Free webinar “Emerging Trends in Strategic Planning”

The purpose of this webinar is to overpass the boundaries of the classical strategic planning approaches. It will create doubt, but also those reveling moments, all centered on the feelings of discomfort that you have experienced, in relation to the way things are done in your organization.
Thus, indicators that measure this webinar’s performance are the number of questions that pop up about things you thought you knew – and the number of links in the recommended bibliography that you actually click, in search of more detailed answers.


Main topics covered

  • Strategic planning and the locus of control;
  • The age of chaotic: managing and leading organizations;
  • The interactions of organizational capabilities and competitors;
  • Time horizons for strategic planning;
  • Integration of operational initiatives in strategic planning.

Key Learning Points

  •  Learn how to address strategic planning in a pertinent manner;
  •  Understand key variables on which new paradigms are built;
  •  Analyze alternative ways to plan your business;
  • Learn how to link operational initiatives to the organizational big picture.

Facilitator’s profile

Radu Cocean is a subject matter expert in the field of Strategic Planning – a field he has approached from various angles throughout his 14- years professional experience. He has successfully overseen the process of writing development strategies, as coordinator of strategic planning committees & think tanks. At other times, he played his part as a team member in charge of more technical issues – such as interpreting statistical data, drafting complex SWOT analyses or moderating stakeholder. He has delivered training courses in the field of strategy planning, both for local public administration and private companies – for instance, he has delivered The KPI Institute’s Certified Strategy and Business Planning Professional trainings since 2015. Since 2010, he is an accredited Trainer (certified by the National Qualifications Authority in Romania) and has successfully completed the American Society for Training & Development Master Trainer Program (2014). He also worked as a management consultant with private companies on investment projects. He was in charge of helping them shape their business plans required to access European funds – which offered him insight on how strategies get implemented through successful initiatives. He is an accredited Project Manager (certified by the National Qualifications Authority in Romania) since 2011.

Free Registration

To register for the webinar click here.

Webinar Recording

The webinar recording will be available on our eLearning platform.

The KPI Institute February 11th, 2016 E-learning