Posts in Publications

Resource roundup: performance measurement insights in telecommunications

July 26th, 2024 Posted by Publications, Research 0 thoughts on “Resource roundup: performance measurement insights in telecommunications”

Around 67% of the world’s population, or 5.4 billion people, are now online, according to the International Telecommunication Union’s (ITU) report, “Facts and Figures 2023.” Apparently, the demand for high-speed Internet access is increasing, and the telecommunications industry should make sure that its infrastructure can handle the growing usage without compromising quality.

But beyond infrastructure upgrades, it is important that organizations can effectively sustain their systems to constantly meet their goals and maintain reliable service for customers. One approach to achieve this is the implementation of performance measurement systems. This will allow organizations to gather data on network efficiency, easily identify bottlenecks, make well-informed decisions regarding infrastructure investments, and most of all, deliver better customer service.

Providing leaders, professionals, and the broader business community with essential knowledge and resources, The KPI Institute (TKI) curates a collection of diverse learning materials and opportunities in strategy and performance management and adjacent fields every month. Some of these resources, while released years ago, remain highly relevant due to their timeless principles and adaptability to changing business dynamics as well as their enduring value and insights for today’s challenges.

This month, TKI is pleased to present comprehensive, research-based resources focusing on telecommunications.

Articles (FREE): Explore these featured articles from Performance Magazine: 

The Telecommunications KPI Dictionary: The key performance indicator (KPI) taxonomy used in this dictionary covers all major functions of the telecommunications industry, such as call center and telecommunications. The content covers establishing a robust workforce, improving people policies, practices, and systems, ensuring that the financial and operational telecom models meet their goals, and providing information on the quality of inbound and outbound calls.

Call Center Scorecard: This represents a catalogue of the KPIs used by the call center in order to manage and measure its strategic performance. The KPIs are grouped in the four traditional perspectives of the balanced scorecard, each containing objectives and KPIs that describe and assess the performance of the organization.

Call Center Performance Management System Toolkit: Featured here is a visual snapshot of the overall system for managing and measuring performance within the call center, including the system tools and processes and the connections between them.

Customer Service Call Center Dashboard: This is designed for managing and measuring performance of inbound call centers. The tool contains a repository of the most relevant and widely spread KPIs in the call center industry. While pre-populated with KPIs and other relevant data, this template can be customized for the specific needs of your organization. A Customer Service Call Center Dashboard Administrator Guide is also included with each purchase to make template customization an easy process.

Resource roundup: tools and techniques for customer service excellence

June 26th, 2024 Posted by Publications, Research 0 thoughts on “Resource roundup: tools and techniques for customer service excellence”

Thirty-seven percent of ecommerce marketers worldwide use artificial intelligence (AI) for customer service and assistance, according to Qualtrics and Klaviyo’s February 2024 data. Meanwhile, Fortune reported that Amazon has recently laid off 100 customer service agents. In the US, a new Forrester study revealed that customer service performance declined across all three dimensions of customer service quality–effectiveness, ease, and emotion, and only 3% of companies are currently categorized as customer-obsessed, defined as prioritizing customers’ needs.

Collectively, these narratives suggest that there is a pressing need to reevaluate the customer service sector. However, customer service excellence requires more than simply embracing cutting-edge technologies and trends. Businesses must methodically examine and optimize their customer service operations and performance in order to identify and address true areas of need. This is where The KPI Institute (TKI) can help. 

Providing leaders, professionals, and the broader business community with essential knowledge and resources, TKI curates a collection of diverse learning materials and opportunities in strategy and performance management and adjacent fields every month. Some of these resources, while released years ago, remain highly relevant due to their timeless principles and adaptability to changing business dynamics as well as their enduring value and insights for today’s challenges.

This month, TKI is pleased to present comprehensive, research-based resources focusing on customer service.

Top 10 Customer Service Key Performance Indicators (FREE): Part of the Top 10 KPIs Series, this collection of posters provides an overview of how key performance indicators (KPIs) are measured in practice today, specifically in customer service. Some of the KPIs profiled in this poster are # Frequency of customer complaints, # Speed of answer, and % First contact resolution rate.

KPI of April: $ Customer Lifetime Value (FREE): Each KPI of the Month Infographic sheds light on a specific KPI by clarifying its terminology and addressing the most challenging aspects of using it in terms of profile, calculation, balanced scorecard focus, data profile, targets, and in-practice recommendations.

Webinar: “Tools and techniques for measuring customer satisfaction:” In order to discover what customers think about your company and what can be improved, you can now deploy a series of tools and techniques for measuring customer satisfaction. This webinar presents key techniques and guidelines to support you in assessing your customers’ satisfaction.

The Top 25 Customer Service KPIs – 2020 Extended Edition: The Top 25 Customer Service KPIs – 2020 Extended Edition report compiles the most popular 25 KPIs used by Customer Service divisions throughout 2016 and 2020. This report contains not only two pages of detailed documentation for each KPI, but also interesting articles on best practices in terms of KPI selection and documentation.

The Sales and Customer Service KPI Dictionary: This dictionary enlists the names and arithmetic rules for more than 220 KPIs and covers all major components of the sales and customer service departments. This material can be used in the early stages of implementing a performance management framework, in selecting and documenting KPIs, and improving an existing performance measurement system.

Customer Service Call Center Dashboard: This is a ready-to-use instrument for managing and measuring the performance of inbound call centers. It also contains a repository of the most relevant and widely spread KPIs in the call center industry.

Customer Service Performance Consulting Services: If your organization needs support in the implementation phase– for either a performance management system in customer service or other customer service processes or instruments– TKI’s specialists can provide you with consultation and references. We will make sure that the framework, which proves its efficiency in multiple organizations, is adjusted to the specific needs of your industry or area of expertise and will overcome the expected change rejection reactions of employees that are commonly experienced by most organizations.

Performance Magazine achieves 40% increase in downloads

June 12th, 2024 Posted by Publications 0 thoughts on “Performance Magazine achieves 40% increase in downloads”

Performance Magazine has reported a remarkable 40% increase in downloads from 2023. Over the last decade, Performance Magazine has established itself as a reliable source for industry know-how, trends, and best practices in strategy, performance management, and data analytics. This milestone not only proves the publication’s long-standing dedication to providing high-quality information, but also demonstrates the growing demand for its insights among professionals worldwide.

In 2023, Performance Magazine rolled out editions centered on the public sector, data analytics, government, and sustainability. As always, the magazine featured industry leaders and top executives from major organizations, such as Eelco van der Enden of the Global Reporting Initiative and Madhur Mayank Sharma, Head of SAP’s AI Services & Accelerator team.

This year, Performance Magazine gave its readers back-to-back releases: the Employee Performance Edition and the Strategy Management Edition. The Employee Performance Edition discusses the role of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in talent management, democratizing strategy planning, implementing a hybrid performance management system, nurturing holistic performance management, and more. 

On the other hand, the Strategy Management Edition offers insights into practicing strategic leadership in disruptive times, empowering employees for effective change management, and ensuring data accuracy for informed decision-making. The next two editions of Performance Magazine for 2024 are about business excellence and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in strategy and performance management.

Drawing on The KPI Institute’s (TKI) 20 years of experience in performance management, Performance Magazine provides its readers with prime resources, updates, interviews, case studies, expert recommendations, and global perspectives on strategy and performance management. Its first printed edition was launched in April 2015, with TKI’s CEO, Dr. Aurel Brudan, on the cover.

As the magazine gears up for its 10th anniversary next year, enjoy your free access to past editions of Performance Magazine on TKI Marketplace.

Excerpt: Empowering employees for a new strategic vision and adaptability…

May 27th, 2024 Posted by Publications 0 thoughts on “Excerpt: Empowering employees for a new strategic vision and adaptability…”

The transformative shifts occurring today compel employees to recalibrate their thinking, embrace cutting-edge technologies, adapt behaviors, and operate in new environments. While these changes hold the promise of progress, they simultaneously introduce disruptions. 

Effective change management is a critical factor for organizational success in this dynamic scenario. Change management relies on strategic leadership, as highlighted in the Certified Agile Strategy Execution course offered by The KPI Institute (TKI). This program emphasizes the importance of shaping a strategic vision and guiding employees through essential actions for its realization. It involves anticipating change, maintaining flexibility, and empowering others to drive strategic change when needed. 

However, TKI’s State of Strategy Management Practice Global Report – 2023 reveals a stark reality in the business environment: 34% of professionals identify poor management of changes as a significant contributor to strategic failure. Meanwhile, on the employees’ side, the challenge of change fatigue emerges during transformation changes.


This excerpt is from the cover story of Performance Magazine Issue No. 29, 2024 – Strategy Management Edition titled “Empowering employees for a new strategic vision and adaptability through change management.” To find out the factors that hinder employees’ performance and engagement when experiencing continuous change and how to cultivate a positive and adaptive organizational culture, download the free digital copy of the Performance Magazine on the TKI Marketplace. An additional printed copy is available and can be purchased via Amazon.

Resource roundup: expert insights and tools for finance professionals

April 30th, 2024 Posted by Publications 0 thoughts on “Resource roundup: expert insights and tools for finance professionals”

The financial services sector has evolved significantly in recent years, driven by technological advancements and global socio-economic events. Recognizing the importance of staying ahead in this dynamic environment, The KPI Institute (TKI) is dedicated to providing leaders, professionals, and the broader business community with essential knowledge and resources.

Every month, TKI curates a collection of diverse learning materials and opportunities in strategy and performance management and adjacent fields. Some of these resources, while released years ago, remain highly relevant due to their timeless principles and adaptability to changing business dynamics, providing enduring value and insights for today’s challenges.

This month, TKI is pleased to present comprehensive, research-based resources focusing on finance.

Top 10 Finance Key Performance Indicators (FREE): Part of the Top 10 KPIs Series, this collection of posters provides an overview of how key performance indicators (KPIs) are measured in practice today, specifically in finance. Some of the KPIs profiled in this poster are % Capital acquisition ratio, #Labor multiplier, and $ Debt-adjusted cash flow.

Articles (FREE): Find practical insights related to the financial services industry from a variety of articles published on Performance Magazine, written by subject matter experts and research analysts.

The Finance KPI Dictionary: This dictionary provides valuable information on over 190 KPIs not only by defining them but also by presenting the calculation formula for each and every one of them. It is an innovative tool, essential for assessing and optimizing a company’s performance in the five main functions of a finance division within an organization: asset/portfolio management, financial stability, forecast and valuation, liquidity, and profitability.

The Top 25 Finance KPIs – 2020 Edition: This report features the most popular KPIs used in the finance sector. It offers a comprehensive practical learning opportunity with KPIs by including not just detailed documentation for each KPI but also engaging articles discussing optimal practices for selecting and documenting KPIs.

Certified Data Analysis: Professionals in the finance sector can benefit from attending this course because it equips them with essential skills in data analysis, allowing them to create accurate financial models, optimize investment strategies based on comprehensive market analysis, make informed decisions, and mitigate risks effectively. 

Certified KPI Professional and Practitioner: Professionals within the finance sector can gain considerable advantages from enrolling in this course. It is packed with indispensable knowledge and competencies needed for accurately measuring, assessing, and articulating financial performance metrics. With these skills, finance professionals can lead strategic initiatives, make informed decisions, and significantly contribute to improving the overall success and financial stability of their organizations.


Excerpt: Performance Magazine’s Employee Performance Edition highlights DEI metrics, initiatives

April 24th, 2024 Posted by Publications 0 thoughts on “Excerpt: Performance Magazine’s Employee Performance Edition highlights DEI metrics, initiatives”

In recent years, the global labor market has faced a challenging mix of health crises, economic turbulence, and geopolitical uncertainties, with vulnerable populations most severely affected. In response, companies are taking on greater roles in supporting vulnerable groups while championing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). The surge in companies adopting DEI programs underscores the growing recognition of DEI as a strategic imperative and a driver for improving work performance.

DEI is a framework that promotes fair treatment and equal opportunities for all employees across a spectrum of protected characteristics, including age, race, religion, gender, and more. The three components of DEI are deeply intertwined (see Figure 1). Each plays a role in establishing workplaces where all employees can thrive. They cannot be addressed as stand-alone criteria, requiring a collective approach to create a truly inclusive and equitable workplace.

The significant value and impact of DEI in various aspects of work make it a moral imperative and an essential strategic requirement that businesses must not underestimate or overlook.

For instance, the “2022 Global Inclusion and Diversity Transparency Report” by intelligent power management company Eaton emphasized the success of its Stretch Assignment Marketplace (SAM), where diverse teams of employees handled 86 business challenges across multiple areas. Employees can select projects that interest them, with up to six people per team allowed six months to finish each challenge. Notably, the company saw an 18% increase in the number of projects submitted compared to the previous year. One of Eaton’s notable achievements is its inclusion in Newsweek’s 2023 Top 100 Global Most Loved Workplaces® list and certification by Great Place to Work® in 2023.



This is an excerpt from the cover story of Performance Magazine Issue No. 28 – Employee Performance Edition titled ”From good intentions to great results: developing initiatives and metrics for DEI success.” To read the full article, download a free digital copy of the magazine via TKI Marketplace or purchase a printed copy from Amazon.

2024 Global Trends Brief: exploring insights on business innovation and growth

April 17th, 2024 Posted by Publications 0 thoughts on “2024 Global Trends Brief: exploring insights on business innovation and growth”

As we navigate through 2024, new developments and opportunities influence how businesses operate and manage their performance. The KPI Institute launched the 2024 Global Trends Brief to serve as a valuable source of insight and foresight into these trends, guiding organizations to become resilient and agile in disruptive times.

The 2024 Global Trends Brief is a carefully crafted analysis supported and based on a thorough examination of more than 80 reports and articles from December 2023 to February 2024. The report identifies six pivotal drivers of change–Geopolitical, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological, Environmental, and Legal–offering a panoramic view to inform strategic decision-making processes.

The geopolitical sphere is characterized by national elections and disruptive supply chain dynamics. Meanwhile, in the economic realm, the fluctuations in unemployment and inflation rates wield significant influence. Moreover, the report delves deep into socio-cultural trends that ripple through workforce dynamics, and sustainability trends that emphasize environmental stewardship that reshapes industry paradigms. The report also touches on technological and legal trends in artificial intelligence (AI), highlighting the need to invest in AI governance and Generative AI (GenAI) as an essential influence in the media industry that redefines business strategies.

Learn more about the impact of today’s trends and seize the opportunities in the evolving business environment. Get a free copy of the 2024 Global Trends Brief from the TKI Marketplace.

Back-to-back releases for 2024: Performance Magazine highlights strategy, performance excellence

April 2nd, 2024 Posted by Publications 0 thoughts on “Back-to-back releases for 2024: Performance Magazine highlights strategy, performance excellence”

What distinguishes a successful company in today’s business environment is its capacity to adapt, innovate, and strategically tackle emerging challenges and opportunities. With change being constant and disruption becoming the norm, organizations must equip themselves with the right knowledge and tools to stay ahead of the curve. This is where Performance Magazine’s back-to-back releases for the first quarter of 2024 come into play: the Employee Performance Edition and the Strategy Management Edition.

The Employee Performance Edition delves deep into redefining employee performance management in the modern workplace. At the heart of this edition lies the cover story, which discusses the role of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in talent management. It recognizes that equitable treatment and unbiased opportunities not only drive individual performance but also foster a culture of innovation and organizational excellence. Other key topics include democratizing strategy planning, optimizing employee engagement for effective strategy execution, implementing a hybrid performance management system, and nurturing holistic performance management. Download the digital copy from TKI Marketplace or purchase the printed edition on Amazon.

Complementing that focus on employee performance, the Strategy Management Edition offers insights into strategic leadership in disruptive times. Interventions aligned with executing accessible strategies, particularly those that support an adaptive organizational culture and address change resistance, can be found in the cover story. Readers will also learn how to incorporate diverse viewpoints into strategy implementation, empower employees for effective change management, and ensure data accuracy for informed decision-making. Drawing on global insights and innovative approaches to strategy planning and execution, this edition provides organizations with the principles and frameworks necessary to navigate uncertainty and seize opportunities for growth and success. Get the digital copy from TKI Marketplace or order the printed edition on Amazon.

With actionable insights, best practices, and global analyses from industry leaders and experts, Performance Magazine’s back-to-back releases for 2024 provide businesses and professionals with the information and insights they need to stay competitive, resilient, and future-ready. 

Performance Magazine’s Strategy Management Edition unveils global insights, innovative approaches

April 1st, 2024 Posted by Publications 0 thoughts on “Performance Magazine’s Strategy Management Edition unveils global insights, innovative approaches”

According to The KPI Institute’s State of Strategy Management Practice Global Report – 2023, 34% of professionals believe that ineffective change management is a major factor in strategic failure. As the world undergoes dramatic transformations and disruptions, underestimating impactful strategic leadership is no longer an option.

The latest issue of Performance Magazine – Print Edition reveals what lies beneath strategic success in disruptive times, from managing stakeholder engagement to adopting breakthrough technologies to cultivating strategic foresight. To navigate new paradigms of work, organizations delve deep, exploring various perspectives, scrutinizing data, and analyzing risks while taking into account the influence of culture and communication.

As emphasized by one of the experts interviewed in this edition, Jeroen Kraaijenbrink of Strategy Inc., executing a strategy requires organizations to consistently manage relevance, progress, and morale “so that the strategy remains up to date, implementation stays on track, and people remain on board.” Interventions aligned with this approach, particularly those that support an adaptive organizational culture and address change resistance, can be found in the cover story.

For those who want to dive deep into the intricate processes of organizational strategy, this special edition offers nuanced perspectives on planning, development, and execution, all woven with best practices, case analyses, and data-driven discussions. Specifically, readers will find the knowledge and tools necessary to incorporate diverse viewpoints into strategy implementation, empower employees for effective change management, and ensure data accuracy for informed decision-making. Moreover, readers can access a curated collection of multimedia resources tailored for professionals specializing in strategy.

Featuring contributions from expert voices representing diverse backgrounds, including the Netherlands, England, Hungary, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, Performance Magazine’s Strategy Management Edition provides unparalleled insights into modern strategic management challenges. These experts not only offer their unique thoughts but also present actionable recommendations and solutions grounded in their specialized knowledge, extensive experiences, and notable achievements in the field.

Unlock the strategies for success in uncertain times with Performance Magazine Issue No. 29, 2024 – Strategy Management Edition. Grab a digital copy from TKI Marketplace or order the printed edition on Amazon.

Performance Magazine: redefining employee performance management in the modern workplace

March 20th, 2024 Posted by Publications 0 thoughts on “Performance Magazine: redefining employee performance management in the modern workplace”

Gone are the days when employee performance management simply meant annual reviews and rigid goal-setting processes. Today’s workplaces require a dynamic, agile approach that meets the diverse needs of employees. With remote work, the gig economy, and a focus on work-life balance and well-being, it is essential that leaders and employees hone their ability to demonstrate adaptability and operate within a tailored system that responds to the changing times.

With The KPI Insitute’s first release of the Performance Magazine – Print Edition in 2024, organizations can explore the newest advancements in employee performance management, discover how to harmonize individual objectives with organizational goals and use cutting-edge technologies to streamline relevant processes.

The cover story delves into the profound influence of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) on performance assessment and talent management. DEI, which serves as a guiding framework advocating for equitable treatment and unbiased opportunities for all employees, is also recognized as key to better organizational performance and wider opportunities for innovation. 

Moreover, key topics shaping employee performance management were covered in the In-depth section, from democratizing strategy planning to optimizing employee engagement for effective strategy execution. The magazine also presents best practices for holistic performance management and implementing a hybrid performance management system.

Readers can access first-hand insights from top leaders of major organizations. One of them is Dr. Malika Viltz-Emerson, Senior Global Human Resource Leader at Microsoft, who discussed the advantages of involving employees in managing and improving their performance. 

Additionally, seasoned experts from The KPI Institute provided valuable insights regarding principles governing performance evaluation, the importance of employee experience in driving performance, and employee well-being and mental health.

Stay ahead of the game in the realm of employee performance management. Get a copy of the Performance Magazine Issue No. 28 – Employee Performance Edition. The magazine is available for digital download via the TKI Marketplace and a print copy can be purchased through Amazon

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