Celebrating the month of women with passion and excellence: quotes from the women of TKI Research

As we honor women worldwide throughout March, from International Women’s Day to Women’s History Month, we are inspired to recognize the remarkable women at The KPI Institute (TKI) for their exceptional contributions and steadfast commitment to succeeding in career and personal endeavors. They forge their paths and uniquely shape history, enriching our organization with intellect, passion, and resilience.

Within TKI Research, women occupy leadership roles, showcase creativity, and contribute their expertise, each adding a distinctive element to our organization’s achievements. The inclusive approach, collaborative mindset, and compassionate leadership style they possess strengthen the dynamics of our work environment. 

Welcome to the celebration of the women of TKI Research—where brilliance and inspiration know no bounds.


“In an era flooded with information, the true value lies in publications that filter and refine knowledge for their audience. We embrace this challenge with passion, professionalism, and dedication, enriching our readers’ world with essential insights.” — Daniela Vuta, Head of Publications


“Working in publishing as an editor demands more than just rearranging words; it requires continual learning and adaptability across various areas—from human relations to technology, design, legal, journalism, and business-related considerations. But similar to a mother juggling tasks for her child’s growth and exploration of the world, you find fulfillment in the outcome and the potential impact your team’s content could have on readers’ lives. Happy Women’s Month!” — Len Cristobal, Chief Editor



“Marketing isn’t just about selling products; it’s about telling stories that resonate with hearts and minds. Let’s craft narratives of empowerment that inspire action and change.” — Alaa Safwan, Marketing Manager




“In times obscured by uncertainty,  consulting guides individuals and organizations toward success with wisdom and profound insight. I am grateful for my colleagues, the harmonious and multicultural richness, and the multitude of learning experiences.” — Liana Paraschiv, Internal Consultant



“Through our insightful publications, we tackle the most pressing challenges of the business environment. Our aim is to transform data into actionable insights, helping businesses make informed decisions for sustainable growth in a constantly evolving landscape.” — Andra Rotar, Business Research Analyst



“Doing cross-departmental work and collaborating with multiple talented individuals contributed to my professional development. Each colleague uniquely enriched my perspective. I am proud of us and grateful for my journey of perpetual learning.” — Andreea Vintila, Business Research Analyst



“Doing research on different topics has added to my knowledge and widened my horizon. It was never about reading and taking what’s available online, it is about drawing conclusions, gaining insights, and going beyond the available information.” — Mai Ismail, Business Research Analyst


“Having once been told I didn’t fit into the journalism world, I have found my true calling at TKI Research. With determination and passion, I’ve carved my own path, using words to break barriers and amplify diverse voices. Through my work, I bring a fresh perspective and meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that every publication we produce is not only accurate but also engaging and impactful. As we celebrate Women’s Month, I’m proud to contribute my unique skills and passion to our team, proving that diversity and determination are essential ingredients for success in any field.” — Kimberly Tilar, Publishing and Editing Specialist



“Language has the power to perpetuate stereotypes and dismantle them. As a translator, I’m not only building bridges between linguistic gaps, but also reshaping narratives that challenge gender biases while promoting inclusivity and gender equality through fostering a dialogue that respects and empowers women. I’m proud of us and of our contributions.” — Maryan Hamadeh, Translator and Research Assistant  



“Sharing knowledge is the heartbeat of progress, knitting together the strands of our collective wisdom, and ensuring the enduring tapestry of humanity.” — Cani Saputra, Senior Instructional Designer




“Knowledge transcends mere learning; it’s about the strategic architecture of information, tailored to meet diverse learner needs and propel them toward their educational objectives. My work revolves around constructing pathways of knowledge that ignite personal growth and achievement.” — Israa Warrar, Instructional Designer



“Design is not just about making things look good; it is the art of turning imagination into reality, blending innovation with purpose to spark wonder and ignite change.” — Rean Alarcon, Graphic Design Specialist



Happy Women’s Month from all of us at TKI Research!

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