Performance Magazine: redefining employee performance management in the modern workplace

Gone are the days when employee performance management simply meant annual reviews and rigid goal-setting processes. Today’s workplaces require a dynamic, agile approach that meets the diverse needs of employees. With remote work, the gig economy, and a focus on work-life balance and well-being, it is essential that leaders and employees hone their ability to demonstrate adaptability and operate within a tailored system that responds to the changing times.

With The KPI Insitute’s first release of the Performance Magazine – Print Edition in 2024, organizations can explore the newest advancements in employee performance management, discover how to harmonize individual objectives with organizational goals and use cutting-edge technologies to streamline relevant processes.

The cover story delves into the profound influence of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) on performance assessment and talent management. DEI, which serves as a guiding framework advocating for equitable treatment and unbiased opportunities for all employees, is also recognized as key to better organizational performance and wider opportunities for innovation. 

Moreover, key topics shaping employee performance management were covered in the In-depth section, from democratizing strategy planning to optimizing employee engagement for effective strategy execution. The magazine also presents best practices for holistic performance management and implementing a hybrid performance management system.

Readers can access first-hand insights from top leaders of major organizations. One of them is Dr. Malika Viltz-Emerson, Senior Global Human Resource Leader at Microsoft, who discussed the advantages of involving employees in managing and improving their performance. 

Additionally, seasoned experts from The KPI Institute provided valuable insights regarding principles governing performance evaluation, the importance of employee experience in driving performance, and employee well-being and mental health.

Stay ahead of the game in the realm of employee performance management. Get a copy of the Performance Magazine Issue No. 28 – Employee Performance Edition. The magazine is available for digital download via the TKI Marketplace and a print copy can be purchased through Amazon

The KPI Institute March 20th, 2024 Publications Tags: , , , ,