Posts tagged "Customer Service KPIs"

Resource roundup: performance measurement insights in telecommunications

July 26th, 2024 Posted by Publications, Research 0 thoughts on “Resource roundup: performance measurement insights in telecommunications”

Around 67% of the world’s population, or 5.4 billion people, are now online, according to the International Telecommunication Union’s (ITU) report, “Facts and Figures 2023.” Apparently, the demand for high-speed Internet access is increasing, and the telecommunications industry should make sure that its infrastructure can handle the growing usage without compromising quality.

But beyond infrastructure upgrades, it is important that organizations can effectively sustain their systems to constantly meet their goals and maintain reliable service for customers. One approach to achieve this is the implementation of performance measurement systems. This will allow organizations to gather data on network efficiency, easily identify bottlenecks, make well-informed decisions regarding infrastructure investments, and most of all, deliver better customer service.

Providing leaders, professionals, and the broader business community with essential knowledge and resources, The KPI Institute (TKI) curates a collection of diverse learning materials and opportunities in strategy and performance management and adjacent fields every month. Some of these resources, while released years ago, remain highly relevant due to their timeless principles and adaptability to changing business dynamics as well as their enduring value and insights for today’s challenges.

This month, TKI is pleased to present comprehensive, research-based resources focusing on telecommunications.

Articles (FREE): Explore these featured articles from Performance Magazine: 

The Telecommunications KPI Dictionary: The key performance indicator (KPI) taxonomy used in this dictionary covers all major functions of the telecommunications industry, such as call center and telecommunications. The content covers establishing a robust workforce, improving people policies, practices, and systems, ensuring that the financial and operational telecom models meet their goals, and providing information on the quality of inbound and outbound calls.

Call Center Scorecard: This represents a catalogue of the KPIs used by the call center in order to manage and measure its strategic performance. The KPIs are grouped in the four traditional perspectives of the balanced scorecard, each containing objectives and KPIs that describe and assess the performance of the organization.

Call Center Performance Management System Toolkit: Featured here is a visual snapshot of the overall system for managing and measuring performance within the call center, including the system tools and processes and the connections between them.

Customer Service Call Center Dashboard: This is designed for managing and measuring performance of inbound call centers. The tool contains a repository of the most relevant and widely spread KPIs in the call center industry. While pre-populated with KPIs and other relevant data, this template can be customized for the specific needs of your organization. A Customer Service Call Center Dashboard Administrator Guide is also included with each purchase to make template customization an easy process.


May 20th, 2013 Posted by Research 0 thoughts on “NEW SMARTKPIS.COM REPORT RANKS THE TOP CUSTOMER SERVICE KPIS OF 2011- 2012”

Top-KPI-Report-Cover-2011-2012-Customer ServiceMay 20, 2013, Melbourne, Australia – The KPI Institute, the global authority on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) research and education announces the launch of a new report in its 2011-2012 edition of its popular Top 25 series of reports. The series is based on research conducted through, which contains over 20,000 Key Performance Indicator examples, making it the world’s largest source of thoroughly documented KPIs.

Customer Service refers to the services provided to existing and potential clients throughout the sale life cycle – before, during and after the purchase. The service capability is a major driver of customer satisfaction and loyalty and a source of sustainable competitive advantage. Customer Service stands for an organization’s capability in offering specific services for their customers, at their required qualitative level, to respond to their needs and wants. KPIs refer to the time efficiency responsiveness as perceived by the customers, as well as the quality of the services and responses offered. (more…)

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