer.

For more information contact one of our representatives:

Alexandru Muntean
[email protected]


The Marketing and Communications KPI Dictionary is launched!

August 17th, 2015 Posted by Research 0 thoughts on “The Marketing and Communications KPI Dictionary is launched!”

The Marketing and Communications KPI Dictionary is the result of a 7 years research program conducted by The KPI Institute, the global authority on Performance Management through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) research and education!
The dictionary enlists not only the names, but also the calculation formulas for more than 170 KPIs, being a useful tool in the process of understanding, selecting and working with KPIs in the Marketing and Communications department.

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kuala lumpur

Certified Performance Improvement Professional Training Course in Kuala Lumpur

August 16th, 2015 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “Certified Performance Improvement Professional Training Course in Kuala Lumpur”

The Certified Performance Improvement Professional Training Course in Kuala Lumpur is part of a series of certification courses dedicated to rigorous usage of a successful performance improvement system. These courses were organized in 2015 at global level in more than 30 cities from 5 continents, by The KPI Institute.

Facilitated by Teodora Gorski, Managing Director TKI MENA, this course was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, between 12th, 13th and 14th of August 2015.

274_augustThe agenda for the Certified Performance Improvement Professional Course covered in the first day the following subjects:

  • Performance Management Framework;
  • Performance Improvement Scenarios;
  • Data Analysis;
  • Data Reporting;

The second day sessions covered the following discussion topics:

  • Decision Making;
  • Initiative Management;
  • Learning and Improvement;
  • Building a Performance Culture.

In the third day of the course the next themes were approached:

  • Performance Improvement;
  • Performance Improvement: Stakeholders;
  • Performance Improvement: Operations;
  • Review and Certification Exam.

The course provides a strong foundation towards improving performance in different scenarios, by presenting a sound architecture, containing relevant tools, processes and techniques. This training course presents 6 pillars that need to be applied in order to ensure performance improvement, starting from data analysis and reporting, continuing with decision making and initiative management and ending with learning and building a performance culture.

The six pillars are then implemented in 9 different scenarios that vary from organizational context (company, departmental and employee level) and relationship with stakeholders (Joint Ventures, suppliers and personal level), to operations (process, project and quality management).

The course was attended by practitioners from Qatar, having different backgrounds and areas of expertise in their working fields like Health, Education and training.

Before beginning the course, sharing challenges of previous experience in working with performance improvement was encouraged and some of them were:

  • Linking the KPIs to the bonus system
  • Employee buy in and engagement
  • Communication and decision making between top management and lower levels of the organization
  • Selecting the right KPIs
  • Ensure communication across the organization
  • Aligning tools we use
  • Having a framework that ensure data gathering
  • Issues in terms of system automation

Participants were invited to express some learning needs and they communicated the following expectations from the course:

  • Performance improvement in different context
  • How to plan different initiatives to improve performance
  • How to prioritize between different initiatives
  • How to use the tools related to performance improvement in a decision making context
  • Case studies – good case practices
  • Tools for improving performance

In addition to the training sessions, the learning experience is comprised of a pre-course stage, a core course stage and an after-course stage. Upon participating at the face to face training course and completing all the activities on our eLearning platform you will receive the following:

  • Certificate of Completion: after completing pre-course activities and passing the Certification Exam;
  • Certificate of Attendance: after participating at the 3 days of on-site training course;
  • Certified Performance Improvement Professional diploma: after you have successfully completed all of the 3 stages of the learning experience.

We strongly advise you to ensure that you will receive your Certified Performance Improvement Professional title, as this certifies the skills and knowledge related to performance improvement field.

Details about the KPI certification programs can be found on

If the opportunity of customized KPI training courses is of interest to you, email us at [email protected] and you will receive a tailored offer.

For more information contact one of our representatives:

Alexandru Muntean
[email protected]


The PERFORMANCE community has reached 17,000 members!

August 15th, 2015 Posted by Broad Topics 0 thoughts on “The PERFORMANCE community has reached 17,000 members!”

Our community grows every day and we are proud to announce that the LinkedIn group PERFORMANCE: Measurement, Management, KPI, Balanced Scorecard, Business Intelligence, Analytics has reached the 17,000 members mark.



functional area series

The Production and Quality Management KPI Dictionary is launched!

August 15th, 2015 Posted by Research 0 thoughts on “The Production and Quality Management KPI Dictionary is launched!”

The Production and Quality Management KPI Dictionary is the result of a 7 years research program conducted by The KPI Institute, the global authority on Performance Management through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) research and education!
The dictionary enlists not only the names, but also the calculation formulas for more than 180 KPIs, being a useful tool in the process of understanding, selecting and working with KPIs in the Production and Quality Management department.




Certified KPI Professional Training Course in Toronto

August 13th, 2015 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “Certified KPI Professional Training Course in Toronto”

The Certified KPI Professional Training Course in Toronto is part of a series of certification courses dedicated to rigorous usage of KPIs in practice. These courses were organized in 2015 at global level in more than 30 cities from 5 continents, by The KPI Institute.

Facilitated by Adrian Brudan, General Manager TKI EMEA, this course was held in Toronto, Canada, during 4th, 5th and 6th of August 2015.

277The agenda for the Certified KPI Professional Course covered in the first day the following subjects:

  • Introduction to the world of KPIs;
  • Understanding KPIs;
  • KPI taxonomy;
  • KPI typology.

The second day sessions covered the following discussion topics:

  • KPI documentation;
  • KPI selection;
  • KPI in context;
  • Working with targets.

In the third day of the course the next themes were approached:

  • KPI management enablers: software, hardware, communication and culture;
  • Data visualization – Designing KPI Dashboards and Scorecards;
  • Data gathering;
  • Working with data custodians.

In order to enable both the theoretical understanding and practical experience of using a variety performance management tools and techniques for deploying KPIs correctly across different industries and functional areas, some of the methods used throughout the course were:

  • Group discussions, exercises, simulations and case studies;
  • Explanation of the theory regarding performance measurement;
  • Presentation of the performance management templates as tools to support the integration of performance management practices in organizations;
  • Customized feedback regarding the present use and the future plans for implementing performance management systems;
  • Active involvement of all the participants in a collaborative learning environment where opinions and experiences are shared.

The course was attended by professionals from Canada, having different backgrounds and areas of expertise in their working fields like local government, IT/Software, financial services, insurance, power generation, biotech/petrochemical, etc.

Before beginning the course, sharing challenges of previous experience in working with KPIs was encouraged and some of them were:

  • How to best present KPIs to senior management level
  • Lack of understanding related to concepts and specific industry KPIs
  • Lack of alignment
  • Communication of organizational strategy
  • Lack of clarity of transparency
  • Lack of accountability
  • A lack of performance measurement integration as part of daily routines
  • Gathering data for KPIs

Participants were invited to express some learning needs and they communicated the following expectations from the course:

  • More focused round lead indicators
  • KPIs based on application availability
  • Best practices in performance measurement
  • Understand the KPI selection process
  • Convert benefits from KPI measurement in impact and change
  • Build up predictive metrics based on historical trending
  • Review KPIs
  • Establish relevant thresholds
  • Align KPIs with strategic objectives
  • Frequency of reporting
  • Get the buy in from senior management

In addition to the training sessions, the learning experience is comprised of a pre-course stage, a core course stage and an after-course stage. Upon participating at the face to face training course and completing all the activities on our eLearning platform you will receive the following:

  • Certificate of Completion: after completing pre-course activities and passing the Certification Exam;
  • Certificate of Attendance: after participating at the 3 days of on-site training course;
  • Certified KPI Professional diploma: after you have successfully completed all of the 3 stages of the learning experience.

We strongly advise you to ensure that you will receive your Certified KPI Professional title, as this certification recognizes the professionals’ ability to deploy and use KPIs in accordance with The KPI Institute’s Key Performance Indicators Management Framework, the main body of knowledge on the rigorous use of KPIs in business.

Details about the KPI certification programs can be found on

If the opportunity of customized KPI training courses is of interest to you, email us at [email protected] and you will receive a tailored offer.

For more information contact one of our representatives:

Alexandru Muntean
[email protected]

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