TKI People Awards: teamwork makes the dream work

Teamwork is indispensable in the workplace as it enhances workflow efficiency, drives creativity and innovation, and boosts employee productivity. Working as part of a team while executing ideas and delivering results has always been at the core of the Publishing Team, which was named The KPI Institute’s (TKI) first Team of the Quarter awardee for 2023.

The TKI People Awards series features the employees and teams recognized by TKI for going above and beyond expectations, excelling as team players, and creating a tremendous impact on the company.

The Publishing Team is responsible for content planning, strategy, creation, management, and publishing for TKI News and Performance Magazine, both online and in print, as well as their supplementary monthly newsletters. They work in close collaboration with stakeholders and subject matter experts to identify trending topics, industry insights, and emerging themes, producing relevant and engaging articles, interviews, case studies, and analyses. 

Additionally, the team provides support to other entities in the TKI ecosystem by editing various documents and ensuring that they adhere to editorial standards, such as research reports, whitepapers, course syllabi, and marketing materials. 

To gain deeper insights into how they work together to help uphold the company’s reputation as a reliable source of information and thought leadership in strategy and performance management, here is an interview with the three members of the Publishing Team.




Deofelyn Cristobal 

Chief Editor


TKI: What was the biggest accomplishment of your team this quarter?

Len: The team was able to conduct a writer training program while streamlining our operations, revamping our magazine, and preparing our first issue all at the same time. This is in addition to consistently producing content for other platforms.

TKI: What do you like most about your team?

Len: We have established systems and guidelines for most aspects of our work. But what I appreciate about our team is that even when we find ourselves realizing we do not have a protocol for a certain task yet, we are still able to accomplish things because we communicate and are always willing to help and support each other.

TKI: Describe one of the challenges you were able to overcome this quarter. How were you able to overcome it as a team?

Len: There are times when we have to juggle various tasks but by keeping the lines of communication open and being as proactive as possible, we are able to effectively work together, set priorities, and accomplish tasks on time.





Paolo Orduña

Senior Editor


TKI: What was the biggest accomplishment of your team this quarter?

Paolo: We successfully launched a training program to improve the written communication skills of our writers and researchers.

TKI: What do you like most about your team?

Paolo: I love our team’s collaborative culture.

TKI: Describe one of the challenges you were able to overcome this quarter. How were you able to overcome it as a team?

Paolo: The writer training program was quite challenging because of the short timeline. But we managed to work through it by spreading the workload.





Kimberly Tilar

Publisher and Editor Specialist


TKI: What was the biggest accomplishment of your team this quarter?

Kim: It would be the Writer Training Program. This program was conducted in March for 9 days and aimed to hone the participants’ fundamental, intermediate, and advanced writing skills to improve their output in every project that involves writing, such as creating a report, research, online and print content creation, and designing a course guide. We were able to pull it off, given the short period to prepare and while in the middle of other projects.

TKI: What do you like most about your team?

Kim: What I like the most about our team is the excellent communication. It fosters collaboration, builds strong relationships, and helps us overcome challenges, leading to collective growth and success. Moreover, my two seniors welcome my suggestions, opinions and ideas, as much as I learn significantly from them. This dynamic exchange creates a collaborative environment, yielding remarkable results. 

TKI: Describe one of the challenges you were able to overcome this quarter. How were you able to overcome it as a team?

Kim: Experiencing imposter syndrome has made me sometimes question my abilities, feeling inadequate in my work. However, with the support and encouragement of my team, I am gradually gaining confidence and overcoming these doubts. Moreover, slot thailand I appreciate the generosity of Len and Paolo in offering compliments, feedback, and constructive criticism, which has been immensely helpful.

Join the growing team of TKI! Check out the following professionals that TKI is looking for that might match your interests and areas of expertise:

  • Business Development/Sales Managers
  • Edutech Business Analyst
  • Product Manager
  • Marketing Manager & Head of Marketing
  • Community Manager
  • Graphic Designer

Should you be interested, submit your CV to [email protected]

The KPI Institute August 2nd, 2023 Awards, Employees Tags: , , , ,