Monthly Archives: January, 2019


Certified Strategy and Business Planning Professional

January 21st, 2019 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “Certified Strategy and Business Planning Professional”

The business world is rapidly changing – creating short-span windows of opportunities and unexpected threats. To adapt and adjust to this dynamic environment, organizations seek planning tools that would allow them to build strategies that are both flexible and shock-absorbent.

Getting the strategy right is also a big challenge. As per a 2009-10 Strategy Execution Research Report, from The Performance Factory, we know that around 15% of managers believe their organizations’ strategies are unsatisfactory. In addition to this, 1 out of 3 managers receive no information on how to execute their strategy.

Moreover, according to Harvard Business review, less than 15% of companies compare their actual business results with the performance forecasted in each unit, in its prior year’s strategic plans.

So we know that businesses look at strategy as a complicating step and try to avoid it. This is why we at TKI have set up a course, the Certified Strategy and Business Planning Professional course, in order to aid managers who want to sail the company on the right course, through this vast ocean that is the business world.


Learning objectives

  • Comprehend the fundamentals of the strategic planning process
  • Learn to coordinate your teams, in order to design the most appropriate strategies
  • Set clear strategic objectives, find out how to evaluate strategies and suggest adjustments
  • Understand the key areas of a business model

Having delivered the course over 30 times, with more than 420 participants all over the globe, it’s safe to say that strategy and business planning are in demand: 5 editions and 46 participants in Malaysia, 11 editions and over 240 participants in Saudi Arabia and 9 editions with over 100 attendees in the UAE.

Systematic strategic thinking should form the basis of every business decision. Our C-SBP course will provide insights into the fundamental principles and methods for communicating a strategy across the entire organization, throughout all of its levels.


Quote from someone

Given the somewhat recondite knowledge required to attend our course, it is mainly open to specific professional categories:

  • business owners and top management – who will find this information useful for designing their own corporate level strategy
  • middle management professionals – who can make use of the knowledge shared during this course to build strategies for their departments
  • consultants or members of the academic world – by attending this course, they will be able to provide better support to the organizations they’re currently assisting.

Moreover, in order to provide a lasting, insightful and smooth learning experience, as is the rule with all of our courses, we’ve divided the Certified Strategy and Business Planning Professional course into 5 modules:

1.Strategic horizons

  • Organizational and business dimension of strategic planning
  • Develop vision, mission, values and goals

2.External and internal analysis

  • An algorithm of early warning systems
  • To work with external and internal analysis tools and structure the information in a relevant manner

3.Setting objectives and initiatives

  • Formulate objectives based on the triangulation method
  • Develop initiative based on the objectives set

4.Business plan

  • The main elements of a business plan
  • Relate the business plan to the strategy of the company

5.Strategy communication

  • Techniques used in strategy communication
  • How to monitor organizational and departmental strategy


It’s becoming increasingly clear that it is important to have a clear vision over the mission, values and impact of your business’s strategy, in order to improve its overall management, operations and communication levels. If you wish to receive guidance on business aspects such as organizational identity, internal & external environmental scanning, strategic options, business planning and implementing & recalibrating your strategy, look no further.

The C-SBP 3-day course is a comprehensive learning experience that will endow you with all the knowledge needed to return as a true pillar of knowledge, on which your company can build its future development.

Want to learn more about how your business can incorporate elements like the Blue Ocean strategy, or set up proper competitive, growth strategies, which allow you to cascade objectives and KPIs, all the while identifying and documenting risks through KRIs? The KPI Institute is here to help you on your learning journey.


Certified KPI Professional and Practitioner Training Course in Dubai

January 14th, 2019 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “Certified KPI Professional and Practitioner Training Course in Dubai”

Facilitated by Adrian Brudan, General Manager TKI EMEA, this course was held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, between 16-20 December 2018 and is part of a series of certification courses dedicated to rigorous usage of KPIs in practice.

In the first day, the course agenda covered the following subjects:

  • The world of KPIs;
  • Understanding KPIs;
  • KPI typology;
  • KPI taxonomy.

The second day sessions covered the following discussion topics:

  • KPI Selection;
  • KPI Alignment;
  • KPI Documentation;
  • Working with targets.

In the third day of the course the next themes were approached:

  • Data gathering;
  • Data visualization;
  • Review and certification exam.

In the fourth day of the training course, the discussions were over the following subjects:

  • KPI project coordination;
  • KPI selection at Organizational Level.

The fifth day concluded with the topics:

  • KPI Measurement;
  • KPI selection at Operational Level;
  • Review and Assessment Quiz.

In order to enable both the theoretical understanding and practical experience of using a variety performance management tools and techniques for deploying KPIs correctly across different industries and functional areas, some of the methods used throughout the course were:

  • Group discussions, exercises, simulations and case studies;
  • Explanation of the theory regarding performance measurement;
  • Presentation of the performance management templates as tools to support the integration of performance management practices in organizations;
  • Customized feedback regarding the present use and the future plans for implementing performance management systems;
  • Active involvement of all the participants in a collaborative learning environment where opinions and experiences are shared.

The course was attended by professionals from Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Oman having different backgrounds and areas of expertise in their working fields like Training, Logistics, Healthcare, Oil & Energy.

Before beginning the course, sharing challenges of previous experience in working with KPIs was encouraged and some of them were:

  • Getting the buy in
  • Selecting relevant KPIs
  • Data availability
  • KPIs monitoring
  • Setting targets
  • KPI Documentation
  • How many KPIs
  • Timeframe for data collection
  • Data validation
  • Measuring the progress of projects
  • Benchmarking

Participants were invited to express some learning needs and they communicated the following expectations from the course:

  • Best practices in performance management models
  • Performance measurement vs performance management
  • Skills for the Performance Management Office
  • Proper KPI selection
  • How to measure Smart Objectives
  • KPI documentation
  • Benchmarking KPI

In addition to the training sessions, the learning experience is comprised of a pre-course stage, a core course stage and an after-course stage. Upon participating at the face to face training course and completing all the activities on our eLearning platform participants will receive the following:

  • Certificate of Completion (soft copy): after completing the pre-course activities and passing the Certification Exam;
  • Certificate of Attendance KPI Professional (hard copy): after participating at the 3 days of on-site Certified KPI Professional training course;
  • Certificate of Attendance KPI Practitioner (hard copy): after participating at the 2 days of on-site Certified KPI Practitioner training course;
  • Certified KPI Professional diploma (hard copy): after you have successfully completed all the pre-course, core-course activities and items 11-16 of the after-course stage in the learning experience;
  • Certified KPI Practitioner diploma (hard copy): after submitting your KPI Practitioner Portfolio, obtaining minimum 360 points out of 450 points after the portfolio’s evaluation and completed items 17-19 of the after-course learning experience.

In addition to the training sessions, on the last day of the course, participants completed a certification exam for obtaining the Certificate of Completion. The certification recognizes the professionals’ ability to deploy and use KPIs in accordance with The KPI Institute’s Key Performance Indicators Management Framework, the main body of knowledge on the rigorous use of KPIs in business.

The second course was the Certified KPI Practitioner which focused on practical exercises, accounted for 90 percent of the course’s time, the remaining time being dedicated to review relevant theoretical concepts. Independent from the course, participants can in the future to opt to obtain their KPI Practitioner Certification by following the steps highlighted on The KPI Institute’s website.

To find out more details, please visit the KPI Professional and Practitioner certification page

If the opportunity of customized KPI training courses is of interest to you, email us at [email protected] and you will receive a tailored offer.

For more information, contact one of our representatives:

Alexandru Muntean
[email protected]


Certified KPI Professional Training Course in Algiers

January 11th, 2019 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “Certified KPI Professional Training Course in Algiers”

Facilitated by Andrea Minelli, Management Consultant this course was held in Algiers, Algeria, between 17 – 19 December 2018 in partnership with Kaizen Academy and is part of a series of certification courses dedicated to rigorous usage of KPIs in practice.

In the first day, the course agenda covered the following subjects:

  • The world of KPIs;
  • Understanding KPIs;
  • KPI typology;
  • KPI taxonomy.

The second day sessions covered the following discussion topics:

  • KPI Selection;
  • KPI Alignment;
  • KPI Documentation;
  • Working with targets.

In the third day of the course the next themes were approached:

  • Data gathering;
  • Data visualization;
  • Review and Certification Exam.

In order to enable both the theoretical understanding and practical experience of using a variety performance management tools and techniques for deploying KPIs correctly across different industries and functional areas, some of the methods used throughout the course were:

  • Group discussions, exercises, simulations and case studies;
  • Explanation of the theory regarding performance measurement;
  • Presentation of the performance management templates as tools to support the integration of performance management practices in organizations;
  • Customized feedback regarding the present use and the future plans for implementing performance management systems;
  • Active involvement of all the participants in a collaborative learning environment where opinions and experiences are shared.

The course was attended by professionals from Algeria having different backgrounds and areas of expertise in their working fields like Transportation, Resources, Consulting and Education.

Participants were invited to express some learning needs and they communicated the following expectations from the course:

  • Comparison – Benchmarking
  • Alignment
  • Performance Measurement and Performance Improvement
  • Decision Making
  • Processes

In addition to the training sessions, the learning experience is comprised of a pre-course stage, a core course stage and an after-course stage. Upon participating at the face to face training course and completing all the activities on our eLearning platform participants will receive the following:

  • Certificate of Completion (soft copy): after completing pre-course activities and passing the Certification Exam;
  • Certificate of Attendance (hard copy): after participating at the 3 days of on-site training course;
  • Certified KPI Professional diploma (hard copy): after you have successfully completed all of the 3 stages of the learning experience.

We strongly advise participants to ensure they will receive the Certified KPI Professional title, as this certification recognizes the professionals’ ability to deploy and use KPIs in accordance with The KPI Institute’s Key Performance Indicators Management Framework, the main body of knowledge on the rigorous use of KPIs in business.

To find out more details, please visit the KPI Professional certification page.

If the opportunity of customized KPI training courses is of interest to you, email us at [email protected] and you will receive a tailored offer.

For more information contact one of our representatives:

Carmen Boboc
[email protected]


KPI Masterclass Training Course in Dhahran

January 10th, 2019 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “KPI Masterclass Training Course in Dhahran”

Facilitated by Alina Miertoiu, Management Consultant, this in-house training course was delivered on 12 – 13 December 2018, in Dhahran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia fora public sector company that is specialized in Petroleum and Natural Gas. This company is a major regional player renowned for innovation and is serving clients in several industries across local, national, regional and international levels.


KPI Masterclass Training Course it is part of a series dedicated to rigorous use of KPIs within the organization.

The training course was attended by professionals from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, having diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise.

We approached the following key topics:

  • Understanding Performance Management System Architecture and KPIs;
  • KPI Selection and KPI Documentation;
  • KPI Typology and KPI Data Gathering.

To enable both the theoretical understanding and practical experience of using the performance management tools and techniques, we have integrated group discussions, exercises, simulations and case studies.

There was a remarkable active involvement of all the participants in a collaborative learning environment where opinions and experiences were shared.

If the opportunity of customized KPI training courses is of interest to you, email us at [email protected]  and you will receive a tailored offer.

For more information contact one of our representatives:

Alexandru Muntean

[email protected]


Certified KPI Professional and Practitioner Training Course in Jeddah

January 9th, 2019 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “Certified KPI Professional and Practitioner Training Course in Jeddah”

Facilitated by Manhal Al Dakh-Allah, Management Consultant, this in-house training course was delivered between 9th – 13th of December 2018, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia fora public-sector company. This company is a major regional player renowned for innovation and is serving clients in all industries across local and national levels.


It’s a great course for people working in Power Plant and I recommend it to be with The KPI Institute.” said a Generation Engineer about the course.

Certified KPI Professional and Practitioner Training Course it is part of a series of certification courses dedicated to rigorous usage of KPIs in practice.

The training course was attended by professionals from Saudi Arabia, having diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise.

We approached the following key topics:

  • KPI typology & taxonomy;
  • KPI Documentation and Target Setting;
  • Data Gathering and Visualization;
  • Applied Exercises

To enable both the theoretical understanding and practical experience of using the performance management tools and techniques, we have integrated group discussions, exercises, simulations and case studies.

There was a remarkable active involvement of all the participants in a collaborative learning environment where opinions and experiences were shared.

If the opportunity of customized KPI training courses is of interest to you, email us at [email protected]  and you will receive a tailored offer.

For more information contact one of our representatives:

Alexandru Muntean

[email protected]

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