Posts tagged "Certified KPI Professional"

Certified KPI Professional: using KPIs to drive business growth and impact

February 7th, 2024 Posted by Certification 0 thoughts on “Certified KPI Professional: using KPIs to drive business growth and impact”

In the era of information abundance, the challenge lies in determining which data drives informed decision-making. The ability to effectively measure and track performance has become essential in achieving business objectives and maintaining a competitive edge.

Yet, if you are uncertain about what to measure, how can you truly gauge your progress?

This is where key performance indicators (KPIs) step in as invaluable tools.

Course overview

The Certified KPI Professional course of The KPI Institute equips professionals with the expertise to construct a sound KPI measurement framework, from selection to centralized reporting of results

This comprehensive training program draws upon 19 years of research in KPIs and real-world best practices.

Participants can explore the transformative capabilities of KPIs and empower their organization with data-driven decision-making. They will learn to customize a measurement framework that aligns with their unique needs and know exactly where they stand on the path to success by reaching the course’s learning objectives:

  • Differentiate between objectives, KPIs and initiatives;
  • Gain insights into KPI selection within different contexts;
  • Apply best practice techniques for selecting KPIs;
  • Document KPIs in a standardized template;
  • Learn when and how to use benchmarking in target setting;
  • Optimize the KPI activation and data-gathering process.

Benefits and importance

By becoming a member of the international Certified KPI Professionals Community, you access a wealth of benefits, including:

  • Access to relevant performance data for informed decision-making;
  • Pre-populated tools facilitating KPI Measurement Framework implementation (10+ templates);
  • An innovative learning experience with a three-stage educational process;
  • Expanded business network;
  • 40 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credits to include in the CPD records for your professional body, institute, regulator, or employer.

Course structure and methodology

The course encompasses a three-stage educational process with an expected duration of 40 hours:

  1. Pre-course stage: This stage ensures a seamless transition into the training program. You will assess your current skills, engage with fellow participants through an interactive online forum, and lay the groundwork for a collaborative learning journey.
  2. Core-course stage: Participants can choose between attending live online sessions or engaging in face-to-face interactions. They will engage in experiential learning and a high level of interactivity, complete their Individual Learning Maps, and undertake the certification exam.
  3. After-course stage: Here, participants will engage in thought-provoking forum discussions and explore additional readings. They will be able to develop an actionable plan tailored to their organization’s needs.

The Certified KPI Professional course also provides participants with templates used in working with KPIs that will amplify their expertise in KPI management, including the Desired State of Evolution, Strategy Map, Performance Scorecard, and Performance Management System Architecture.

Course structure and methodology

The course encompasses a three-stage educational process with an expected duration of 40 hours:

  1. Pre-course stage: This stage ensures a seamless transition into the training program. You will assess your current skills, engage with fellow participants through an interactive online forum, and lay the groundwork for a collaborative learning journey.
  2. Core-course stage: Participants can choose between attending live online sessions or engaging in face-to-face interactions. They will engage in experiential learning and a high level of interactivity, complete their Individual Learning Maps, and undertake the certification exam.
  3. After-course stage: Here, participants will engage in thought-provoking forum discussions and explore additional readings. They will be able to develop an actionable plan tailored to their organization’s needs.

The Certified KPI Professional course also provides participants with templates used in working with KPIs that will amplify their expertise in KPI management, including the Desired State of Evolution, Strategy Map, Performance Scorecard, and Performance Management System Architecture.

Course syllabus

The core course comprises 10 learning modules:

  1. The world of KPIs
  2. Understanding KPIs
  3. KPI typology
  4. KPI taxonomy
  5. KPI selection
  6. KPIs in context
  7. KPI documentation
  8. Working with targets
  9. Data gathering
  10. Data visualization

Flexible learning options

The course is offered frequently in several languages to accommodate everyone’s schedule and language preferences.

Certification and recognition

Upon completion, participants will receive the following certificates (soft copy):

  • Certificate of Attendance: for course sessions participation;
  • Certificate of Completion: after fulfilling pre-course activities and passing the Certification Exam;
  • Certified Professional Diploma: upon successfully completing all three stages of the learning experience, as well as the full payment received by the contractor;
  • CPD Certificate of Attendance: provided once you achieve Professional Status.

It’s time to maximize your organization’s potential through effective performance measurement. Become a certified KPI professional and enroll today!


For any inquiries or further information, feel free to reach out:

Adrian Brudan

General Manager – TKI EMEA

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn Profile: adrianbrudan

WhatsApp: 004 0721 233 084


High participant demand for Certified KPI Professional prompts simultaneous sessions

July 19th, 2023 Posted by Certification, Courses 0 thoughts on “High participant demand for Certified KPI Professional prompts simultaneous sessions”

In response to increased participant demand, The KPI Institute held two simultaneous versions of Certified KPI Professional Live Online on July 24 – 28, 2023. 

Tailored to meet the challenges faced by professionals in key performance indicator (KPI) selection and usage, the Certified KPI Professional course applies a robust KPI Measurement Framework that is built upon two decades of research and industry best practices. This course covers various aspects of working with KPIs,  from selection to result centralization in performance reports. 

The Certified KPI Professional course has consistently ranked among the top most popular courses offered by The KPI Institute. This program attracts professionals across all management levels and industries from different parts of the world. The lessons are delivered in different languages, such as English, Arabic and Spanish.

Throughout the training session, participants are equipped with the skills needed to manage KPIs and improve their current processes and systems. Moreover, this learning opportunity enables them to apply the learned concepts immediately within their organizations.

At the end of the course, participants are expected to distinguish between objectives, KPIs, and initiatives, document KPIs using a standardized template, understand the appropriate use of benchmarking for target-setting, and optimize the KPI activation and data-gathering process.

The benefits of enrolling in this course include access to relevant performance data, pre-populated tools for KPI implementation, an innovative three-stage learning process; the opportunity to join the Certified KPI Professionals Community; and 40 CPD credits.

Do not miss this opportunity and register now for Certified KPI Professional Live Online! For additional information and the course schedule, visit

Testimonials for the Certified KPI Professional program

“This certification is not only for seniors and businesses. It’s also about how you can think in a constructive way to set some measurements for your performance on a daily basis even in normal life. It’s a must.” – Senior Organization Excellence Specialist, ADES-Advanced Energy Systems, Egypt

“One of the best knowledge-filled courses I have ever attended. Don’t ever let anything or anyone take away your focus or attention from the sharing because the presenter is the best in the field.” – Deputy Director, Institute Aminuddin Baki, Malaysia

Slot Thailand The contents were well-organized and supported with guidance and schedule that helps me to navigate easily with the certification process.” – Quality Assurance Auditor, GDCME, Saudi Arabia


Top 5 Most Popular Live-Online Training Certifications at The KPI Institute

January 4th, 2022 Posted by Certification, Courses, Events 0 thoughts on “Top 5 Most Popular Live-Online Training Certifications at The KPI Institute”

If 2020 was the year for survival mode, 2021 was the year for adapting to changes that came our way. Adaptability is not just about keeping up with modern technologies and trends. It’s more about how we use them to accelerate change and foster a culture of innovation in the workplace, and this won’t be possible without valuing learning and development.

That is why The KPI Institute continues to deliver quality live-online certification programs in strategy and performance management. These learning sessions are designed to help organizations and professionals address business challenges, gain competencies, and achieve results.  They are packed with tools, frameworks, resources, exercises, and expert recommendations.

Before we put 2021 behind us, let us revisit the courses that made a mark on you. According to our data, here are the top live-online training programs of The KPI Institute that received the highest number of participants last year.

  1. KPI Certified Professional and Practitioner: “Embedding more than 15 years of research, this educational program will provide you the necessary knowledge and skills to differentiate yourself from other professionals through a rigorous and structured approach to measuring performance.”
  2. Strategy and Business Planning Professional Certification: “The course aims to offer participants a chance to build up a strategic mind-frame, understand key strategy planning concepts, use strategy planning tools, in individual and team exercises, and reflect on the best practices in the field through case studies and debates.”
  3. Balanced Scorecard Management System Professional Certification: “The training course provides the pillars, tools, and resources required for an immediate application and Balanced Scorecard Management System in your own organization.”
  4.  Certified Performance Management Professional and Practitioner Certifications: In this course, participants will “Obtain a premium recognition for your competencies both as a professional and practitioner to demonstrate your ability to monitor and improve current performance levels in different scenarios, in a standardized and effective manner.”
  5. Certified OKR Professional: “The three-day course trains participants in how to set and work with OKRs and offers them the opportunity to get certified on the ability to deploy and use OKRs in accordance.”

To learn more about other certification programs, check out the Performance Management Training Calendar 2022.

get certified

Get Certified as a Performance Management Systems Audit Professional

July 30th, 2021 Posted by E-learning 0 thoughts on “Get Certified as a Performance Management Systems Audit Professional”

The KPI Institute’s Certified Performance Management Systems Audit Professional Online Training Course is a self-paced online certification program where you will learn how to assess and compare performance management systems. 

The course is based on The KPI Institute’s trademarked Maturity Model Framework and taps into more than 10 years worth of research on the use, improvement, and management of maturity models, for an institution’s capability maturity diagnosis. 

The KPI Institute, which has training experience in delivering more than 1,000 training programs for 6,536 professionals in 54 countries, allows participants to access the course in two ways: by attending a Live Online Delivery or a self-paced training layout on The KPI Institute’s E-learning Platform.

This four-part certification program is packed with core course videos, exercises and reading materials, templates, after-course action plans, webinars, presentations and forum discussions, and an evaluation session for a complete learning experience.

Cristina Mihailoaie brings her years of expertise into the facilitation of the course. As The KPI Institute’s research director, Mihailoaie has coordinated the performance management audits for renowned organizations, such as Nordea IT Group, MEFIC Capital, King Saud University Medical City, and Financial Audit Dubai. She was also involved in multiple projects for implementing a performance management system based on a Balanced Scorecard at strategic, operational, and individual levels.

After taking the course, you would be able to:

  • Ensure you have the right tools, processes, and people in the right place for your Performance Management System;
  • Identify the weaknesses of your current Performance Management Framework and learn how to shift from one maturity level to the next one;                                           
  • Conduct a full maturity assessment for one organization by accessing for free our full methodology (all 5 capabilities);                                                                   
  • Obtain premium recognition for your skills as a Certified Performance Audit Professional.

Don’t miss out on the chance to become a Certified Professional Auditor in Performance Management Systems

Enroll today and find out more details about the Certified Performance Management Systems Audit Professional online training course HERE.



The C-KPI Live Online Course is steamrolling through August & September

July 24th, 2020 Posted by E-learning 0 thoughts on “The C-KPI Live Online Course is steamrolling through August & September”

Online learning has been around for quite some time, however, 2020 has made it a mainstay of the educational industry. People need information & knowledge, and with the advent of greater and more advanced technology, companies flocked to the online environment in order to meet this demand.c-kpi

We, at The KPI Institute, have been delivering a series of online courses, for many years now. Nevertheless, when we saw the disruption caused by this year’s unfortunate events, we knew we had to step up our game and embrace the newfound reality of online learning. As we stepped deeper and deeper into this world, we found a great number of people, ready to join us in this journey.

As a result, we have increased our live online course offer fourfold and began localizing several of them in Arabic, French or Spanish, with a few other languages to follow.

However, even though we’ve noticed a substantial increase in interest for our courses in general, one of them stands taller than the rest – the Certified Key Performance Indicator Professional (C-KPI) course.

If you’re someone that in any way has to deal with KPIs or performance measurement indicators, as some people call them, and you’re uncertain how to go about managing this process, we’d be delighted to help you out. Our C-KPI course is designed to help you understand KPI measurement challenges and provide the most appropriate ways of addressing them.

Did you know?

The KPI management process includes actions such as: selecting KPIs, documenting them in a standardized template, optimizing their activation and data gathering process, embedding them into scorecards & dashboards, crafting a KPI implementation plan, creating a value driver concept map and KPI reports.

That’s not even all of it, but we can go further in-depth during the course!

As companies look to attain a more structured approach to managing their processes and performance, KPIs offer that opportunity, provided they are managed properly.

Are KPIs really booming?

Short answer – yes. Long answer? Well, we’d rather show you. Here’s our C-KPI calendar for the next upcoming weeks:


Even though we’ve got quite a busy schedule ahead of us, our doors will always be open to anyone who wants to join. Education is knowledge and knowledge is power, but not the sorcery kind of power. What we endow our attendees with is the magical ability to bring improvement into existence, by virtue of skill, focus, the power of will (and information, sprinkled all over).

Managing a business is not an easy feat. We understand this, which is why we’ve made it our mission to help those who want to see their organization succeed against any challenges, whether internal or external.

If there’s any doubt in your mind about the utility of a process, the reasoning behind a decision, or the fairness of a choice, join us, so that we may provide an answer to your queries.

Don’t forget – improvement is just one step in front of us; why not tread forward?


Multiple TKI Live Online certification courses now available in Arabic

July 23rd, 2020 Posted by E-learning 0 thoughts on “Multiple TKI Live Online certification courses now available in Arabic”

Excellence is a product of knowledge that has been molded and adapted as each situation saw fit. We at The KPI Institute pride ourselves on delivering excellence with each of our courses. online

Since our transition into the online environment, we have seen growing interest in our Arabic-delivered courses. We used to only feature one of our courses in Arabic, namely the Certified KPI Professional course, but now we have decided to increase the roster of certification opportunities available in Arabic.

As a result, all of the following live online courses now feature a standalone version, in Arabic:

  • Certified Strategy and Business Planning Professional
  • Certified Balanced Scorecard Management System Professional
  • Certified Performance Management Professional
  • Certified Data Analysis Professional
  • Certified Data Visualization Professional
  • Certified KPI Professional

You can become a certified Performance Management practitioner, from the comfort of your home. Excellence and improvement know no boundaries, no restraints and no barriers.

In the pursuit of greatness, we have to overcome all of the challenges laid before us. We have decided to meet our attendees half-way and provide a customized, tailored learning experience, which answers their needs to a tee. Meet attractive and sexy yerevan escort girls who can make your stay in the city unforgettably perfect.

If you are located in the Arab world, and wish to add your name to the ranks of all those holding a worldwide recognized certification from The KPI Institute, consider joining any of our live online courses. Excellence is just a click away!


Course Stories: Delivering C-KPIP Course with VSMC

January 3rd, 2020 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “Course Stories: Delivering C-KPIP Course with VSMC”

Between the 24th and 28th of November, our Management Consultant, Raluca Vintila, was engaged in a 5-day training project in Doha, Qatar. It was the first open training course organized in Qatar, and we were delighted at the opportunity of engaging with this enthusiastic group of professionals and practitioners.vsmc

The training course was particularly interesting, given the attendees’ diverse backgrounds, ranging from real estate and finance, to manufacturing and healthcare. Diversity at its best! Therefore, we were able to learn from a variety of environments about how to apply performance measurement principles and best practices.

The project, supported by Vision Strategy Management Consulting – VSMC, combined 2 programs into a single learning experience: the Certified KPI Professional (3 days) and the Certified KPI Practitioner (2 days).

Course Journal

The Certified KPI Professional (day 1 – 3)

The first 3 days were dedicated to setting up a common foundation in working with KPIs, as well as having an aligned understanding of the associated concepts and basic practices.

Generally speaking, the group had a bit of experience in working with such systems, as some participants were already operating a Performance Management System based on KPIs, while others didn’t even have a system in place yet.

Therefore, an opportunity arose, to both learn how to set up a system from scratch and identify possible system enhancements.

The Certified KPI Practitioner (day 4 and 5)

Given that the foundation built in the first 3 days, with the help of VSMC, included a wide range of examples, from a variety of functional areas and industries, which brought all the pieces together, we focused on a single case study.

This was used to provide context in applying all the fresh learning takeaways of the professional training course, in a practical fashion, because that’s what practitioners do – they gain knowledge and make the most out of it by applying it.

Why, you may ask yourselves? Well, to be at peak informational performance, so that when everyone returns to their organizations, they are equipped not only with newfound knowledge, but also a practical sense of how to implement it.

Moreover, while our course should have ended at this stage, we decided to top off the learning experience by simulating a performance review meeting. The purpose was to showcase the managerial side of KPIs, as oftentimes they only get associated with measurement, calculations and technicalities.

Overall, it’s been an enchanting and enriching experience, due to the attendees’ high level of involvement into all of the exercises, case studies and role plays.

Special thanks to VSMC, for enabling our vision to become a reality – empowering the world, in order to achieve performance excellence!

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Course News – a TKI & NOTERKO Partnership in Dakar, Senegal

December 11th, 2019 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “Course News – a TKI & NOTERKO Partnership in Dakar, Senegal”

Between the 26th – 28th of November, 2019, The KPI Institute, in partnership with NoterKo, has successfully organized the first ever edition of our worldwide renowned course – The Certified KPI Professional, delivered in French, in Dakar – Senegal, customized for the country’s national sanitation utility, ONAS.noterko

NoterKo is a Dakar-based, Management Consulting firm, that focuses on revolutionizing the customer care sector in Senegal. The objective of NoterKo is to allow Senegalese clients to objectively evaluate the services provided by local private and public institutions, alongside positively impacting the quality of life of the local community.

In regard to the course itself, The Certified KPI Professional – C-KPI for short, opened a comprehensive world of new insights into how businesses can & should strive for a continuous optimization of their performance operations and performance management processes.

During the 3-day learning experience, top ranking executives of the organization had the opportunity of being guided by one of our foremost consultants, Andrea Minelli.

The attendees, via a combination of theoretical notions and hands-on-practice exercises and case studies, had the possibility of better understanding and practicing the following concepts:

  • How to strategically select relevant KPIs and why;
  • How to align strategic objectives and KPIs among different organizational layers;
  • How to benefit from a sound Performance Management Architecture and Framework;

The course had 10 participants, mostly Senior Managers, such as HR Vice President, Senior Purchasing Managers, Maintenance Managers, Internal Audit Managers, IT Managers, Quality Assurance Managers and several other key governance figures.

Course Journal

This in-house course was organized with the purpose of disseminating best practices via both theoretical and practical knowledge, associated with performance measurement and management practices.

Day I

During the first day of the course, participants were exposed to several concepts associated with KPIs, the Performance Management Architecture and most importantly, how to build a proper framework that will set up a sound foundation for the system per se.

We made several constructive comparisons between the client’s current Performance Management System and globally known best practices.

Day II

During the second day, we chose a more hands-on practice approach, whereby participants worked in different groups and focused their efforts on understanding and applying the best techniques associated with KPI selection, and how to strategically align KPIs & corporate objectives, among all the organizational layers.


As the final day approached, the participants discussed about the importance of not only selecting KPIs, but of also implementing best practices in setting up realistic, yet challenging targets for each KPI. A customized simulation was created in order for the participants to apply those practices in their own organizational contexts.

The final session ended with a thorough discussion about the alignment of individual KPIs with the corporate objectives, and being able to measure the contribution that each division head will have to achieve in order to match the aforementioned objectives.

Overall, the course achieved its goal of showcasing to all of its attendees, who serve as senior managers in their respective organizations, how to implement best practices within their own Performance Management System Frameworks.noterko

Want to know more about Performance Measurement and Management?

As performance is a continuous concern for organizations, do not hesitate to contact us and we will be more than pleased to assist you throughout your performance measurement and management journey!

If you are interested in improving the maturity of your performance measurement and management practices currently implemented in your organization, be sure to visit our training calendar and assess what best suits your learning requirements.

Among the main key Business Benefits for attendees interested in the C-KPI course are:

  • Improve the performance of your company by practicing a sound framework for KPI measurement;
  • Obtain better business results by selecting the right KPIs to monitor for your company;
  • Generate value from using KPIs by optimizing the data collection process.
  • Implement best practices that lead to an organizational culture that is performance-oriented

Otherwise, if a customized training course best suits your needs and you would like to know more details about it, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information at:

Cosmin Chindris
Director Global Partnerships
[email protected]

Wishing you best of performance!


Course Stories: 6th training for Valeo Egypt in KPI Management

October 16th, 2019 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “Course Stories: 6th training for Valeo Egypt in KPI Management”

August has been a very active month for Raluca Vintilă, one of TKI’s most experienced management consultants. Engaging into Egypt, conducting consultations in Kuala Lumpur and then putting up a stellar performance in Peru, Raluca’s dedication to performance management and improving performance in general deserves a tremendous amount of respect and recognition.


The KPI Institute would not be the same without such exemplary individuals, carrying our banner forward, pushing companies to overcome challenges and become the best versions of themselves.

6th training for Valeo Egypt in KPI Management

Raluca begun her adventure in Egypt, where she delivered the 6th edition of our Certified KPI Professional training course, as an in-house session for Valeo Egypt. She’s become so accustomed to the environment and their team that oftentimes, she feels that she will most likely end up being part of Valeo’s team.

While most people attending had a lot of positive feedback, her favorite parts about this training were the following two sentiments:

  • “This training has been mind-twister in Performance Measurement.”
  • “This course is really great & an eye-opener on how to effectively visualize KPIs.”

A newly inserted part in this training edition was the review of Valeo’s KPIs, from the 2018 Integrated Report. The review has been conducted according to the standards of the Key Performance Indicators Management Framework v2.0.

Participants found highly attractive the Value Flow Analysis in the KPI Selection session. Moreover, one of the most appreciated Performance Management Tools used during the session and which are also part of the TKI Toolkit were the Scorecard and KPI Documentation Form.

Looking forward to checking what Valeo’s potential 7th group finds most attractive in the Certified KPI Professional training course.


Course Stories – TKI comes home Down Under – Sydney

October 2nd, 2019 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “Course Stories – TKI comes home Down Under – Sydney”

Between the 13th – 15th May and 28th – 30th August 2019, The KPI Institute has successfully organized two new editions of our worldwide renowned course – The Certified KPI Professional in Australia’s most vibrant city,

Regarding the course itself, The Certified KPI Professional, C-KPI for short, brought a comprehensive new world of insights into how organizations can and should strive for a continuous optimization of their performance operation and performance management processes.

 “A fantastic and well-structured course, which really puts into perspective how to effectively set up KPIs for your organization. Very relevant, easily understood and very applicable to my field of work. It is highly recommended”. – Jane Rowe, ACT NoWaste, Transport Canberra & City Services

During the 3-day learning experience, the 13 attendees, as Performance Specialists, General Managers and Directors of several Australian-based organizations from the Utilities, Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals and Government Sector, had the opportunity of being guided by one of our foremost consultants, Andrea Minelli.

The attendees, via a combination of theoretical notions and hands-on-practice exercises and case studies, had the possibility to better understand and practice the following concepts:

  • What is a Performance Management Framework and how to bring it to life;
  • How to strategically select the relevant KPIs and why;
  • How to implement best practices associated with the selection of relevant KPis;
  • How to set realistic yet challenging targets;
  • Ensuring the creation of a sound performance framework supporting a performance-oriented culture.


The course is hands-on practice and extremely useful, with relevant topics and materials. It allowed us to find performance mistakes that we often do when we manage our departments or teams. Very impressed with the presenter, Andrea.” – Denis Nascimben, Sydney Water

Course Journal

This certification course has provided a solid theoretical and hands-on practical foundation on how to optimize all the tools that are part of the performance management system.

Day I

During the first day of the learning experience, participants have been exposed to several concepts associated with KPIs, the Performance Management Architecture and most importantly, building a proper Framework that will set up a sound foundation of the system per se.

Constructive comparisons were made between the performance management system currently implemented within the participants’ organization and the best practices found at an international level.

Day II

The second day featured a full-on hands-on approach, where participants worked in different groups and focused their efforts on understanding and applying best techniques associated with KPI selection and how to strategically align, KPIs and corporate objectives among all the organizational layers.

Understanding the behind-the-scenes of the KPIs selection process was a primary source of discussion among attendees.


As the final day approached, participants discussed about the importance of not only selecting KPIs, but also of implementing best practices in setting up realistic, yet challenging targets for each KPI.

A customized simulation was created in order for the participants to apply those practices in their own organizational contexts.

Overall, the course has offered participants, all in senior managerial positions, the chance to practice implementing some of the best practices found at a global level, within their own Performance Management System Frameworks.

“The KPI training course is exceptionally important for anyone who would like to know more about their business, how to set their objectives and, most importantly, how to achieve them. The facilitator delivered the message, easily but effectively, allowing us to understand the subject matter and above all, how to efficiently implement the knowledge gained. Highly recommended”. – Musawath Shams Zahedee, Radiant Pharmaceuticals

Want to know more about Performance Measurement and Management?

As performance is a continuous concern for organizations, do not hesitate to contact us and we will be more than pleased to assist you throughout your performance measurement and management journey!

If you are interested in improving the maturity of your performance measurement and management practices currently implemented in your organization, be sure to visit our training calendar and assess what best suits your learning requirements.

Among the key Business Benefits for attendees interested in  Performance Managements courses are:

  • Improve the performance of your company by practicing a sound framework for KPI measurement;
  • Obtain better business results by selecting the right KPIs to monitor for your company;
  • Generate value from using KPIs by optimizing the data collection process.
  • Implement best practices that lead to an organizational culture that is performance-oriented
  • Ensure a robust alignment between the strategic objectives and the KPI measurement framework.

Otherwise, if a customized training course best suits your needs and time-frame and you would like to know more details about it, please do not hesitate to contact Andrea Minelli, directly at [email protected].

Wishing you best of performance!

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