Monthly Archives: July, 2023

maentae partners with The KPI Institute: a new course on using AI to increase business productivity

July 26th, 2023 Posted by Courses, Partnerships 0 thoughts on “maentae partners with The KPI Institute: a new course on using AI to increase business productivity”

In a mission to equip professionals with the skills and knowledge for navigating today’s business landscape, The KPI Institute joins forces with maentae, a progressive learning solution provider, to develop a course on harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI).

AI for Business Productivity online course, which is expected to launch this year, will offer participants the opportunity to learn the practical application of several AI tools to optimize various business functions guided by key learning objectives, including:

  • Gain a good understanding of the different use cases and applications of AI in business, including marketing, customer service, sales, operations, HR, and innovation
  • Learn how to identify the opportunities to adopt AI in your business
  • Learn how to integrate AI tools into your business 
  • Enhance your career prospects by acquiring in-demand skills in AI and demonstrating your ability to drive productivity and growth
  • Connect and interact with a community of like-minded professionals, looking to deepen their knowledge in emerging technologies, as well as expand their network and career opportunities

Throughout the course, participants will get access to real-world case studies and examples showcasing successful applications of AI in numerous industries and business functions as well as interactive modules with practical exercises.

This course features several  lessons covering various topics and business functions, such as marketing, sales, operations, customer relations, and human resources. The modules consist of specific use cases for AI tools and hands-on training to ensure participants will learn how to integrate the tools into business functions, and the overall business operations.

The KPI Institute, with 19 years of experience in providing solutions for performance excellence, invites decision-makers, stakeholders, business owners, and entrepreneurs to future-proof their businesses and increase adaptability.

maentae’s goal is to empower individuals at every skill level to thrive in the dynamic and ever-changing modern workforce. Its core values focus on the combination of science, art and technology—crafting curricula that transcend boundaries with a harmonious blend of academic research and practical insights.

Participants who complete the course will be awarded a certificate in AI for Business Productivity, which they can use to prove their knowledge and proficiency in using AI to boost efficiency and productivity in business. Get updates on the launch of the course by visiting the TKI Marketplace, or contact Alexandru Muntean, head of customer engagement: [email protected] +40 747 060 997.


High participant demand for Certified KPI Professional prompts simultaneous sessions

July 19th, 2023 Posted by Certification, Courses 0 thoughts on “High participant demand for Certified KPI Professional prompts simultaneous sessions”

In response to increased participant demand, The KPI Institute held two simultaneous versions of Certified KPI Professional Live Online on July 24 – 28, 2023. 

Tailored to meet the challenges faced by professionals in key performance indicator (KPI) selection and usage, the Certified KPI Professional course applies a robust KPI Measurement Framework that is built upon two decades of research and industry best practices. This course covers various aspects of working with KPIs,  from selection to result centralization in performance reports. 

The Certified KPI Professional course has consistently ranked among the top most popular courses offered by The KPI Institute. This program attracts professionals across all management levels and industries from different parts of the world. The lessons are delivered in different languages, such as English, Arabic and Spanish.

Throughout the training session, participants are equipped with the skills needed to manage KPIs and improve their current processes and systems. Moreover, this learning opportunity enables them to apply the learned concepts immediately within their organizations.

At the end of the course, participants are expected to distinguish between objectives, KPIs, and initiatives, document KPIs using a standardized template, understand the appropriate use of benchmarking for target-setting, and optimize the KPI activation and data-gathering process.

The benefits of enrolling in this course include access to relevant performance data, pre-populated tools for KPI implementation, an innovative three-stage learning process; the opportunity to join the Certified KPI Professionals Community; and 40 CPD credits.

Do not miss this opportunity and register now for Certified KPI Professional Live Online! For additional information and the course schedule, visit

Testimonials for the Certified KPI Professional program

“This certification is not only for seniors and businesses. It’s also about how you can think in a constructive way to set some measurements for your performance on a daily basis even in normal life. It’s a must.” – Senior Organization Excellence Specialist, ADES-Advanced Energy Systems, Egypt

“One of the best knowledge-filled courses I have ever attended. Don’t ever let anything or anyone take away your focus or attention from the sharing because the presenter is the best in the field.” – Deputy Director, Institute Aminuddin Baki, Malaysia

Slot Thailand The contents were well-organized and supported with guidance and schedule that helps me to navigate easily with the certification process.” – Quality Assurance Auditor, GDCME, Saudi Arabia


Enhancing supplier relationship through TKI’s Certified Supplier Performance Professional Program

July 12th, 2023 Posted by Certification, Courses 0 thoughts on “Enhancing supplier relationship through TKI’s Certified Supplier Performance Professional Program”

The KPI Institute defines supplier performance as the ability of the supplier to meet and surpass their commitments to international and quality standards, customer general or specific procurement policies and guidelines, and contract requirements. 

Effective management of supplier performance became crucial for fruitful partnerships due to the growing trend of outsourcing key supply chain activities, the risk associated with the vast and complex supply chain, and the risk posed by suppliers who fail to adhere to standards set by the industry.

To address the challenges affecting supplier performance today, The KPI Institute offers the Certified Supply Performance Professional course. It is designed to empower professionals to efficiently manage their procurement activity, utilize competitive advantage in supplier selection and evaluation, contribute significantly to procurement and strategic sourcing teams, and generate business value with a modern performance management framework.

The key objectives of this course are:

  • Developing and implementing a supplier selection process
  • Using different supplier segmentation models
  • Identifying risks and developing response strategies
  • Selecting relevant KPIs to monitor and improve supply chain performance
  • Implementing a rigorous supplier relationship strategy

Furthermore, participants will gain valuable insights through a dynamic learning experience that combines practical information delivery, well-designed activities, and real-life case studies. This course stands out by focusing on the practical aspects of supplier management, utilizing a comprehensive KPI development and monitoring framework, supported by a readily available performance toolkit. This approach fosters continuous interaction among participants and encourages knowledge sharing.

Thus, The KPI Institute invites all professionals in procurement, logistics, retail, manufacturing, distribution, and related fields, including buyers, procurement managers, and key accountants involved in procurement-related planning, management, and performance monitoring, aiming to enhance supplier performance and drive strategic and sustainable value for their organizations. Enroll now for Certified Supplier Performance Professional Live Online, which will be held on August 21 –  25, 2023 (18:00 – 22:00 GST/ 9:00 – 13:00 CST).

The course will be facilitated by Cristina Bleoca, a specialist in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management from Romania with over 10 years of experience in the automotive and FMCG industries. To know slot thailand more about this course, visit

TKI People Awards: getting to know more about the Employee of the Month awardees

July 5th, 2023 Posted by Awards, Employees 0 thoughts on “TKI People Awards: getting to know more about the Employee of the Month awardees”

In the vibrant corridors of an organization bustling with dynamic teams and ambitious projects, there exists a source of inspiration and a beacon of excellence. Each month, The KPI Institute (TKI) acknowledges the performance of individuals through the TKI People Awards.

The TKI People Awards series features the employees and teams recognized by TKI for going above and beyond expectations, excelling as team players, and creating a tremendous impact on the company.

In this article, TKI proudly introduces you to the esteemed employees of the month in February 2023. Learn about the awardees’ unique personal and professional interests and outstanding accomplishments, showing their incredible journey and invaluable contributions to the organization.



Daniela Vuta

Head of Publication

The KPI Institute


TKI: What do you want to do when you are not working? What are your hobbies, passions, or involvement in your community?

Daniela: When not working, I enjoy listening to music, reading and staying active. Also, I practice and hone my piano skills and experiment with different musical genres in my spare time. When I am not playing music, you can find my nose deep in a book, exploring different worlds and perspectives through literature. 

Moreover, I love hiking and jogging to stay fit and have fun outdoors. I enjoy the challenge of hiking up steep trails, taking in beautiful scenery and pushing myself to reach new heights. But I like to jog around my neighborhood or in the local park for a quick and energizing workout. 

TKI: What do you appreciate most about working at The KPI Institute?

Daniela: There are several aspects of my workplace that I value. My first example is a positive work culture. It also offers opportunities to improve my skills and advance my career through training programs, mentorship, and advancement opportunities, which I truly value. Nonetheless, feeling fairly compensated for my efforts is vital to job satisfaction. The KPI Institute is a company that provides competitive pay, benefits and opportunities for bonuses or other rewards. Lastly, working for the Institute allows me to achieve the work-life balance I have always aspired to. Flexible scheduling and remote work options are all valued perks that help me balance my personal and professional life.

TKI: What are you looking forward to in terms of your new projects, collaborations and role here at TKI?

Daniela: I am thrilled about the upcoming projects I will be working on, particularly the one that entails developing new publications that align with our mission of delivering comprehensive performance solutions backed by thorough research. I look forward to collaborating with my team members to develop more creative ideas, strategies and content that enhance decision-making, shed light on business practices, and provide valuable insights to our readers. 

In terms of my role in the organization, I am eager to take on more leadership responsibilities and contribute to the growth and success of the company. Overall, I am excited about the opportunities ahead and cannot wait to see what we can achieve together.



Abdallah Diab

Human Resources Information System Specialist



TKI: What do you want to do when you are not working? What are your hobbies, passions, or involvement in your community?

Abdallah: Outside of working hours, I am usually either swimming as part of my workout routine, reading from my collection of books, watching Netflix, or spending time with family and friends when possible. Hopefully, I could travel again during the summer vacation and use my time off. Moreover, my hobbies include playing chess, drawing and Arabic calligraphy.

TKI: What do you appreciate most about working at The KPI Institute?

Abdallah: I mostly appreciate the work culture at TKI and my colleagues, especially the ILMS Research Leadership team members, who encourage me to pursue particular projects and support me. They pave the way for my growth and provide opportunities to experiment with specific initiatives I take. Also, I value my team members’ trust in me to bring improvements and change to the team in achieving overall efficiency and reaching targets and goals.

TKI: What are you looking forward to in terms of your new projects, collaborations, and role here at TKI?

Abdallah: I look forward to expanding my knowledge, learning more, and upskilling myself in diverse areas when possible, especially in data management and human resource and performance practices. 



Indita Sindaran

Admin Assistant



TKI: What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Indita: Getting the Employee of the Month award means a lot to me! It is like a big pat on the back for all the effort and commitment I put into my job. It is awesome to know that my hard work has not gone unnoticed and that my colleagues and manager appreciate what I do. This recognition boosts my confidence and makes me even more determined to keep up the good work. Overall, it is really a special honor that puts a big smile on my face.

TKI: What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Indita: My favorite accomplishment is getting guests consistently for the cluster I am assigned to. Moreover, I keep my projects to be the most organized.

TKI: When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Indita: Whenever I face challenges, discussing it and brainstorming to find a solution with fellow Admin Assistants (AAs) or the direct manager always works.

TKI: What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Indita: The three main career lessons I have learned while working at LMSL are as follows: (1) a good companion should always be appreciated, especially in hard times, (2) set a schedule before you do anything to avoid overworking, and (3) resting your eyes after a prolonged time staring at your computer screen is essential to keep you healthy— physically and mentally.



Sarika Fitri 

Business Analyst



TKI: What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Sarika: The Employee of the Month award means recognition and validation for exceptional dedication and performance.

TKI: What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Sarika: My favorite accomplishment so far would be having to work with colleagues from around the world.

TKI: When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Sarika: We are currently witnessing remarkable growth in the artificial intelligence (AI) industry. So, nowadays, I utilize ChatGPT to find a solution to the challenge I am facing and then seek further opinions from my colleagues working globally.

TKI: What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Sarika: Slot Thailand The importance of engaging in networking, possessing soft skills like adaptability, and embracing the culture of continuous learning.

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