The KPI Institute Launches Strategy, Performance Management Courses in Vietnam

The KPI Institute, a leading global research institute specializing in business performance, has been officially launched in Vietnam!

With accredited expertise and a network of top-tier professionals, we have become the top choice for government agencies, academic institutions, non-profit organizations, and professionals who need insights and performance improvement solutions.

Continuing the consistent journey toward enhancing and developing global business performance, The KPI Institute officially launched in Vietnam with a specialized module dedicated to Vietnamese. These training programs are designed and delivered exclusively in Vietnamese, following our international standards. This contributes to optimizing knowledge transfer, promoting cooperation to accompany sustainable development, and improving the business performance of organizations, leaders, experts, and individuals in Vietnam.

Exclusive benefits for participants in Vietnam:

  • Emerge in the world of strategy and performance management, understand main challenges, and identify feasible solutions;
  • Exposure to and familiarity with a broad range of valuable tools and methods that support the implementation of the KPI and performance system, strategy alignment, and achievement of strategic goals;
  • Obtain assistance to increase business results by choosing the right indicators, developing a strategic mindset, and optimizing procedures;
  • Engage in contemporary live-online learning with The KPI Institute, regardless of physical location;
  • Become a member of the International Community of The KPI Experts, and from there, expand the network of partners and potential customers;
  • Receive globally-recognized professional certificates;
  • Gain premium access to, the largest repository of KPI documentation in the world;
  • Earn 40 CPD points to be utilized for professional associations, academies, and regulatory bodies in your CPD profile.

For more information, please check our Vietnamese courses:

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The KPI Institute July 23rd, 2022 Certification, Courses, Events Tags: ,