New Courses, New Publications: TKI Research Division’s Semiannual Report

Since the beginning of 2022, the TKI Research Division has been relentless in its commitment to generate genuine forward-thinking ideas to address modern business challenges while promoting best practices and structural and strategic approaches for organizations. From new courses to new publications, the team continues to shine as a leading expert in strategy and performance management.

The TKI Research Division, the unit at The KPI Institute dedicated to producing high-quality, leading-edge research, provides practical frameworks, tools, and modern education programs for business leaders and professionals as they develop their knowledge, expand their capabilities, and provide strategic direction to their organizations.

Below are some of the division’s accomplishments in the first half of the year.


  • Top 25 Property Transaction KPIs – The report compiles the most popular 25 KPIs used by Real Estate Transactions function and provides quantifiable measurement of the main components that lead to a successful strategy implementation.
  • Top 10 Property Management Key Performance Indicators – This is a collection of posters that brings together an overview of how KPIs are measured in practice nowadays — by combining input from the community with research and analysis from The KPI Institute`s editorial team.
  • Top 10 Real Estate Transactions Key Performance Indicators – The list includes % Capitalization rate, # Apartment size, # Real estate demand, and # Days on market.
  • Top 10 Real Estate/Property Key Performance Indicators – Some of the KPIs featured in this report are % Cash-on-Cash Return (CCR), % Net Rentable Area to Gross Floor Area, % Vacancy rate, and # Real estate demand.
  • KPI of the Month – January to June 2022 (English & Arabic) – Each KPI of the Month Infographic sheds light on a specific KPI by clarifying its terminology and addressing the most challenging aspects of using it in terms of profile, calculation, Balance Scorecard focus, data profile, targets, and in-practice recommendations.
  • Performance Magazine Printed Edition Issue No. 21 – The 21st issue of PERFORMANCE Magazine dives deep into the state of strategy and performance management as organizations worldwide recover from the pandemic and face uncertainties.
  • Primary Research Study: State of Strategy Management Practice Report 2022 – This is an international primary research study conducted by The KPI Institute from November to December 2022. The report identifies the latest issues, trends, and challenges impacting the field of strategic planning, KPI usage, and strategy execution.


Client Projects

Moving Forward

For the rest of the year, the TKI Research Division will focus on strengthening its internal capabilities, optimizing its training portfolio, updating its course materials, marketing its products and services, and introducing learning reinforcement programs.

The team aims to develop the body of knowledge for its Center for Strategy and Business Planning, Center for Organizational Performance, and Center for Data Analysis, Visualization, and Analytics.

Building strong partnerships is also one of the division’s priorities this year. They aim to provide more training options to TKI’s partners and seal new partnerships with key organizations, such as universities, professionals, and associations.

For more details and inquiries, contact Cristina Mihăiloaie, Business Unit Manager – Research Division:  [email protected], +61 (390) 282 223 or +40 (749) 424 517.

The KPI Institute July 22nd, 2022 Certification, Research Tags: ,