Monthly Archives: December, 2021

New Year, New Milestones: What Is Your Next Career Move?

December 31st, 2021 Posted by Employees 0 thoughts on “New Year, New Milestones: What Is Your Next Career Move?”

Even if 2021 wanes, the new year means you are bound for a fresh start. Whether you want to get promoted, learn new tools, or gain an in-demand skill, this is the perfect time to map out your route for the next 12 months.

The minimal access to offices and the challenges of the Zoom era shouldn’t stop you from seeking career growth and opportunities. If there’s one good thing that the pandemic gave us, it’s more time to look at ourselves and reflect on the paths we want to take.

We asked our colleagues at The KPI Institute about their plans for 2022. Hear everything straight from them and get ready to be inspired.


“If 2021 was a year of first times, 2022 is going to be the year of gaining knowledge and experience and expanding my opportunities in different markets. I will consolidate my knowledge on how to attract more clients and learn better practices for facilitating our programs. I also plan to take a German language course and to organize myself and my habits better.”

Iulia Tutulan | Customer Engagement Specialist


“I realized that I find consultancy projects more appealing to me. I’m able to learn more and develop myself as a professional. When doing research and consultancy projects, I have the chance to apply concepts in real life. It also involves communication with the client, an aspect of the project that I find challenging and exciting at the same time.

To cut a long story short, I would love to keep on working on audit projects, to improve my writing style, to have the courage to bring my vision to life when making PowerPoint presentations, and to have the chance to discuss more with clients. I would like to manage my time better, to take tasks easy one at a time without stressing over deadlines, and to communicate more efficiently.”

Aida Manea | Business Research Analyst, TKI Research 


“In 2022, I look forward to investing more time and effort in my skills. There were training opportunities I neglected to embrace, and I am not very happy about it.”

Vintila Raluca | Management Consultant, TKI Consulting


“I hope I will be able to work on research projects that involve data analysis and recommendations as well new courses. I would also like to learn new skills especially management skills.”

Mai Ismail | Business Research Analyst, AMSI


“I want to grow the AMSI team and start research in new functional areas of research and to build on experience this year and design faster and better the same type of products (analytical tools, courses). I also plan to test and launch at least two different type of products (surveys and academies).”

Monica Marchis | Director of Research, AMSI


“I would like to make the blended delivery of the Strategy and Business Planning Professional Certification happen. It may be related to me upskilling in terms of using industry-standard software, like Articulate Storyline or Captivate, to add more personality, animated people, and elements to the recorded theory part of the course.”

Roxanne Mercado | Head of Instructional Design


“I want to develop new skills in content writing, share my knowledge and expertise with junior researchers and consultants, and contribute to new primary research projects.”

Daniela Vuta | Senior Business Research Analyst, TKI Research


“I look forward to integrating my efforts with TKI into empowering words to achieve performance excellence. My plans are to develop the HR Maturity Model, Marketing and other functional maturity models, and the enterprise maturity model. I also want to play a role in sensitizing and at the same time explore the learning concepts of Industry 4.0 and Web 3.0. The question is, how can these futuristic concepts be integrated with business excellence in 2022 and 2023?”

Manoj Dubey | Internal Consultant, AMSI


“I want to excel in Power BI by the end of 2022 and see myself as a better value addition to TKI’s growth.”

Sirisha Kodukulla | Business Research Analyst, TKI Research


“I want to work toward signing my first consulting project to support the consulting division.”

Fadi Al-Jafari | Management Consultant


“I would like to learn more about digital marketing and content writing and to achieve new certifications, such as the Certified OKR Professional and the Certified Performance Management Professional and Practitioner.”

Claudia Istratii | Customer Engagement Specialist, EMEA


“My plan for 2022 is to continue the CRM project, which I hope would lead to more products related to CRM, such as a mini course or CRM mini tools that can give benefits to me and to company. I am also interested in learning more about performance management and joining TKI’s certified courses.”

Besty Afrah Hasyati | Business Research Analyst, AMSI


Now, it’s your turn. What is your plan for 2022?

Get in touch with us and find out how we can help you or your organization in gearing up for the new year. Email us at [email protected] or call at T: +61 3 9028 2223 / M: +61 4 2456 8088.

2021 Highlights: Discover The KPI Institute’s Top Courses, New Partners, and More

December 31st, 2021 Posted by Certification, Courses, E-learning, Employees, KPIs, Research 0 thoughts on “2021 Highlights: Discover The KPI Institute’s Top Courses, New Partners, and More”

The KPI Institute (TKI) capped off  2021 with numerous feats. From welcoming more participants to revenue growth to signing new partnerships, take a look back at how the organization navigated changes and chased success throughout the year.

Here are the 10 highlights reflecting our steadfast drive for progress:

  1. New courses: TKI launched the Agile Strategy Execution, Certified Performance Audit Professional, and Executive Education Program  as a response to
  2. A growing online community:, the world’s biggest database of documented KPIs, attracted over 2000 new subscribers and members.
  3. Unparalleled KPI research: With more than 17 years of experience in the field, The KPI Institute remains a valuable source of the most popular KPIs in various industries and functional areas. You can learn more about them by downloading the Top KPIs reports and KPIs of the Month infographics.
  4. Trusted by Major Organizations: TKI provided consulting services for the National Grid (KSA), Andes Petroleum (Ecuador), Power International Holding (PIH) – 14 Entities, Solutions by STC, Islamic Development Bank, Program for Health Assurance and Purchasing, Sharquia Development Authority (KSA), and Al Nahdi Family Office.
  5. Expanding organizational structure: The company saw a 64% increase in the number of employees this year compared to 2020.
  6. Nurturing a multicultural environment: As a global research institute, the TKI ecosystem is composed of skilled professionals, specialists, and consultants with different cultural backgrounds. Its employees and collaborators come from Romania, Indonesia, Jordan, Lebanon, Australia, Egypt, Malaysia, Philippines, India, Mauritius, Nigeria, Greece, Italia, Turkey, and Vietnam.
  7. High-quality training sessions: TKI recorded a 121% increase in the number of training courses organized in 2021 compared to 2020.
  8. Most coveted certifications: The certification program with the highest number of participants in 2021 was the KPI Certified Professional and Practitioner, followed by the Strategy and Business Planning Professional Certification. The Balanced Scorecard Management System Professional Certification, the Certified Performance Management Professional and Practitioner Certifications, and the Certified OKR Professional also made it to the Top 5.
  9. Significant partnerships sealed: Three new partners strengthened the presence of TKI in different markets. Thanks to Strategic KPI from Tunisia, Enroute International Limited from Bangladesh, and Third Sector Center for Training and Management Consultancy Saudi Arabia.
  10. Attracting audiences worldwide: The number of course participants during open training sessions in 2021 rose by 82% compared to 2020.

Join us this year in conquering new heights and empowering the world to achieve exceptional performance.

If you don’t find what you’re looking for above, email us at [email protected] or call at T: +61 3 9028 2223 / M: +61 4 2456 8088.

A Year in Review: What’s Your Best Accomplishment in 2021?

December 27th, 2021 Posted by Employees 0 thoughts on “A Year in Review: What’s Your Best Accomplishment in 2021?”

As we approach the new year, reflecting on the pivotal moments in our career could give us a sense of what comes next. No two professional journeys are the same, but each offers a unique lesson we can adopt or integrate into the roles we perform.

We asked some of our colleagues at The KPI Institute (TKI) about their unforgettable wins in 2021, and their answers show why excellence doesn’t happen overnight.


“I am most proud of being involved in auditing projects as I discovered my interest in analyzing the performance management systems of different companies. Right now, I am working on auditing the Islamic Development Bank. The second project I am proud of is the research conducted on higher education policies in which I had to look into how universities around the globe link the 17 SDGs to their activities and how the ones from Saudi Arabia can do that as well while being aligned with the Vision 2030.”

Aida Manea | Business Research Analyst, TKI Research 


“This year was amazing for me. I managed to accomplish two of my goals inside the company: to close an in-house project and to become an internal facilitator for our programs. My journey inside TKI is now clearer, and I know that I have all the opportunities to develop my skills and to become a better version of myself. I am thankful to be part of such a great team.”

Iulia Tutulan | Customer Engagement Specialist


“My best accomplishment would be having developed a new certified innovation course. This product was challenging because I was a new employee. I wasn’t aware of the process for developing a new course at TKI, but with the help of my manager and my colleagues, I was able to complete the project.”

Mai Ismail | Business Research Analyst, AMSI


“One of my largest accomplishment this year is synonymous with one of the TKI’s largest accomplishments, and it is the Live Online training programs’ success. Planning the calendar and managing the courses, trainers, schedule, and sales in real time are challenging. But there was great satisfaction when it ended on a VERY successful note!”

Alex Muntean | Head of Customer Engagement


“Forming a fabulous team and finishing two products: the Certified Innovation Professional Course and the Turnover Analysis Tool. An HR Maturity Model, 3 more analytical tools, and 3 more courses are on the way.”

Monica Marchis | Director of Research, AMSI


“That would be PIH – Lerero KPI Essentials project. To my knowledge, it was Lerero’s pilot project with a client and with more than 200 participants onboard to use it. The project is ongoing and while there is no 100% usage from the participants’ end, it gave me insights into the integration of Lerero into TKI’s training programs. The good relationship established with the client resulted to another project. Perhaps this can be also attributed to the good working relationships of the team involved in the project.”

Roxanne Mercado | Head of Instructional Design


“Having successfully coordinated the release of our collections of Top 25 KPIs reports, Top 10 KPIs posters, and KPI of the Month infographics. I was able to switch to the Publishing Department and be an active part of releasing new content for the company`s online and printed publication, Performance Magazine.”

Daniela Vuta | Senior Business Research Analyst, TKI Research


“While I was just new in the company, I consider following two as my biggest accomplishments: 1. Developed the concept of HR Maturity Model and contributed three articles to the ContentDrive21 program, all submitted in time.”

Manoj Dubey | Internal Consultant, AMSI


“The best thing about 2021 has been the achievement of a better congruence between personal and professional life (as opposed to 2020 that has been a crazy crazy crazy year).”

Vintila Raluca | Management Consultant, TKI Consulting


“My best accomplishments so far this year are the development of the KPI of the Month and the Data Analysis practitioner assignment. Even though I started my journey with TKI just a few months back, Cristina, Daniela, and Fadi trusted that I was efficient enough to complete the tasks within the given timeline. Preparing an assignment for a group of students is a bit challenging though. Still, I accomplished the given task, and I tried my best to present better content.”

Sirisha Kodukulla | Business Research Analyst, TKI Research


“My best accomplishment might not be that great but I ventured out of my comfort zone. I challenged myself to propose and build a new course in the field of CRM. I also had the opportunity to learn more about HR and Innovation.”

Besty Afrah Hasyati | Business Research Analyst, AMSI


“Having maintained and updated the training catalog 2022 with future jobs skills, built a database of evaluated bilingual facilitators, won a $109,600 proposal by SAR, and delivered three reading topics for Performance Magazine.”

Hebatullah Saeed Mousa | Coordinator, Skills Academy


“After my return from maternity leave, I have struggled to get new sales. Still, I managed to register around 40 participants for our courses, and I have a pending in-house project that is in the contract signing phase.”

Claudia Istratii | Customer Engagement Specialist, EMEA

Top 25 Finance KPIs: From Profitability to Portfolio Management

December 16th, 2021 Posted by Research 0 thoughts on “Top 25 Finance KPIs: From Profitability to Portfolio Management”

Finance KPIs help companies monitor their progress, determine where there are more financial benefits, identify areas in the organization that need more attention, and establish growth targets.

The KPI Institute’s The Top 25 Finance KPIs report unveils the most popular 25 KPIs used by global finance divisions throughout 2012 and 2020. Here is an excerpt from the report:

A strategically focused organization ensures that financial indicators track not only performance, but they also reveal trends, raise awareness to risk, and highlight business opportunities. Most of traditional financial metrics such as $ Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIDT), % Return on equity (ROE) and % Net profit margin are lagging KPIs and provide little leverage for a proactive management.

… The methodology used to advance this report consisted of ranking the KPI examples documented and published on, based on the number of views acquired in the period mentioned. The hundreds of thousands of visits to and the thousands
of KPIs visited, bookmarked and rated by members of the online community provided a rich data set, which combined with further analysis from The KPI Institute’s editorial team, formed a basis for the hereby presented research reports.

One of the most important benefits that this report brings is an international perspective on the most popular finance KPIs. They provide quantifiable measurement of the main components that lead to a successful finance strategy implementation. The documentation of KPIs compiles both academic insights and practitioner experience in working with these performance management tools.

Furthermore, Top 25 Finance KPIs – 2020 Edition provides a complete hands-on experience in working with KPIs as it contains not only 2 pages of detailed documentation for each KPI, but also interesting articles on best practices in terms of KPI selection and documentation.”

Based on the report, below are the Top 25 finance KPIs according to five subdivisions:

Asset / Portfolio Management KPIs

  • $ Loans and investments
  • % Management expense ratio (MER)

Financial Stability KPIs

  • % Capital acquisition ratio
  • % Bad debt write-offs from gross revenue
  • $ Debt-adjusted cash flow (DACF)
  • # Defensive interval ratio (DIR)
  • # Altman Z-Score (for privately held non-manufacturing companies)
  • # Altman Z-Score

Forecast and Valuation KPIs

  • $ Shareholders funds per employee
  • $ Economic value added (EVA)
  • % Capital reinvestment ratio
  • % Accurate forecasts of planned expenditure
  • % Cash flow return on investment (CFROI)

Liquidity KPIs

  • # Cash flow adequacy ratio
  • # Debt-service coverage ratio (DSCR)

Profitability KPIs

  • # Basic earning power ratio (BEP)
  • # Labor multiplier
  • % Return on funds employed (ROFE)
  • # Capital expenditure to sales ratio
  • % Return on net assets (RONA)
  • % Return on capital employed (ROCE)
  • $ Contribution margin
  • % Return on fixed assets
  • $ Net present value (NPV)
  • % Net profit margin

You can access the comprehensive profile of each KPI as well as exclusive in-practice recommendations by downloading the report here.

The KPI Institute’s Performance Management Training Calendar 2022 is Out Now

December 15th, 2021 Posted by Courses, E-learning, Events 0 thoughts on “The KPI Institute’s Performance Management Training Calendar 2022 is Out Now”


Committed to helping organizations stay ahead of the curve, The KPI Institute has released its Performance Management Training Calendar for 2022. It features the most popular live-online courses designed for professionals who want to discover their untapped potential, root out business challenges, and take their performance to the next level.

Virtual training opportunities are growing by leaps and bounds. Choosing the right course provider is a make or break factor for professionals who want to make smart investments in learning and achieve results,” said Roxana Barb, Head of Educational Programs at The KPI Institute.

“Our over 17 years of experience in the field of KPI research and the unparalleled credentials of our facilitators in strategy and performance management serve as the backbone of the professionalization roadmap of our course participants. Our mission has always been to help them become experts in their fields,” she added.

Each performance management training course is a blend of research-based lessons, structured knowledge, practical insights from highly experienced facilitators, industry perspectives, and solutions tailored to real-world situations. Participants can enjoy extensive access to learning resources, toolkits and frameworks, consultancy, and networks of professionals and experts in their respective fields.

  • CERTIFIED KPI PROFESSIONAL AND PRACTITIONER LIVE-ONLINE CERTIFICATION – This program is meant to improve the practical skills in working with KPIs and developing instruments like scorecards and dashboards. Participants will acquire a sound framework to measure KPIs, starting from the moment they are selected, until results are collected in performance reports.
  • CERTIFIED OKR PROFESSIONAL LIVE-ONLINE CERTIFICATION – This course teaches participants how to set and work with OKRs and offers them the opportunity to get certified on the ability to deploy and use OKRs in accordance with The KPI Institute’s standards, developed through extensive research and practical knowledge in the field of Performance Management and Objective Setting.
  • CERTIFIED STRATEGY AND BUSINESS PLANNING PROFESSIONAL LIVE-ONLINE CERTIFICATION – The course will help improve an organization’s business planning process and long-term organizational performance, through the use of strategic planning tools that will ultimately lead to smarter and quicker strategic decisions.
  • CERTIFIED PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONAL LIVE-ONLINE CERTIFICATION – This course offers insights and best practices for improving performance in different scenarios, from data analysis and reporting, decision making and initiative
    management, to building a performance culture.
  • CERTIFIED PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AUDIT PROFESSIONAL LIVE-ONLINE CERTIFICATION – This educational program presents a rigorous approach to diagnosing and auditing the maturity of performance architectures across 5 capabilities: strategic planning, performance measurement, performance management, performance culture, and employee performance management.
  • CERTIFIED EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONAL LIVE-ONLINE CERTIFICATION – Attendees will gain exposure to best practices and key concepts, and will learn how to establish and use criteria for performance evaluations, from the implementation stage, to the improvement and maintenance of the company’s employee performance management system.
  • CERTIFIED DATA ANALYSIS PROFESSIONAL LIVE-ONLINE CERTIFICATION – Attendants will understand through practical learning how to effectively collect, analyze, and interpret data by enabling managers/analysts to draw insights from both
    quantitative and qualitative data, based on historical statistics and trend analysis.
  • CERTIFIED DATA VISUALIZATION PROFESSIONAL LIVE-ONLINE CERTIFICATION – An exclusive framework that provides insights on effective visual communication, through a rigorous approach to creating visual representations of vast information,
    techniques of standardization, and tailored data visualization tools.
  • CERTIFIED BENCHMARKING PROFESSIONAL LIVE-ONLINE CERTIFICATION – Benchmarking’s methodological uniqueness is represented by the identification and analysis of the processes that lead to a company achieving superior performance,
    offering the opportunity to compare an organization’s performance against industry competitors.
  • CERTIFIED GOVERNANCE & COMPLIANCE AUDIT PROFESSIONAL LIVE-ONLINE CERTIFICATION – This course is a great opportunity to access the best practices in the field of Governance & Compliance, to gain the necessary knowledge and skills to diagnose and audit the maturity of this system, and to find the best solutions to achieve the next maturity level.
  • CERTIFIED BALANCED SCORECARD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROFESSIONAL LIVE-ONLINE CERTIFICATION – This course focuses on delivering all the information needed to fully comprehend the value of the Balanced Scorecard, as well as on developing the necessary skills for its successful implementation.
  • CERTIFIED INNOVATION PROFESSIONAL LIVE-ONLINE CERTIFICATION – This course provides an interactive practice-based learning environment, focusing on best practices for developing and maintaining an innovation-oriented organizational culture within organizations.
  • CERTIFIED SUPPLIER PERFORMANCE PROFESSIONAL LIVE-ONLINE CERTIFICATION – We will develop our participants’ skills in managing supplier performance and crafting a strategic approach to procurement, by enabling the identification of performance gaps and implementing action agreements with suppliers.
  • CERTIFIED AGILE STRATEGY EXECUTION PROFESSIONAL LIVE-ONLINE CERTIFICATION – The Certified Agile Strategy Execution Professional course reflects the best methodologies to leverage the benefits of deploying an integrated strategy and
    performance management framework within organizational settings.
  • CERTIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE PERFORMANCE PROFESSIONAL LIVE-ONLINE CERTIFICATION – Participants will not only understand the importance and implementation phases for the Customer Service Excellence standards, but they will be given the necessary tools to implement it internally and measure its impact externally.

To inquire about the courses and find out which suits your learning needs, contact:

For Middle East
Teodora Gorski
Managing Director MENA
E: [email protected]
M: +971 55 787 6427

For Asia Pacific
Sasikala Annamalai
Senior Business Development Manager
E: [email protected]
M: +60 12 591 1366

For the Rest of the World
Alexandru Muntean
Head of Customer Engagement
E: [email protected]
M: +40 747 060 997

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