Latest report: Top 25 Human Resources KPIs – 2016 Extended Edition

Have you tried out the new Top 25 Human Resources KPIs – 2016 Extended Edition? Specifically developed to take the reader one step closer to an efficient KPI monitoring and reporting process, the Top 25 Human Resources KPIs -2016 Extended Edition makes for a valuable addition to any KPI Library used by professionals in the Human Resources  field.


The Top 25 Human Resources KPIs – 2016 Extended Edition report compiles the most popular 25 KPIs used by global Human Resources divisions throughout 2009 and 2015. One of the most important benefits that this report brings is an international perspective on the most popular Human Resources KPIs. They provide quantifiable measurement of the main components that lead to a successful implementation of human resources strategies.

Highlights from the Report

Complete hands-on experience in working with KPIs

Detailed documentation for each KPI

Complex articles on best practices in terms of KPI selection and documentation.

By emphasizing the use of KPIs today, the Top 25 Human Resources KPIs – 2016 Extended Edition is a valuable resource for any professional looking to refresh an existing performance measurement system or to promote the use of KPIs in the organization.

According to Aurel Brudan, The KPI Institute’s CEO, ‘’Top 25 Human Resources KPIs – 2016 Extended Edition is a synthesis of what is all about: it provides an overview of how Human Resources KPIs are used in practice today, by combining input from the online community with analysis and insights from our research team.”

About is the result of a wide research program conducted by The KPI Institute dedicated to documenting and cataloguing how KPIs are used in practice. It is an online platform for performance measurement, it offers high quality resources and collaboration functionality for the community of registered members, enabling them to make smart decisions regarding their performance management initiatives.

Get your brand new Top 25 Human Resources KPIs – 2016 Extended Edition and start implementing the knowledge now!

The KPI Institute June 17th, 2016 Research