Monthly Archives: September, 2022

TKI PEOPLE AWARDS: The KPI Institute Celebrates Employees’ Fruit of Hard Work

September 21st, 2022 Posted by Awards, Employees 0 thoughts on “TKI PEOPLE AWARDS: The KPI Institute Celebrates Employees’ Fruit of Hard Work”

The KPI Institute has announced the awardees of the Employee of the Month (EOM) for July 2022.

The TKI People Awards series features the employees and the teams recognized by The KPI Institute for going above and beyond expectations, excelling as team players, and creating a tremendous impact on the company.

The KPI Institute celebrates the success of five (5) employees at work. Learn more about the employees, who excel in the month of July through the interview below, where they share thoughts in receiving the recognition up to the career lessons they have learned as a professional that you may also practice in your working environment.




Raluca Vintila

Management Consultant

TKI Consulting


  1. What do you want to do when you are not working? What are your hobbies, passions, or involvement in your community?

Raluca: I love spending time outdoors as much as possible, especially traveling. In addition, gardening is one of the latest passions I discovered. I also love supporting local non-government organizations (NGOs) that look after environmental protection, forestation, and animal care.

2. What do you appreciate most about working at The KPI Institute?

Raluca: I appreciate the flexibility to match personal preferences and interests with TKI business needs. I think we have a super-open culture, where you have the freedom to contribute.

3. What are you looking forward to in terms of your new projects, collaborations, and role here at TKI?

Raluca: I think my current position is a good fit for me; exploring customer relationships and training delivery. I would love to continue in this endeavor. I already tried everything I wanted to try, like research and instructional design.



Mohamed Fouad

Art Director



  1. What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Mohamed: It means a lot to me— feeling appreciated by my superiors for my work and effort I exerted to every task, and the desire to achieve more achievements in the future.

2. What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Mohamed: My favorite accomplishment is when I worked on two branding projects. I am so honored to be part of creating the visual identities for ILMS & LMSL

3. When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Mohamed: I search for the best solution, and ask my manager.

4. What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Mohamed: The three main career lessons I have learned so far are as follows:

  • Trust the process as you will achieve what you dream about. 
  • Appreciate what you have.
  • Always work on your skills on a daily basis.



Asmaa El Cadi

Marketing Manager



  1. What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Asmaa: I was surprised when I first got to know about it [EOM award].  I am glad that my work did not get unnoticed, and I am very grateful to work with such a highly skilled team of very kind people. 

2. What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Asmaa: This award itself is a great accomplishment to me, plus the fact that my team and I are currently managing our work pretty well. We got to understand each other’s way of working and strengths, and I can say— now, we harmoniously complement each other.

3. When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Asmaa: I admit, I was usually the type of person who would try hard to find a solution by myself whenever I am facing any challenges. With my current team, I learned to seek help and advice from my colleagues. I have the chance to work with experienced people from different backgrounds, so there is always someone who has my back.

4. What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Asmaa: The first career lesson I have learned is getting to know your team members and developing good relationships based on respect and appreciation. The second thing is being result-oriented and trying to have the same vision as your team to accomplish any project. Lastly, maintaining a good work-life balance:  staying healthy and getting the time to do the things you love will positively impact your productivity at work.



Tudor Modruz

Senior Business Development



  1. What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Tudor: Receiving the EOM award is an acknowledgement of hard work and dedication. This award also provides another incentive to continue the development path. This award would certainly not have been possible without the help of my colleagues, who I would like to thank on this occasion.

2. What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Tudor: My favorite accomplishment is seeing the developed ideas proved useful and added value to the related activities.

3. When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Tudor: Challenges are sometimes the big learning opportunities in everyone’s career. In my case, changing views and balancing the impact of any decision make the best solution that is easier to reach.

4. What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Tudor: The following are the three main lessons I learned so far as a professional:

  • Recognize and appreciate the success of others.
  • Teamwork is a key aspect.
  • Keep learning every day.



Kimberly Tilar

Publisher and Editor Specialist

TKI Research


  1. What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Kimberly: Receiving the EOM award means a lot to me. It serves as a reminder to become more competent, and consistent in giving my best in every project or task that I do. This award also shows that my work values and performance are appreciated by my colleagues. 

Thus, I would like to thank these people: Len Cristobal, Daniela Vuta, Cristina Mihailoaie, Dragos Anton, Andrei Costea, and Alexandru Seliscan, for guiding me to become the best version of myself since day one. 

2. What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Kimberly: Growing professionally and personally with my colleagues here in TKI is something I can consider my favorite accomplishment. So, aside from my participation in the production of the Performance Magazine, one of my favorite accomplishments is receiving the final versions of the articles written by our researchers and contributors. That means, at some point in the writing process, I have been  helpful to my colleagues in improving their pieces and encouraging them to express and share their knowledge in the best form it possibly can be. 

3. When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Kimberly: I admit that I am the type of person who likes to figure things out on my own as I do not want to cause any inconveniences to others. But I have been able to change this attitude. Whenever I face a challenge at work now, I search for the possible solution first on my own. Then, I consult with my superiors and workmates for their suggestions or feedback. I narrow  down all the options, ideas, and advice I receive  to come up with the best solution.

However, it is important to take a breath when things are becoming overwhelming before making a decision. So, allowing myself to pause and have a peaceful mind is what I actually do first when facing a challenge. After that, when I know that I am in the right place and mind, I conquer everything.

4. What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Kimberly: The three main career lessons that I have learned so far as a young professional, especially in the TKI are:

  • Communication is the key to everything: Conflicts can be avoided when good communication is being practiced, especially in the work from home setup with a community of diverse culture.
  • Good skills are a must but having empathy skills will lead you to other greater things: In an article from Harvard Business Review, it has been  mentioned that “empathic workplaces tend to enjoy stronger collaboration, less stress, and greater morale, and their employees bounce back more quickly from difficult moments such as layoffs.”
  • Everyday is a new opportunity to grow: In TKI, I am able to handle different tasks and projects, and collaborate with my colleagues from different departments. So, in every situation, I always make sure that I have takeaways, something I have learned and would like to keep to improve. Moreover, do not be afraid to ask questions. You will learn a lot by asking questions.

The KPI Institute is a globally recognized organization that focuses on business performance. It offers research projects in 12 practice areas, including strategy, KPIs, employee performance, and customer service as well as innovation performance. 

The KPI Institute uses a variety of publications, subscription services, and a knowledge platform in disseminating insights, that is available to registered members. Training and consultation services are also provided worldwide to assist in putting these insights into reality. 


The Key to Developing a Powerful Data Strategy [Excerpt]

September 12th, 2022 Posted by Research 0 thoughts on “The Key to Developing a Powerful Data Strategy [Excerpt]”

Editor’s Note: Below is an excerpt of an article written by Islam Salahuddin, a Business Research Analyst at The KPI Institute. “The Key to Developing a Powerful Data Strategy” is originally published in the 22nd PERFORMANCE Magazine – Printed Edition.

Amidst the buzzing world of data, companies may find themselves directly diving into analytics due to the fear of falling short and missing out. However, many resources can be spent on catching up on the race but end up with no real results.

That happened to 60-85% of big data projects, which IBM reported to have failed because they focused solely on technology. IBM added that the projects did not have a data strategy and a data-centric culture supporting  business objectives. 

Meanwhile, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s MIT Technology Review Insights survey of 357 business leaders and decision-makers in July 2021 has revealed that only 20% are implementing a data strategy. While 30% of the respondents have a data strategy in place, they believe it still has gaps.

What Makes Executing a Data Strategy at Scale Difficult

According to 42% of MIT’s respondents, the main challenge for implementing a data strategy is access to “more sources of data, including demographics, competitor, and geospatial information.” Thirty-four percent admit they need help with extracting meaningful insights from their data, while some believe they need “better tools and infrastructure for data storage and analytics.”

In the survey’s report, “in unpredictable times, a data strategy is key ,” says Ishit Vachhrajani, Enterprise Strategist at Amazon Web Services,  emphasizing that all the challenges mentioned by the respondents can be blamed on “cultural obstacles” within their organizations.

“We talk a lot about technology, but one problem we hear from leaders is overly centralized, HIPPO-based decision-making that stands in the way,” Vachhrajani said. He also blames the challenges to governance structures that are no longer effective in bridging people who understand and work with data and frontline employees involved in decision-making and customer interaction.

In the same report, Jonathan Lutz, Director of Technology at Aquiline Capital Partners, describes the implementation of a successful data strategy as an “all-hands effort.” He recommends strong support from the top and buy-in across the organization.

For Vachhrajani, a successful data strategy is driven by leaders who invest in equipping people with the right skills and adopting technology across the company.

To learn more on how to establish an effective data strategy, read the full article in the latest edition of PERFORMANCE Magazine. The 22nd PERFORMANCE Magazine – Printed Edition caters the role that data plays in transforming organizations as they achieve excellence, growth, and success. Grab your copy in the TKI Marketplace now!

Will the Airline Industry Return to Profitability in 2023? See New Reports

September 5th, 2022 Posted by KPIs 0 thoughts on “Will the Airline Industry Return to Profitability in 2023? See New Reports”

As the recovery from the COVID-19 crisis accelerates; most of the countries open their borders for tourists. In addition, the measures of travel restrictions have been eased amidst the International Air Transport Association (IATA) upgrade to its outlook for the airline industry’s 2022 financial performance. 

According to IATA’s forecast, the airline industry is expected to reduce its losses to -$9.7 billion, with a net loss margin of -1.2%. It is a huge improvement compared to IATA’s 2021 estimation of $11.6 billion loss, and from losses of $137.7 billion (-36.0% net margin) in 2020 and $42.1 billion (-8.3% net margin) in 2021.

“Airlines are resilient. People are flying in ever greater numbers. And cargo is performing well against a backdrop of growing economic uncertainty. Losses will be cut to $9.7 billion this year and profitability is on the horizon for 2023. It is a time for optimism, even if there are still challenges on costs, particularly fuel, and some lingering restrictions in a few key markets,” said Willie Walsh, IATA’s Director General.

However, it is reported that despite the airline industry returning to profitability, they are unable to meet the growing demand for travel due to much higher expenses for labor and fuel. Airlines discovered that they could not maintain the higher level of flights they had hoped to provide in order to take advantage of the escalating demand.

What Can Airlines Do?

Focus on profitability over revenue growth. PwC believes that investors will continue to reward airlines that prioritize profitability over revenue growth. Airlines could be enticed to increase capacity more quickly than demand to profit from low incremental costs and abundant resources. However, doing this will probably result in lower fares, which will reduce revenue and profitability.

Establish a positive reputation. Based on McKinsey&Company’s analysis, travelers no longer just purchase tickets based on the cost and availability. They travel more frequently and have more understanding of the variations among airlines, including their service capabilities and operational efficiency.

Monitor performance using KPIs. In order to track an airline’s potential or needs for improvement that can help the organization demonstrate positive reputation, and develop and implement a customer-focused strategy, it is necessary to have the data to support their decisions.

The KPI Institute released the Top 25 Airlines KPIs – 2020 Extended Edition, which compiles the most popular 25 KPIs used worldwide by airline management throughout 2016 and 2020. The 25 airlines KPIs identified are categorized into five divisions:

  1. Airline Service Quality – Evaluates an airline’s capacity to deliver services that meet consumer expectations as it draws attention to crucial factors that directly affect customer happiness.
  2. Airline Revenues – Assesses the revenues, which airlines generate through its service and product sales.
  3. Aircraft Fleet Management – Refers to effectively arranging and managing the available aircraft and includes information on maintenance procedures and capacity utilization rates.
  4. Airline Costs – Relate to all the expenses involved in providing airline services.
  5. Airline Staff – Indicates the sufficiency and productivity of the airline’s employees. 

Explore the 25 most popular airline KPIs today and read through each of their profiles, which are filled with in-practice recommendations. Download the Top 25 Airlines KPIs – 2020 Extended report here.


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