The KPI Institute Releases “Performance Management in 2015: North America”

The KPI Institute, the global authority on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) research and education, announces the launch of ”Performance Management in 2015: North America Special Edition”, its the forth edition, in a series of annual publications that provide an overview on the state of the discipline. released in 2016.


As Performance Management is continuously growing in popularity and maturity, measuring and assessing yearly developments in the field is quintessential. Our report, Performance Management in 2015: North America Special Edition, is a product of both qualitative and quantitative research efforts, conducted in the period between October 2015 – April 2016. The research study used both primary and secondary sources.

The report covers a wide array of topics, which are meant to offer an overview on the discipline. These are as follows:

  • Perspectives: 13 semi-structured interviews with practitioners, academics and consultants from all continents;
  • Around the World: 230+ countries reviewed on their performance-related legislation;
  • Trends in search: the Google search popularity of performance-related keywords;
  • Education: 20 relevant university degrees, 30 relevant university subjects and 22 performance-related events;
  • Careers: Performance Manager and Strategy Manager jobs and salaries;
  • Resources: 100 performance-related bestselling books, 100 of the latest published books in the field, 28 Performance Management journal articles and more, 10 portals and 14 online communities;
  • Software: Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms;

Based on the belief that a discipline can only evolve through the combined efforts of practitioners, academics and consultants, the report presents interviews with a wide range of specialists from 29 countries, who offered rich insights into the state of the discipline in 2015.

The content was compiled in such manner as to provide opinions and extensive analysis through the interviews, as well as specific information through topics such as events, media exposure, resources and software.

The report is available in two formats:

Contact: Andrei Costea – Head of Publishing, E-mail: [email protected]

The KPI Institute November 8th, 2016 Research