New report: Top 25 Talent Development KPIs of 2011-2012

Top_Talent_Development_KPIs_2011-2012April 30, 2013, Melbourne, Australia – The KPI Institute, the global authority on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) research and education announces the launch of the 2011-2012 edition of its popular Top 25 series of reports. The series is based on research conducted through, which contains over 20,000 Key Performance Indicator examples, making it the world’s largest source of thoroughly documented KPIs. First to be released is the set of 6 HR reports, comprised of HR overall and 5 additional reports specific to HR: Talent Development, Recruitment, Retention, Talent Development and HR Service Delivery.

HR departments and KPIs have a special relationship, as measurement is an integral part of performance evaluations at both individual and organisational level. KPIs are defined by The KPI Institute as measurable expressions for the achievement of a desired level of results in an area relevant to the evaluated entity’s activity. contains over 475 HR KPI examples, making it one of the most thoroughly researched functional areas.

The “Top 25 Talent Development KPIs of 2011-2012”  report provides insights in the state of Talent Development performance measurement today by listing and analysing the most visited KPIs in this category on in 2011-2012. In addition to KPI names, the report contains a detailed description of each KPI, as documented in smartKPIs Premium.

Talent Development KPIs are grouped into clusters such as Training Investment, Training Results, Skills Development and Professional Education. From these subcategories, Training Investment and Training Results were the most popular in 2011-2012, implying that training is the best option when it comes to talent development. Taken together, these two subcategories can help decision makers to better understand the return of investment of the organization’s training efforts. The other five clusters provide insights regarding more specific areas of talent development.

The top 5 Talent Development KPIs in this report are:

  1. # Training hours per full time equivalent (FTE)
  2. % Training penetration rate
  3. % Operational budget spent on training
  4. $ Training investment per full time equivalent (FTE)
  5. % Employees reaching competence after training

By discussing the use of KPIs today, presenting the best practice in documenting them and listing the most popular KPIs of 2011-2012, the “Top 25 Talent Development KPIs of 2011-2012” report is a valuable resource in promoting the informed use of KPIs or refreshing the existing performance measurement and management practice in any organization.

According to Aurel Brudan, The KPI Institute’s CEO “The Top 25 Talent Development KPIs of 2011-2012 report is a synthesis of what is all about: it provide
s an overview of how HR KPIs are used in practice today, by combining input from the online community with analysis and insights from our research team.”

ABOUT SMARTKPIS.COM is the leading online platform for performance management knowledge integration, hosting the largest database of thoroughly documented KPI examples available on the web today. It offers high quality resources and collaboration functionality for the community of members, assisting them in making smart decisions regarding their performance management initiatives. Registration is free and enables research, learning and interaction as part of a growing community of members from over 190 countries and territories.


The KPI Institute is a research, publishing and educational provider specialised in developing better practice in the use of KPIs. It developed the KPI Management Framework and runs five main research programs, dedicated to performance management, the Balanced Scorecard, KPIs, analytics and organisational strategy. Over the last 8 years, The Institute assisted over 5,000 organizations in finding solutions to their KPI needs.

Media contact

Cipriana Turcanu,The KPI Institute, Tel: +61 3 9670 2979, Email:

The KPI Institute October 11th, 2010 Research Tags:

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