Posts by valentina.matei


Free Webinar “How to conduct a Strategic Planning Maturity Assessment”

October 23rd, 2017 Posted by E-learning 0 thoughts on “Free Webinar “How to conduct a Strategic Planning Maturity Assessment””

Strategic Planning paves the path for your organization to reach greatness, by establishing clear steps which will help you reach your desired state. A well-balanced strategic plan can help you secure a stable & sustainable future for your company, and maintain a strong position in the market, whilst enhancing your company’s value in the eyes of your stakeholders.

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This webinar aims to teach participants how to assess whether their organization is making the best use of its tools and resources, in its journey to achieve the desired goals. The maturity assessment of the Strategic Planning capability is designed to get a clear image of and identify relevant aspects that can be improved in key knowledge areas, such as: Strategic Envisioning, Strategy Formulation, Strategy Focus, Strategy Articulation, Strategy Review and Strategy Governance and Communication.

Main topics covered:

  • The benefits of the Strategic Planning maturity assessment;
  •  Key knowledge areas;
  • Maturity models;
  • Assessment process;
  •  Assessment outputs.

Key Learning Points

  • Acknowledge the importance of the Strategic Planning maturity assessment in supporting the competitive advantage of an organization;
  •  Understand the impact of conducting a Strategic Planning maturity assessment;
  •  Get familiar with the main tools used for assessing the maturity of the Strategic Planning capability of your organisation;
  •  Get valuable insights on the assessment process and the use of the outputs.

About the speaker

Alin Sonda is the Head of Performance Audit Services at The KPI Institute, with over 10 years of experience in the banking sector. For more than 3 years he was an Internal Auditor, gaining an analytical perspective on operations and valuable insight on risk assessment and auditing methods and procedures.

As an auditor, he holds valuable experience regarding the design and implementation of internal processes, which serve to properly identify and assess risk and compliance with regulations and reporting requirements.

Free Registration

It’s easy to join in – access the registration page and don’t forget to tune in on October 25, at 10:00 AM GMT.  Can’t make it on time? Let us know and we are going to provide you with the full webinar recording, free of charge!

Webinar Recording

The webinar recording will be available on our eLearning platform.

Meet Alexandra, Our August Employee of the Month!

September 14th, 2017 Posted by Broad Topics 0 thoughts on “Meet Alexandra, Our August Employee of the Month!”

At The KPI Institute, our mission is to pursue performance, in all its facets, and bring this knowledge to others who wish to improve both on an individual level and an organizational one. Outstanding employees that strive to lift their company to new heights, maximize its potential and strengthen its development, so that it becomes the best of the best, all the while harnessing this knowledge to better themselves as professionals – these are the people that inspire us.

employee of the month-big

Join us in our journey of interviewing some of the most extraordinary individuals that continue to make The KPI Institute a role-model for others to follow. In today’s edition, we will be featuring August’s Employee of the Month, Alexandra Pescaru.

1. What is your role at The KPI Institute and what makes it special?

As Director of Inbound Marketing for The KPI Institute, I am the coordinator of all the creative teams and corporate communications departments, conceptualizing and orchestrating all the marketing campaigns that effectively reinforce and build our brand’s image.

What makes my role special is, first and foremost, my spectacular team! I really want to use this opportunity to speak about these wonderfully talented people! I coordinate five departments: Marketing, Digital Marketing, Graphic Design, IT and Online Platforms, and I must say that never in my entire career have I met such dedicated, talented and creative professionals. They’ll always go the extra mile for a project, always give their best and always try to better themselves and their work. It’s honestly a fantastic honor to be part of such a team and also a unique chance for me to grow and continuously learn.

So please allow me to say thank you to them for all their wonderful work and to pass this award forward to each and every one of them!

2. How did it feel to be nominated and selected as Employee of the Month?

It felt fantastic! I was nominated by my team after only three months of working for The KPI Institute. I must say that no matter what prestigious awards or forms of recognition I received before, this is my biggest professional accomplishment so far. Not the award itself, but the nomination by my team. As I previously stated, they are stellar marketing professionals, so to gain their respect and recognition is definitely something unique and special! So, thank you so much guys! I can only hope I’ll rise up to your challenges and manage to prove I am worth the honor of working in this position.

3. What do you find most challenging at The KPI Institute?

I wonder if saying that the challenge is rising to the challenge would make sense to anyone? Working for The KPI Institute has proven to be the biggest professional challenge for me so far. The field is complex, the activity reaches almost all continents, countless countries and implicitly so many consumers and requires such complex manners of communicating messages. It’s a beautifully challenging and rewarding work!

4. What would be the three main career lessons that you have learnt thus far?

I’ve worked in several companies so far, and I have learned many things during my tenure. One important thing I have learned is that as you grow up in your position, the responsibility keeps increasing. You will be more and more responsible for not only your actions but your team’s performance, as there are more variables than only doing your job right. The greater you grow, the longer you have to deal with people around you and be open to ideas from all members of staff.

It’s not just about doing it right, but about helping everyone on the team, which is what ultimately leads to the success of a concerted effort in any project. Being effective as an individual and at the same time being a team player, being proficient at time management, people management, giving timely constructive feedback and being open to feedback and to the ideas that can come from any corner – these are the key things I have learned in my career so far.


Certified KPI Professional Training Course in Lima

August 21st, 2017 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “Certified KPI Professional Training Course in Lima”

Facilitated by Liber Martín Balcázer Loli, Performance Measurement Expert this course was held in Lima, Republic of Peru, between 11th and 13th of August 2017 in partnership with B&T Meetings and is part of a series of certification courses dedicated to rigorous usage of KPIs in practice.


In the first day, the course agenda covered the following subjects:

  • The world of KPIs;
  • Understanding KPIs;
  • KPI typology;
  • KPI taxonomy.

The second day sessions covered the following discussion topics:

  • KPI Selection;
  • KPI Alignment;
  • KPI Documentation;
  • Working with targets.

In the third day of the course the next themes were approached:

  • Data gathering;
  • Data visualization;
  • Review and Certification Exam.

In order to enable both the theoretical understanding and practical experience of using a variety performance management tools and techniques for deploying KPIs correctly across different industries and functional areas, some of the methods used throughout the course were:

  • Group discussions, exercises, simulations and case studies;
  • Explanation of the theory regarding performance measurement;
  • Presentation of the performance management templates as tools to support the integration of performance management practices in organizations;
  • Customized feedback regarding the present use and the future plans for implementing performance management systems;
  • Active involvement of all the participants in a collaborative learning environment where opinions and experiences are shared.

The course was attended by professionals from Republic of Peru having different backgrounds and areas of expertise in their working fields like Resources, Transportation / logistics, Education / Training, Banking and FMCG.

Before beginning the course, sharing challenges of previous experience in working with KPIs was encouraged and some of them were:

  • KPI Selection;
  • KPI Documentation;
  • Setting targets for KPIs;
  • Data visualization.

Participants were invited to express some learning needs and they communicated the following expectations from the course:

  • Efficiency and effectiveness;
  • Working with indexes;
  • Case studies;
  • Qualitative and quantitative KPIs;
  • BSC;
  • Performance Management System.

In addition to the training sessions, the learning experience is comprised of a pre-course stage, a core course stage and an after-course stage. Upon participating at the face to face training course and completing all the activities on our eLearning platform participants will receive the following:

  • Certificate of Completion (soft copy): after completing pre-course activities and passing the Certification Exam;
  • Certificate of Attendance (hard copy): after participating at the 3 days of on-site training course;
  • Certified KPI Professional diploma (hard copy): after you have successfully completed all of the 3 stages of the learning experience.

We strongly advise participants to ensure they will receive the Certified KPI Professional title, as this certification recognizes the professionals’ ability to deploy and use KPIs in accordance with The KPI Institute’s Key Performance Indicators Management Framework, the main body of knowledge on the rigorous use of KPIs in business.

To find out more details, please visit the KPI Professional certification page.

If the opportunity of customized KPI training courses is of interest to you, email us at [email protected] and you will receive a tailored offer.

For more information contact one of our representatives:

Doina Maltev

[email protected]


Meet Răzvan, Our July Employee of the Month!

August 9th, 2017 Posted by Broad Topics 0 thoughts on “Meet Răzvan, Our July Employee of the Month!”

At The KPI Institute, our mission is to pursue performance, in all its facets, and bring this knowledge to others who wish to improve both on an individual level and an organizational one. Outstanding employees that strive to lift their company to new heights, maximize its potential and strengthen its development, so that it becomes the best of the best, all the while harnessing this knowledge to better themselves as professionals – these are the people that inspire us.

Employee of the month

Join us in our journey of interviewing some of the most extraordinary individuals that continue to make The KPI Institute a role-model for others to follow. In today’s edition, we will be featuring July’s Employee of the Month, Răzvan Coteț, our Customer Engagement Specialist.

1.What is your role at The KPI Institute and what makes it special?

I joined this team almost 2 years ago, and promised myself that I will achieve my goals and exceed expectations. I am constantly focused on innovative solutions to solve business challenges as efficiently as possible for the company. I am proud of my team and my colleagues; this organization cultivated a high sense of community inside me, it is awesome to take part into this constantly evolving family.

Staying most of the time at the office, it kind of builds this sense of “family”, which I have never experienced in a workplace before. Now, at the end of the day, someone could say “but ok, it’s just a job” – well, I can argue that for me, The KPI Institute is a bit more than that.

What is my current role? Well, basically we are a team, it is not just me and we are all focused on promoting The KPI Institute’s services and products, through all communication channels, including professional social media platforms, building & managing effective relationships with key stakeholders to increase the impact of the marketing & sales campaigns, and contacting international prospective customers to showcase the benefits of our enterprise sales accounts and convert them in loyal customers.

Short story, we are the sales team, our goal is simple -> increase revenue, constantly strive for more and achieve great results.

2. How did it feel to be nominated and selected as Employee of the Month?

It was amazing, I wasn’t expecting this coming. I can’t describe in words how it feels to see that people are aware of your efforts and they appreciate your dedication towards achieving great results. I think this is literally the most important thing that all of us should get, appreciation.

3. What do you find most challenging at The KPI Institute?

Here at The KPI Institute, we learn how to overcome anything, break-down any problem and deliver top-notch solutions.

For me the most challenging part was to offer a small part of me to one of our junior members in my team, I was responsible for her induction in our activity, and slowly but surely to bring her to the current level of the team. I was tough and always sure on my words, but I would say now that I was a bit scared, as it’s a huge responsibility because someone is counting on you. Eventually, I overcame it and so far I feel that the newest member in our team is on the right path.

4. What would be the three main career lessons that you have learnt thus far?

One of the first lessons that I have learnt here was the ability to understand my limits and work on them, overcome them.

Another lesson that I would say everyone should apply even in their personal life is that a skill set can be learnt. Bring good attitude, bring your willingness to learn, as for sure everyone will appreciate an open-minded person willing to learn and to experiment new things. If this doesn’t apply to your current job, maybe you are in the wrong place.

One more trait that I have honed here is perseverance. Our activity is really challenging sometimes, a lot of things could stand in your way, but we always stay sharp, focused and have learnt to be perseverant against all odds.

5. If you could interview one person, either from the past or present, who would it be and why?

I would totally enjoy a discussion with Elon Musk, which I personally consider one of the best entrepreneurs and inventors. One of the topics I would like to approach him on is AI – Artificial Intelligence, given that I have watched an interview on this topic where he stated at some point that artificial intelligence is the “biggest existential threat for humanity”. There are probably many others, but he emphasized mainly this one, which sparked my curiosity as to why that is so.


Free Webinar “Secondary Benchmarking – is it worth the time?”

July 28th, 2017 Posted by E-learning 0 thoughts on “Free Webinar “Secondary Benchmarking – is it worth the time?””

You might be wondering, why Secondary Benchmarking? Although secondary benchmarking is easy to deploy (in terms of process and resources), businesses seem to be reluctant to use it in practice when compared to primary benchmarking. Mastering both types of benchmarking and being able to adapt your methodology to each of them can prove valuable in the short and long run.

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Main topics covered

• Secondary Benchmarking process overview
• Secondary vs Primary Benchmarking
• Secondary Benchmarking deployment – different scenarios

Key Learning Points

•Learn how to deploy TKI’s recommended methodology
• Exercise real world recommendations
• Identify Secondary Benchmarking dos and dont’s

Presenter’s profile

Alina Miertoiu is a Business Research Analyst at The KPI Institute. She is a Certified Benchmarking Professional and KPI Professional, as well as the Director of the Center for Performance Benchmarking.

Alina’s endeavors in the field of Performance Management and Performance Improvement also consist of writing research-based articles for Performance Magazine, The KPI Institute’s online magazine dedicated to strategy and performance.

One of Alina’s significant research programs focused on developing a benchmarking study in the utilities sector for three major utilities: Water, Gas, and Electricity Generation, which comprise worldwide data.

Free Registration

It’s easy to join – access the registration page and tune in on August 9 at 10:00 AM GMT.
Can’t make it on time? Let us know and we’ll provide you with the full webinar recording, free of charge!

Webinar Recording

The webinar recording will be available on our eLearning platform.


Free Webinar “10 KPIs to measure & build upon for Search Engine Optimization success”

July 24th, 2017 Posted by E-learning 0 thoughts on “Free Webinar “10 KPIs to measure & build upon for Search Engine Optimization success””

Search Engine Optimization can oftentimes be frustrating. Using the right tools and techniques can not only make it easier, but also much more efficient. Implementing KPIs to monitor your SEO campaign can save you a lot of time. But which KPIs are the best?


In our next webinar, you can tap into the Top 10 KPIs used to run a successful SEO campaign.

Main topics covered

• Top 10 KPIs to analyze in a SEO Campaign:

o # Rankings for main keywords – organic

o # of root domains

o # of links

o # Moz spam score

o # of Sessions or # of PageViews

o # Goal completions

o % Goal conversion rate

o # Page views and #Average time on site

o % Bounce rate

o # of indexed pages

• Software to use for monitoring KPIs.

Key Learning Points

• Identify the most important KPIs for SEO campaigns’ success;

• Learn how to better evaluate SEO campaigns;

• Understand how to create better reports in SEO campaigns’ evaluation;

• Get insights about the best tools to use for monitoring KPIs.

Presenter’s profile

Olivian is a Digital Marketing Manager for The KPI Institute, co-founder of (series of events on SEO & PPC – search engine optimization and pay-per-click advertising) and (Book on branding for MDs). He has done more than 150 SEO audits since 2009 and has experience in SEO of over 10 years.

Olivian’s professional background was enriched by his collaboration with professionals from various companies, such as Nursing Personnel, Webvertise, Lionbridge for Google, Cratima.

Free Registration

It’s easy to join in – access the registration page and don’t forget to tune in on August 2nd, at 10:00 AM GMT.  Can’t make it on time? Let us know and we are going to provide you with the full webinar recording, free of charge!

Webinar Recording

The webinar recording will be available on our eLearning platform.

kpi team

Meet The KPI Institute’s Team of the Quarter

July 19th, 2017 Posted by Broad Topics 0 thoughts on “Meet The KPI Institute’s Team of the Quarter”

At The KPI Institute, our mission is to pursue performance, in all its facets, and bring this knowledge to others who wish to improve both on an individual level and an organizational one. Outstanding employees that strive to lift their company to new heights, maximize its potential and strengthen its development, so that it becomes the best of the best, all the while harnessing this knowledge to better themselves as professionals – these are the people that inspire us.

Join us in our journey of interviewing some of the most extraordinary individuals that continue to make The KPI Institute a role-model for others to follow. In today’s edition, we will be featuring The KPI Institute’s Team of the Quarter for Utilities Performance Benchmarking project.

team of the quarter

1.What was your role within the Utilities Performance Benchmarking kick-off team?

Alina Miertoiu

,, I was extensively involved in developing the content for the reports and applying the agreed-upon benchmarking methodology, but as a Project Manager, my role was also to coordinate the project team and to work with other departments, such as Graphic Design, Marketing or Sales.”

Andrea Minelli

,, My role was to support the development of all the Utilities Benchmarking reports, contributing and keeping track of the progress of all the research activities that assisted the enhancement of the report series. My involvement consisted in delineating certain sections of the utilities reports, processing a large pool of both financial and non-financial KPI data, to include in the reports, and design related graphs in order to clearly visualize the performance data that we were working with. Furthermore, we researched several companies’ reports that presented valuable performance data, relevant for our initiatives.”

Ana Lenchințan

,, My main responsibility consisted of drafting up a part of the reports presenting various types of performance metrics, besides the financial ones. Large amounts of KPI data were thereby processed, on the basis of which we designed associated graphs to help visualize the results of each metric. I also conducted research on the companies whose reports we analyzed in order to extract applicable data and defined over 100 key performance indicators.”

How did it feel to be nominated and selected as Team of the Quarter?

Alina Miertoiu

,, It is always nice to have your efforts recognized and appreciated. This is, on one side, a confirmation that you are doing the right thing, and, on the other side, an impulse to do even better next time. I think of it as a trigger to starting a constructive competition with  yourself.”

Andrea Minelli

,, I reckon that when your efforts are recognized and aknowledged by your team members and at the organizational level, it gives you the support to continue being driven, focused and willing to do more and in a better way.”

Ana Lenchințan

,, Seeing that that your efforts materialize into a well-structured and informative publication, that you helped create a positive impact and your work in this direction is being recognized is one of the main benefits a workplace can offer. Thus, through the nomination and selection, I felt that my efforts are appreciated and that my contribution matters.”

What do you find  to have been the most challenging part of the project?

Alina Miertoiu

,, As this project required working with considerable amounts of secondary data, making sure the data was relevant, accurate and clustered corectly, was essential for the deployment of the Utilities Performance Benchmarking Report Series, hence clustering and reviewing the accuracy of the data were the most challenging and time cosuming parts.”

Andrea Minelli

,, I had the chance of working with very supportive team members, where communication and support was constant throughout the duration of the project. For this initiative, I reckon the challenges were mainly technical, considering the fact that the nature of these tasks were very intricate and required attention and accuracy.”

Ana Lenchințan

,, The innovative character of this initiative, which prompted us to constantly adapt and redesign our work processes in order to obtain the best results.”

What would be the three main lessons learnt from this project?

Alina Miertoiu

,, Since this was the first large scale project I coordinated, I can say that there were a lot of lessons to learn for me, but if I were to name the main three I would say:  

Make sure all team members are on the same page 

Empower the people from your team to act 

Ask for feedback often and recalibrate based on it ”

Andrea Minelli

,, Communication is vital – When communcation among members is constant and clear, it creates a sense of accountability and understanding that supports the achievement of the desired results.  

 Plan and update – When the tasks and expectations are decided upon as a group, since the very beginning of the project,  each individual member will be able to focus on his/her duties and have control over the progress made towards the established shared goals.

Ask for and give feedback, be adaptable – Being able to keep an open mind but above all, have a positive attitude towards new ideas, opinions and initiatives proposed by those involved in the project is very important. Moreover, be flexible in case unexpected events that may interfere with your tasks appear out of nowhere. ”      

Ana Lenchințan

,, Communication is essential– If information flows consistently, results will reach desired levels sooner and all team members will feel included and appreciated. 

Plan every step carefully – If expectations and specifications are clear from the beginning, team members will focus adequately on their tasks and will be able to work with a high degree of independence towards reaching the common goal.

Stay malleable – Despite accurate planning, unforeseen events and changes will almost certainly occur, thus it is important to adapt to these developments as you go along, with a positive attitude, naturally, and the desired results will follow suit. ”


Free Webinar “Performance Benchmarking for the Electricity Utilities Industry”

July 12th, 2017 Posted by E-learning 0 thoughts on “Free Webinar “Performance Benchmarking for the Electricity Utilities Industry””

Operating in a highly demanding, risky and regulated environment can add extra pressure for companies in the field when talking about building a comprehensive performance measurement framework and activating the right KPIs.

Moreover, being able to find relevant benchmarks and compare performance levels with the ones of one’s competitors in the context of a very inhomogeneous industry can be a real challenge for practitioner.

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For this purpose, in 2016 The KPI Institute, through its Center for Performance Benchmarking and Utilities Performance Labs initiated a large secondary benchmarking project.

Main topics covered

  • Performance measurement challenges within the Electricity Utilities;
  • Findings for Operations;
  • Findings for Human Capital;
  • Findings for Customers;
  • Findings for Environmental Impact;
  • Findings for Corporate Governance.

Key Learning Points

  • Identify the industry’s performance level within the electricity utilities;
  • Enable practitioners to activate new KPIs within their organizations;
  • Generate added value from a benchmarking initiative.

Presenter’s profile

Alina Miertoiu is a Business Research Analyst at The KPI Institute, a research institute specialized in business performance, considered today the global authority on Key Performance Indicators research and education. She is a Certified Benchmarking Professional and KPI Professional and is the Director of the Center for Performance Benchmarking. Her research activity in the Performance Management field has resulted in the documentation of +500 Key Performance Indicators examples.

As a research analyst, one of Alina’s significant research programs focused on developing a benchmarking study in the utilities sector for three major utilities: Water, Gas and Electricity Generation, which comprises worldwide data.

Join our webinar in order to get an insight on well-known KPIs used in practice by electricity utilities.

Free Registration

It’s easy to join in – access the registration page and don’t forget to tune in on July 26th, at 10:00 AM GMT.  Can’t make it on time? Let us know and we are going to provide you with the full webinar recording, free of charge!

Webinar Recording

The webinar recording will be available on our eLearning platform.


Free Webinar “Building a culture of performance”

June 28th, 2017 Posted by E-learning 0 thoughts on “Free Webinar “Building a culture of performance””

Growing a performance culture requires a systematic approach to managing the performance of organizations, teams and individuals.During our next webinar, you’ll have the opportunity to explore specific tools and practices which contribute to this goal, serving not only as working instruments, but also as channels of change for mindsets and personal behaviors. 

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Main topics covered

  • Collective understanding of culture (vision, strategy, expected attitudes);
  • Alignment on the strategic and operational dimensions;
  • Approach at the organizational, team and individual levels;
  • Correlation with the people processes in the organization;
  •  Performance management setup for sustaining a performance culture.

Key Learning Points

  • Understand what a performance culture is;
  • Learn how to align strategic and operational planning processes;
  • Have all the required information to identify and decide the optimal approach at the company, department and individual levels;
  • Learn about how people processes are interconnected and often need adjustment to support a performance culture;
  • Get tips and tricks to setup and sustain a performance culture.

Presenter’s profile

Aura Serea is the Chief Talent Officer of The KPI Institute, as well as an expert HR professional, consultant and practitioner with over 15 years of experience in Organizational Development and Talent Management. She has been involved in designing and delivering educational and training programs, aimed at but not only – competency development in her area of expertise.

As an educator, Aura has facilitated hundreds of training sessions and consulting programs on talent management subject matters, in multiple industry settings, ranging from the oil & gas industry, utilities and healthcare to FMCG, finance and the chemical industry

Free Registration

It’s easy to join in – access the registration page and don’t forget to tune in on July 12, at 10:00 AM GMT.  Can’t make it on time? Let us know and we are going to provide you with the full webinar recording, free of charge!

Webinar Recording

The webinar recording will be available on our eLearning platform.


Free webinar “Performance Benchmarking for the Gas Utilities Industry”

June 23rd, 2017 Posted by E-learning 0 thoughts on “Free webinar “Performance Benchmarking for the Gas Utilities Industry””

Finding relevant performance benchmarks within the Gas Utilities industry can be a problematic task for professionals, especially given the demanding and risky environment in which they work. Hence, being able to see the bigger picture by having a clear view of the industry’s performance levels and gaining the capacity to benchmark their own performance against the industry standards is a must for performance managers and practitioners.

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In order to reveal the key indicators used by well-known Gas Utilities companies in 2016, The KPI Institute, through its Center for Performance Benchmarking and Utilities Performance Labs, initiated a large secondary benchmarking project. Join us to see what our initiative revealed in regards to the performance management of the gas sector.

Main topics covered

  • Performance measurement challenges within the Gas Utilities;
  • Findings for Operations;
  • Findings for Human Capital;
  • Findings for Customers;
  • Findings for Environmental Impact;
  • Findings for Corporate Governance.

Key Learning Points

  • Identify the industry’s performance level within the Gas Utilities industry;
  • Enable practitioners to activate new KPIs within their organizations;
  • Generate added value from a benchmarking initiative.

Presenter’s profile

Alina Miertoiu is a Business Research Analyst at The KPI Institute. She is a Certified Benchmarking Professional and KPI Professional and is the Director of the Center for Performance Benchmarking. Her research activity in the Performance Management field has resulted in the documentation of +500 Key Performance Indicators examples.

As a research analyst, one of Alina’s significant research programs focused on developing a benchmarking study in the utilities sector for three major utilities: Water, Gas and Electricity Generation, which comprises worldwide data.

Free Registration

It’s easy to join in – access the registration page and don’t forget to tune in on July 5, at 10:00 AM GMT.  Can’t make it on time? Let us know and we are going to provide you with the full webinar recording, free of charge!

Webinar Recording

The webinar recording will be available on our eLearning platform.

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