TKI People Awards: getting to know more about the Employee of the Month awardees

In the vibrant corridors of an organization bustling with dynamic teams and ambitious projects, there exists a source of inspiration and a beacon of excellence. Each month, The KPI Institute (TKI) acknowledges the performance of individuals through the TKI People Awards.

The TKI People Awards series features the employees and teams recognized by TKI for going above and beyond expectations, excelling as team players, and creating a tremendous impact on the company.

In this article, TKI proudly introduces you to the esteemed employees of the month in February 2023. Learn about the awardees’ unique personal and professional interests and outstanding accomplishments, showing their incredible journey and invaluable contributions to the organization.



Daniela Vuta

Head of Publication

The KPI Institute


TKI: What do you want to do when you are not working? What are your hobbies, passions, or involvement in your community?

Daniela: When not working, I enjoy listening to music, reading and staying active. Also, I practice and hone my piano skills and experiment with different musical genres in my spare time. When I am not playing music, you can find my nose deep in a book, exploring different worlds and perspectives through literature. 

Moreover, I love hiking and jogging to stay fit and have fun outdoors. I enjoy the challenge of hiking up steep trails, taking in beautiful scenery and pushing myself to reach new heights. But I like to jog around my neighborhood or in the local park for a quick and energizing workout. 

TKI: What do you appreciate most about working at The KPI Institute?

Daniela: There are several aspects of my workplace that I value. My first example is a positive work culture. It also offers opportunities to improve my skills and advance my career through training programs, mentorship, and advancement opportunities, which I truly value. Nonetheless, feeling fairly compensated for my efforts is vital to job satisfaction. The KPI Institute is a company that provides competitive pay, benefits and opportunities for bonuses or other rewards. Lastly, working for the Institute allows me to achieve the work-life balance I have always aspired to. Flexible scheduling and remote work options are all valued perks that help me balance my personal and professional life.

TKI: What are you looking forward to in terms of your new projects, collaborations and role here at TKI?

Daniela: I am thrilled about the upcoming projects I will be working on, particularly the one that entails developing new publications that align with our mission of delivering comprehensive performance solutions backed by thorough research. I look forward to collaborating with my team members to develop more creative ideas, strategies and content that enhance decision-making, shed light on business practices, and provide valuable insights to our readers. 

In terms of my role in the organization, I am eager to take on more leadership responsibilities and contribute to the growth and success of the company. Overall, I am excited about the opportunities ahead and cannot wait to see what we can achieve together.



Abdallah Diab

Human Resources Information System Specialist



TKI: What do you want to do when you are not working? What are your hobbies, passions, or involvement in your community?

Abdallah: Outside of working hours, I am usually either swimming as part of my workout routine, reading from my collection of books, watching Netflix, or spending time with family and friends when possible. Hopefully, I could travel again during the summer vacation and use my time off. Moreover, my hobbies include playing chess, drawing and Arabic calligraphy.

TKI: What do you appreciate most about working at The KPI Institute?

Abdallah: I mostly appreciate the work culture at TKI and my colleagues, especially the ILMS Research Leadership team members, who encourage me to pursue particular projects and support me. They pave the way for my growth and provide opportunities to experiment with specific initiatives I take. Also, I value my team members’ trust in me to bring improvements and change to the team in achieving overall efficiency and reaching targets and goals.

TKI: What are you looking forward to in terms of your new projects, collaborations, and role here at TKI?

Abdallah: I look forward to expanding my knowledge, learning more, and upskilling myself in diverse areas when possible, especially in data management and human resource and performance practices. 



Indita Sindaran

Admin Assistant



TKI: What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Indita: Getting the Employee of the Month award means a lot to me! It is like a big pat on the back for all the effort and commitment I put into my job. It is awesome to know that my hard work has not gone unnoticed and that my colleagues and manager appreciate what I do. This recognition boosts my confidence and makes me even more determined to keep up the good work. Overall, it is really a special honor that puts a big smile on my face.

TKI: What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Indita: My favorite accomplishment is getting guests consistently for the cluster I am assigned to. Moreover, I keep my projects to be the most organized.

TKI: When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Indita: Whenever I face challenges, discussing it and brainstorming to find a solution with fellow Admin Assistants (AAs) or the direct manager always works.

TKI: What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Indita: The three main career lessons I have learned while working at LMSL are as follows: (1) a good companion should always be appreciated, especially in hard times, (2) set a schedule before you do anything to avoid overworking, and (3) resting your eyes after a prolonged time staring at your computer screen is essential to keep you healthy— physically and mentally.



Sarika Fitri 

Business Analyst



TKI: What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Sarika: The Employee of the Month award means recognition and validation for exceptional dedication and performance.

TKI: What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Sarika: My favorite accomplishment so far would be having to work with colleagues from around the world.

TKI: When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Sarika: We are currently witnessing remarkable growth in the artificial intelligence (AI) industry. So, nowadays, I utilize ChatGPT to find a solution to the challenge I am facing and then seek further opinions from my colleagues working globally.

TKI: What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Sarika: Slot Thailand The importance of engaging in networking, possessing soft skills like adaptability, and embracing the culture of continuous learning.

The KPI Institute July 5th, 2023 Awards, Employees Tags: , , , , ,