Monthly Archives: December, 2019


20/20 Vision on the Next Year – The TKI Professional Certification Calendar

December 20th, 2019 Posted by Press release 0 thoughts on “20/20 Vision on the Next Year – The TKI Professional Certification Calendar”

While this year is coming to a close for most companies, The KPI Institute is already preparing for what’s to come in the next one. 2019 was a very successful year for us, with numerous accomplishments, outstanding achievements, several new partnerships and an abundance of satisfied clients.certification

As we’ve stated many times in the past, our mission is to be a partner to all those companies & individuals in need of guidance. For the past 15 years, The KPI Institute has been making a difference in developing best practices in the field of performance management and sustaining the rapid growth of hundreds of institutional and corporate clients.

2020 will be no different – our mission, vision, and values will remain the same – help improve businesses around the globe, in order for them to reach their desired level of expectations.

As a result, we’ve already prepared next year’s certification calendar in full, so that you may plan ahead accordingly.


This certification program is meant to improve your practical skills in working with KPIs and developing instruments like scorecards & dashboards. Participants will acquire a sound understanding of measuring KPIs, starting from the moment they are selected, until results are collected in performance reports.

Learn more about our C-KPIPP course here.


This three-day certification course teaches participants how to set and work with OKRs, and offers them the opportunity to get certified on their ability to deploy and use OKRs in accordance with The KPI Institute’s standards, developed through extensive research and practical knowledge in the field of Performance Management and Objective Setting.

Learn more about our C-OKR course here.


This certification course will help improve your business’s planning process and long-term organizational performance, through the use of strategic planning tools that will ultimately lead to smarter and quicker strategic decisions.

Learn more about our C-SBP course here.


The Certified Agile Strategy Execution Professional course reflects on the best methodologies to leverage the benefits of deploying an integrated strategy and performance management framework, within organizational settings.


This certification course offers insights and best practices for improving the overall level of performance in different scenarios, from data analysis and reporting, decision-making, and initiative management, to building a comprehensive performance culture.

Learn more about our C-PM course here.


Attendees will gain exposure to best practices and key concepts, learning how to establish and use objective criteria for performance evaluations, from the implementation, to the improvement and maintenance of the company’s employee performance management system.

Learn more about our C-EPM course here.


This certification course focuses on delivering all the information needed to fully comprehend the value & benefits of the Balanced Scorecard, as well as developing the necessary skills for its successful implementation in any company.

Learn more about our C-BSC course here.


Attendants will understand through practical learning how to effectively collect, analyze and interpret data, by enabling managers & analysts to draw insights, from both quantitative and qualitative data, based on historical statistics and trend analysis.

Learn more about our C-DA course here.


This certification course represents an exclusive framework that provides insights on effective visual communication. This is done through a rigorous approach to creating visual representations of vast amounts of information, by way of using several standardization techniques and tailored data visualization tools.

Learn more about our C-DV course here.


Benchmarking’s methodological uniqueness lies in the identification & analysis of the processes that lead to a superior company performance level, offering the opportunity to compare an organization’s performance against industry competitors.

Learn more about our C-B course here.


This certification course will develop participants’ skills in managing supplier performance and developing a strategic approach to procurement, by enabling the identification of performance gaps and implementing action agreements with suppliers.

Learn more about our C-SP course here.


During this certification course, participants will not only understand the importance of and implementation phases for the Customer Service Excellence Standards, but they will be given the necessary tools to implement them internally and measure their impact externally.

Learn more about our C-CSP course here.


This two-day interactive certification program will help you understand personal performance, by explaining the benefits and clarifying the process of measuring it. It focuses on identifying ways to boost your performance outside working hours.

Learn more about our C-PP course here.


This educational certification program presents a rigorous approach to diagnosing & auditing the maturity of a company’s performance architecture for 5 capabilities: strategic planning, performance measurement, performance management, performance culture, and employee performance management.

Learn more about our C-PAPP course here.


This certification course provides an interactive practice-based learning environment, focused on best practices for developing and maintaining an innovation-oriented organizational culture, within organizations.

Learn more about our C-IP course here.

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Course News – a TKI & NOTERKO Partnership in Dakar, Senegal

December 11th, 2019 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “Course News – a TKI & NOTERKO Partnership in Dakar, Senegal”

Between the 26th – 28th of November, 2019, The KPI Institute, in partnership with NoterKo, has successfully organized the first ever edition of our worldwide renowned course – The Certified KPI Professional, delivered in French, in Dakar – Senegal, customized for the country’s national sanitation utility, ONAS.noterko

NoterKo is a Dakar-based, Management Consulting firm, that focuses on revolutionizing the customer care sector in Senegal. The objective of NoterKo is to allow Senegalese clients to objectively evaluate the services provided by local private and public institutions, alongside positively impacting the quality of life of the local community.

In regard to the course itself, The Certified KPI Professional – C-KPI for short, opened a comprehensive world of new insights into how businesses can & should strive for a continuous optimization of their performance operations and performance management processes.

During the 3-day learning experience, top ranking executives of the organization had the opportunity of being guided by one of our foremost consultants, Andrea Minelli.

The attendees, via a combination of theoretical notions and hands-on-practice exercises and case studies, had the possibility of better understanding and practicing the following concepts:

  • How to strategically select relevant KPIs and why;
  • How to align strategic objectives and KPIs among different organizational layers;
  • How to benefit from a sound Performance Management Architecture and Framework;

The course had 10 participants, mostly Senior Managers, such as HR Vice President, Senior Purchasing Managers, Maintenance Managers, Internal Audit Managers, IT Managers, Quality Assurance Managers and several other key governance figures.

Course Journal

This in-house course was organized with the purpose of disseminating best practices via both theoretical and practical knowledge, associated with performance measurement and management practices.

Day I

During the first day of the course, participants were exposed to several concepts associated with KPIs, the Performance Management Architecture and most importantly, how to build a proper framework that will set up a sound foundation for the system per se.

We made several constructive comparisons between the client’s current Performance Management System and globally known best practices.

Day II

During the second day, we chose a more hands-on practice approach, whereby participants worked in different groups and focused their efforts on understanding and applying the best techniques associated with KPI selection, and how to strategically align KPIs & corporate objectives, among all the organizational layers.


As the final day approached, the participants discussed about the importance of not only selecting KPIs, but of also implementing best practices in setting up realistic, yet challenging targets for each KPI. A customized simulation was created in order for the participants to apply those practices in their own organizational contexts.

The final session ended with a thorough discussion about the alignment of individual KPIs with the corporate objectives, and being able to measure the contribution that each division head will have to achieve in order to match the aforementioned objectives.

Overall, the course achieved its goal of showcasing to all of its attendees, who serve as senior managers in their respective organizations, how to implement best practices within their own Performance Management System Frameworks.noterko

Want to know more about Performance Measurement and Management?

As performance is a continuous concern for organizations, do not hesitate to contact us and we will be more than pleased to assist you throughout your performance measurement and management journey!

If you are interested in improving the maturity of your performance measurement and management practices currently implemented in your organization, be sure to visit our training calendar and assess what best suits your learning requirements.

Among the main key Business Benefits for attendees interested in the C-KPI course are:

  • Improve the performance of your company by practicing a sound framework for KPI measurement;
  • Obtain better business results by selecting the right KPIs to monitor for your company;
  • Generate value from using KPIs by optimizing the data collection process.
  • Implement best practices that lead to an organizational culture that is performance-oriented

Otherwise, if a customized training course best suits your needs and you would like to know more details about it, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information at:

Cosmin Chindris
Director Global Partnerships
[email protected]

Wishing you best of performance!

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