Monthly Archives: July, 2016

kpi performance

The latest edition of Performance Magazine is launched!

July 22nd, 2016 Posted by Research 0 thoughts on “The latest edition of Performance Magazine is launched!”

July, 2016, brings you a new edition of Performance Magazine, the printed edition. And what better time to review one’s progress than the middle of the year. Our July issue offers its readers valuable information regarding current and future developments in the field, accompanied by highly insightful testimonies from all over the world, summed up in our interview section.



annual performance

Free Webinar “Killing your annual performance review… Really?”

July 21st, 2016 Posted by E-learning 0 thoughts on “Free Webinar “Killing your annual performance review… Really?””

Many companies are re-evaluating their performance appraisal system. Why do they decide to drop the traditional practices? Whilst focusing on continuous feedback to individual employees, we think that there is a missing link between corporate goal alignment and performance appraisal. Identify what works for your organisation by exploring the advantages and disadvantages of the old-school and new performance management practices through this webinar.




Certified Employee Performance Management Professional Training Course in Ho Chi Minh City

July 19th, 2016 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “Certified Employee Performance Management Professional Training Course in Ho Chi Minh City”

Facilitated by Teodora Gorski, Managing Director MENA this course was held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, between 11th and 13th of July 2016 in partnership with Toppion Coaching and Consulting Group and is part of a series of certification courses dedicated to employee performance management field.



keep performers

Free Webinar “Align, Collaborate, Coach, and Keep Your High Performers”

July 12th, 2016 Posted by E-learning 0 thoughts on “Free Webinar “Align, Collaborate, Coach, and Keep Your High Performers””

Learn the steps to effectively manage the changes affecting workforce performance. Empower your employees with information and continuous feedback about their contributions to ensure that your company achieves success. Discover how Alignment, Collaboration, Coaching and Identifying High Potentials can transform your business from a static one to an energetic one.




Tehran, 3-4 August – Key Performance Indicators Masterclass

July 11th, 2016 Posted by Events, Press release 0 thoughts on “Tehran, 3-4 August – Key Performance Indicators Masterclass”

The KPI Institute is proud to announce our partnership with Parsian Strategy.  Our cooperation will unfold at the KPI Performance Indicators Masterclass, the first program in Iran fully dedicated to performance management.

This training course provides participants with an in-depth synthesis of key performance management trends and practices. It focuses on the essential tools and techniques that must be implemented for a successful performance management architecture.




Free Webinar “KPI Selection techniques”

July 7th, 2016 Posted by E-learning 0 thoughts on “Free Webinar “KPI Selection techniques””

KPI Selection is a process which seems simple, yet it is inherently complex, due to the inter-dependencies involved. It is considered a particularly challenging aspect of implementing a performance management system.
This webinar illustrates the fundamental KPI selection, which ensure a rigorous process and quality results.



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