Monthly Archives: November, 2018


FIG Polska sold out the 2nd edition of the Certified KPI Professional in Poland

November 21st, 2018 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “FIG Polska sold out the 2nd edition of the Certified KPI Professional in Poland”

During the 24th – 26th of September, The KPI Institute, global leader in performance management and KPIs training and certification and FIG Polska, a leading management training and consultancy from Poland, hosted a sold out training session for the second public Certified KPI Professional program organized in Warsaw, Poland.


Over the course of three days, senior managers from Poland learned the most critical elements of The KPI Institute’s Key Performance Indicators Management Framework, the main body of knowledge on the rigorous use of KPIs in organizations and all topics required to receive the Certified KPI Professional certification, including:

  • Understanding KPI measurement challenges;
  • Differentiating between objectives, KPIs and initiatives;
  • Understanding KPI selection in different contexts;
  • Selecting KPIs for scorecards and dashboards;
  • Developing a KPI implementation project plan;
  • Optimizing the KPI activation and data gathering process.

The KPI Institute is considered today a global authority on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) research and education, having trained 6,697 professionals in 75 countries.

Obtaining the KPI Professional Certification is a significant advantage in today’s dynamic performance management marketplace. It improves credentials by validating proficiency in all aspects of performance measurement, from KPI selection to data gathering, analysis and decision making.

“The content was well structured, full of practical knowledge and techniques, that will definitely help to improve management by objectives and KPIs approach.

Moreover, thanks to toolkits and templates for KPI documentation, selection, balancing techniques and access to the KPI database we can immediately apply the acquired knowledge” – Klyha Ilya, Development analyst Rohlig Suus Logistics S.A, 1st edition participant.

Certification also provides executives with access to a prestigious community of KPI Practitioners as well as industry knowledge resources: toolkits, templates, case studies and best practices from some of the most successful organizations worldwide.

In addition, each participant receives a 6-month free subscription to, providing access to 500 fully documented KPI, including over 20.000 KPIs enlisted and one research report from the Top 25 KPIs series.

 “The record-attendance for this training session demonstrates that organizations in Poland understand the importance of clarifying strategy and cascading performance objectives and KPIs at all organizational levels” – Cosmin Chindris, Director – Global Partnerships.

The next Certified KPI Professional will take place between the 3rd – 5th of April, 2019 and September 18th – 20th 2019. For more information, or to enrol, contact Iwona Janeczek, at email: [email protected], +48 666 89 14 63.

About FIG Polska
FIG Polska is a training and consulting company founded in 1996 in Warsaw, Poland. Based on a unique business model, it runs two complementary activities: business consulting and organizing seminars & workshops dedicated to top management.

Currently, FIG Polska is considered the market leader for strategy services based on the Balanced Scorecard Methodology.

About The KPI Institute

The KPI Institute is leading business research institute, specialized in business performance. It operates research programs in 12 practice domains, ranging from strategy and KPIs to employee performance, and from customer service to innovation performance.

Insights are disseminated through a variety of publications, subscriptions services, and through a knowledge platform available to registered members. Support in deploying these insights in practice is offered through training and advisory services.

Contact information:

Cosmin Chindris
Director of Global Partnerships
The KPI Institute
[email protected]


Improving individuals and organizations – TKI Certifications

November 9th, 2018 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “Improving individuals and organizations – TKI Certifications”

The Certified KPI Professional Training Course

Humans have always had a knack for measuring and heuristics. Our modern banking, commercial and trading system exists because of this instinct. Once a good idea gets rolling, we like to measure its output and analyze palpable results. Afterward, we tend to look for heuristic ways – or shortcuts, in which we can replicate that success.

However, given today’s complex business reality, with relationships between organizational entities rivaling matryoshka dolls, we’ve slowly started to drift away from heuristics and have resorted to standardization. While heuristics do have a place in the modern business world, we’ve gone from using them as primary error-fixing tools, to incorporating their underlying essence into current day solutions.

Complex challenges cannot be solved by just “winging things”. You need a logical, structured framework which allows you to quickly diagnose issues and act upon them. This is where heuristics have found a home, alongside measurements – from diagnosis tools to repair mechanisms.

In a way, we can see KPIs as modern business heuristic tools. They offer us clarity over an issue and allow us to focus on its roots, as well as provide a route for improvement. In addition, they represent a bridge between all of the individuals within an organizational entity, since it drives engagement, spurs communication and develops learning.

With these in mind, The KPI Institute has developed its Certified KPI Professional Training Course.

We draw attention to clarity and communication, by allowing attendees to share any of the challenges they’ve encountered whilst trying to implement KPIs or a Performance Management System altogether, as well as their most dire learning needs so that our trainers will always know how to approach each course and individual.

We emphasize the importance of focus and improvement, by sharing exercises, business simulations, group discussions and learning activities that challenge an individual’s thought process, so that instead of reverting to old habits, they’re presented with novel scenarios that require them to devise new pathways for solutions.

We discuss to great lengths the value that engagement and learning bring to an organization, for every single person that comprises a company’s organizational roster. An engaged workforce is more likely to be open-minded, and thus receptive to learning.

Practical benefits to joining the course

Whilst not a complete list of what our Certified KPI Professional Training Course has to offer – we can’t just spoil everything now, can we?, some of the topics you’ll be going through are the following: KPI typology, KPI taxonomy, KPI selection, KPI alignment, KPI documentation, data gathering, working with targets and data visualization.

Moreover, you’ll get to work with official TKI performance management templates, which have been used in companies worldwide to great success. In addition to this, you’ll receive customized feedback on any of your exercises, solutions or filled templates.

This is due to the fact that while it is of great importance to providing people with a means for improvement, we place an even greater value on offering them insight into the logic of certain decision-making processes or use cases, i.e. why one should or should not make use of a KPI in a given situation, or whether certain data is truly meaningful or just glorified bait.

So, if you believe our Certified KPI Professional Training Course is what you need to further develop as an individual, or your company needs to improve its results, you’re right either way. With 15 years of experience behind our brand and a team of equally experienced practitioners, we’re certain that we have a solution that’ll fit both your needs and professional requirements.


Certified Balanced Scorecard Management System Professional Training Course in Riyadh

November 8th, 2018 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “Certified Balanced Scorecard Management System Professional Training Course in Riyadh”

Facilitated by Mihai TomaManagement Consultant, this in-house training course was delivered between 14 – 16 October 2018, in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for a private sector company that is specialized in Consulting Services.

This company is a major regional player renowned for innovation and is serving clients in the Education, Training and Consulting industries across local, national, regional and international levels.riyadh

Certified Balanced Scorecard Management System Professional Training Course is part of a series of certification courses dedicated to rigorous usage of KPIs in practice.

The course provides a holistic view of strategy development and usage of Related Scorecards.” Ahmad Habbal, Manager

The training course was attended by professionals from Saudi Arabia, having diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise in Education, Training and Consulting areas.

We approached the following key topics:

  • Organizational Assessment and Strategy Review and Integration;
  • Manage the BSC System;
  • Recalibrating BSC System and Performance culture.

To enable both the theoretical understanding and practical experience of using the performance management tools and techniques, we have integrated group discussions, exercises, simulations, and case studies.

Informative, useful, and key to developing consulting professionals.” Abdelqader Abu Snaineh, Senior Manager

There was remarkably active involvement of all the participants in a collaborative learning environment where opinions and experiences were shared.

If the opportunity of customized Balanced Scorecard Management System training courses is of interest to you, email us at [email protected]  and you will receive a tailored offer.

For more information contact one of our representatives:

Alexandru Muntean

[email protected]


Certified Data Visualization Professional Training Course in Dubai

November 7th, 2018 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “Certified Data Visualization Professional Training Course in Dubai”

Facilitated by Malek Ghazo, Data Visualization Expert this course was held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, between 14-16 October 2018 and is part of a series of certification courses dedicated to performance management.Dubai

In the first day, the course agenda covered the following subjects:

  • Data visualization parameters;
  • The data visualization process;
  • Visual communication aids: channel selection.

The second day sessions covered the following discussion topics:

  • Structure;
  • Format;
  • Express;
  • Report I.

In the third day of the course the next themes were approached:

  • Report II;
  • Assess;
  • Real-world data visualization;
  • Review and Evaluation.

Some of the main aspects addressed by the Certified Data Visualization Professional course are the need for a more rigorous approach to creating visual representations of vast information, techniques of standardization and tailored data visualization tool. During the three days of face-to face training, the course is designed to facilitate experiential learning and ensure a high level of interactivity:

  • Applying concepts in practical exercises;
  • Analyzing case studies and identifying solutions;
  • Using templates to develop performance management tools;
  • Sharing experiences and form a community of practice;
  • Constantly evaluating knowledge, through short quizzes to support the certification exam.

The course was attended by professionals from Saudi Arabia and Sudan having different backgrounds and areas of expertise in their working fields like Technology and Government.

Before beginning the course, sharing challenges of previous experience in working with KPIs was encouraged and some of them were:

  • Applying concepts in practical exercises;
  • Analyzing case studies and identifying solutions;
  • Using templates to develop performance management tools;
  • Sharing experiences and form a community of practice;
  • Constantly evaluating knowledge, through short quizzes to support the certification exam.

Participants were invited to express some learning needs and they communicated the following expectations from the course:

  • How to structure data;
  • Data interactivity;
  • How to report key figures;
  • Hands-on practice with different data visualization tools;
  • Learn through practice how to set the basis of a dashboard and an infographic;
  • Ways to highlight key messages post-data analysis;
  • Summarize and present data in a clear and effective way.

In addition to the training sessions, the learning experience is comprised of a pre-course stage, a core course stage and an after-course stage. Upon participating at the face to face training course and completing all the activities on our eLearning platform participants will receive the following:

  • Certificate of Completion (soft copy): after completing pre-course activities and passing the Certification Exam;
  • Certificate of Attendance (hard copy): after participating at the 3 days of on-site training course;
  • Certified Data Visualization Professional diploma (hard copy): after you have successfully completed all of the 3 stages of the learning experience.

We strongly advise participants to ensure they will receive the Certified Data Visualization Professional title, as this certifies the skills and knowledge related to the data visualization field.

To find out more details, please visit the Data Visualization Professional certification page

If the opportunity of customized Data Visualization training courses is of interest to you, email us at [email protected] and you will receive a tailored offer.

For more information contact one of our representatives:

Alexandru Muntean
[email protected]


Bringing KPIs to Mauritius – a TKI & Soft Skills Consultants Partnership

November 1st, 2018 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “Bringing KPIs to Mauritius – a TKI & Soft Skills Consultants Partnership”

Between the 16th18th of October, The KPI Institute, in partnership with Soft Skills Consultants, held the first ever edition of our worldwide renowned course – The Certified KPI Professional, in Quatre Bornes, Mauritius.mauritius

Soft Skills Consultants (SSC) is a company whose primary objective is that of providing soft skills training to organizations and individuals in Mauritius. SSC went all the way in order to bring maximum visibility to this course, hosting workshops aimed at promoting this course, as well as ensuring it receives local media visibility.

Moreover, with their support, we organized a series of executive meetings in addition to the course, where top-ranking representatives from some of the leading companies in Mauritius had the opportunity of training under one of our foremost consultants, Andrea Minelli.

In regards to the course itself, The Certified KPI Professional – C-KPI for short, brought to Mauritius a whole new world of insight into how businesses can & should look to optimize their operations and management processes.

“If you do not have a Performance Management System in place, this is an excellent place to start, as it provides the foundation to implement a KPI Framework.” – Annick Tolbize-Manager, RCA School Rodrigues

It represented a 3-day intensive learning experience, in which attendees got the opportunity of better understanding the following:

  • Differentiating between objectives, KPIs and initiatives;
  • Understanding KPI selection in different contexts;
  • Applying best practice techniques to KPI selection and much more;

“Excellent course – A practical approach that offered me a better understanding of KPIs that will surely help us with our performance measurement and improvement.” – Priscille Rose – HR Coordinator, Medine

The course had over 20 attendees, mostly Senior Managers, HR Managers, Finance & Administration Managers, from some of the biggest companies in Mauritius, with a diverse industry background, from banking & healthcare to aviation and education.

“The course reflects clearly our business reality. It is not filled with academic theories, but easy to apply the know how gained in our day to day activities.” – Rutah Anjayla Devi -Service Manager, Hard Henry Services

Following the event’s resounding success, one of Mauritius’ biggest players – Poivre Corporate Services (PCS), requested we host another edition of our course for their holding company, given that they own several entities operating in numerous fields, such as engineering, industrial services, oil and healthcare, among others.

Poivre Corporate Services recognized the importance of having a streamlined, clear-cut, robust method of managing one’s organization, especially when it comes to conglomerates.

As a result, The KPI Institute and Soft Skills Consultants teamed up again, to host our second edition of the C-KPI course, between the 22nd24th of October, which saw 15 participants from PCS, all raring to go & learn how to better improve management practices across their multi-level holding company.


“This course provides participants not only with a very clear insight into the subject, but also very practical exercises to facilitate the implementation of a Performance Management System” – Sarawon Shashi Puddo – Group Head of Human Resources, Poivre Corporate Services Ltd

Given how well received both of our C-KPI editions were, we and our partners, SSC, have decided to host a 3rd edition of the Certified KPI Professional course, between the 22nd – 24th of January, 2019.

Moreover, given that it was hotly requested in both of our previous sessions, we’ll also be bringing you the very first edition of our Certified KPI Practitioner course, which will be held once again in Quatre Bornes, on the 25th – 26th of January, 2019.

If you are interested in measuring & improving the performance of your company, be sure to check out The KPI Institute or Soft Skills Consultants’ website from time to time, for more details on this course, as we will be updating them in the following weeks.

Key Business Benefits for attendees interested in this course

  • Improve the performance of your company by practicing a sound framework for KPI measurement;
  • Obtain better business results by selecting the right KPIs to monitor for your company;
  • Generate value from using KPIs by optimizing the data collection process.

If you would like to enquire or register for our upcoming course, please contact our partner from Mauritius, e-mail: [email protected] | phone number: 5449-6110, or contact us directly at [email protected] | phone number: +61 (390) 282 223.

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