Monthly Archives: November, 2020


5 more weeks to register for The KPI Institute’s Live Online 2020 Courses

November 18th, 2020 Posted by E-learning 0 thoughts on “5 more weeks to register for The KPI Institute’s Live Online 2020 Courses”

2020 is slowly, but surely, coming to a close. We are already halfway through November, with December creeping up on us. We can almost hear a distant, faint Mariah Carey, singing ”All I want for Christmas is You”.the kpi institute live online courses

We have had an extraordinary year, completely revamping our certifications and moving them into the online environment. What followed was simply astounding.

Our attendance numbers went through the roof. We began delivering around 6-10 courses a week, instead of our regular 3-4, and participants flooded our events, which was direct feedback that our mission was a success.

Whilst there are still a few weeks left in 2020 – 5 to be specific, we will continue to deliver the same level of quality content in all of our certifications, so if you have not had the chance to sign up for any of the courses, we highly recommend you give them a look-see HERE.

Up until the 14th of December, we’ll still be going strong with numerous events, focusing on a wide variety of topics, from KPIs, OKRs, performance management, and supplier performance, to strategy and business planning, innovation performance, data analysis, and employee performance management.

Keep a lookout on our social media channels – Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, to always be updated on which courses are next, and how can you sign up for them, in the remaining 5 weeks.

Whilst 2020 has been a challenging year, we know we can finish strong, and look forward to a much brighter and better 2021.

certified innovation

Delivering innovation, through our Certified Innovation Professional Course

November 13th, 2020 Posted by E-learning 0 thoughts on “Delivering innovation, through our Certified Innovation Professional Course”

Innovative thinking has always been the hallmark of great minds. The saying “think outside the box” may have become overused in recent years, but there is still quite a bit of truth to it, as nowadays we see some of the biggest players on the globe – from Amazon, Alphabet, and Microsoft, to Samsung, Tesla, and Apple, step up their innovation game day in ‘n’ day out.certified innovation

We, at The KPI Institute, have recognized that not everyone manages to experience that Eureka! moment as easily as others. Therefore, this year, in order to give a helping hand to those organizations or professionals in need, we’ve put together a brand new course, which has already become quite popular – the Certified Innovation Performance Professional.

Innovation Performance offers the opportunity to enhance an organization’s performance through creativity, idea management, and a complex innovation framework.

What are the benefits of enrolling in this course?

  • Develop and maintain an innovation-oriented organizational culture, by applying innovation best practices;
  • Improve internal processes and initiatives by managing the organizational innovation capability;
  • Receiving guidance and international innovation expertise on developing and implementing a successful innovation plan;
  • Gain strong competitive insights from innovation specialists’ experience and best practices examples that suit your organization’s needs;
  • Access professional recognition of innovation performance knowledge and capabilities, by obtaining the certification granted by The KPI Institute.

What will you learn, as part of this certification?

  • Understand the fundamentals of innovation performance measurement;
  • Associate innovation objectives with the organizational strategy;
  • Learn how to design an organizational innovation framework;
  • Select the relevant KPIs and establish a monitoring process of your innovation performance;
  • Integrate innovation to other existing organizational systems;
  • Address initiatives to support innovation culture development.

As successful businesses constantly focus on innovative thinking, innovation performance comes as one of the best approaches in achieving highly qualitative procedures and in generating superior ideas, within the organization.

Enroll today and don’t miss out on the opportunity to forge a new path forward, by building and embedding a culture of innovation in your company!

Find out more details about the Certified Innovation Performance Professional course HERE.


The KPI Institute’s Live Online Courses – Performance in numbers

November 9th, 2020 Posted by E-learning 0 thoughts on “The KPI Institute’s Live Online Courses – Performance in numbers”

Starting with the middle of April, we completely revamped our courses and certifications, moving all of them into the online environment. This change brought just as many challenges, as it did

On the one hand, we had to rethink our course delivery, how we interacted with attendees, what format was the best to ensure each learning experience matches the same level of information as our former, face-to-face courses.

On the other hand, our course output increased in volume, as we were able to dish out many more editions than we previously did, since organizing an online learning experience is more time- and resource-effective than a face-to-face one.

As of right now, all of our certifications can be completed in the Live Online format, and we even managed to develop new ones, such as the Certified Innovation Professional course.

So, how does The KPI Institute look in numbers? Well, since we first began delivering Live Online courses, 6 months ago, we have managed to:

  • Organize 65 editions, which is roughly equivalent to almost 11 certification sessions per month
  • Enlist a little under 1,000 participants (950, to be more specific)

Our most sought-after course is, as most people would guess, the Certified KPI Professional, with 18 editions.

Moreover, we have hosted 10 courses in Arabic and 2 in French. In addition to this, one interesting little tidbit is the fact that at the start of our Live Online experience, when most people worked from home, the average attendee tuned in for our morning courses. Ever since restrictions and regulations have eased around the globe in the past months, and many more people have begun working from their offices again, we’ve seen a shift in attendance, whereby most of our sessions now occur in the afternoon.

This comes as a big step up in performance for us, given that in the past years, we usually managed to only organize around 5-6 editions per month, due to the logistics of hosting face-to-face events. Now, unchained from the burden of logistics, we are now able to better service all those in need of knowledge and information.

As 2020 is slowly coming to a close, we’re not stopping the hype train whatsoever. This is just the beginning for us. With learning sessions happening both in the morning, afternoon, and new courses in the making, The KPI Institute is ready to take 2021 by storm. Be sure to follow our social media – Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and soon-to-be Instagram, for more updates on our certification courses and other services.

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