Performance Management for the Public Sector in Kuala Lumpur

Fast forward after Egypt, Raluca landed in Kuala Lumpur, where a team of 20 delegates, part of Kuala Lumpur’s Ministry of Economy and Finance, dedicated to the Public Financial Management Reform Program, had the chance to explore The KPI Institute’s Performance Management training course, between the 12th – 14th of August, 2019. The training session included public sector examples, best practices and case studies.kuala lumpur

During the 3-day session, there were a ton of interesting debates and discussions around the various elements covered in our course, however here is a quick top 3 of the most appreciated training sections:

  • Performance management concepts: 13 popular concepts were differentiated; this section was particularly useful, as people tended to interpret matters in very different ways from the concepts;
  • The Balanced Scorecard being the main tool to operate a PMS based on KPIs;
  • Performance Management Simulation: collected data for KPIs results, compiled the performance scorecard, conducted the meeting to enable the decision-making process around KPI results and addressed initiatives to improve performance results, after which we documented the initiatives agreed upon during the meeting. WOW!

Our target during this learning experience in Kuala Lumpur was to ensure that all of the information shared with our attendees would provide them with meaningful methods of dealing with their daily challenges. We never aim to provide a theoretical response to a theoretical issue. Therefore, whenever we receive feedback like the following, it truly warms our hearts because we know we’re helping in making a difference:

  • “These sessions are very useful and interesting because I can apply all of this information to my current job.”
  • “I have gained a lot of input and experience from the “Performance Management” course, enough to be confident to apply at my work. Good course outline, straightforward and practical case studies and exercises.”
The KPI Institute October 17th, 2019 Events Tags: ,