The dissemination of best practices in the field of Performance Measurement and Management continue with a new successful edition of our renowned course – The Certified KPI Professional in another promising market of the Asia-Pacific Region. The KPI Institute, in partnership with ECADEMY, hosted the C-KPI course in Bangladesh’s business centre and capital, Dhaka, between the 1st – 3rd August, 2019.
ECADEMY is a Dhaka-based, training venture of JSN SMARTNET which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Jalal Ahmed Group of Companies offering high quality IT, Project Management, Data Analytics and Soft Skill’s training and education services maintaining leading international standard within the country.
Regarding the course itself, the Certified KPI Professional – C-KPI for short, brought a comprehensive new world of insights into how businesses can and should strive for a continuous optimization of their performance operation and performance management processes.
During the 3-day learning experience, top ranking executives of several organizations from the Telecommunication, Textile and Furniture industries, had the opportunity of being guided by one of our foremost consultants, Andrea Minelli.
The attendees, via a combination of theoretical notions and hands-on-practice exercises and case studies, had the possibility to better understand and practice concepts that are applicable in the current Bangladeshi corporate contexts, such as:
- How to strategically select the relevant KPIs;
- How to align strategic objectives and KPIs among different organizational layers;
- How to benefit from a sound Performance Management Architecture and Framework;
- How to build a sound data gathering and data reporting Framework.
Course Journal
This certification course has provided a solid theoretical and hands-on-practice foundation on how to optimize all the tools that are part of the performance management system.
Day I
During the first day of the learning experience, participants have been exposed to several concepts associated with KPIs and the Performance Management Architecture. Most importantly, they learnt the steps to building a proper framework that will set up a sound foundation for the system.
Constructive comparisons were carried out, between the performance management system currently implemented within the participants’ organization and some of the best practices around the world.
Day II
On the second day, we took a practical approach when it came to one of the most important phases of a Performance Management System’s implementation, which is the selection and alignment among organizational layers of KPIs and Strategic Objectives. Understanding the behind-the-scenes of the KPI selection process was a great source of discussion among the attendees.
As the final day approached, participants talked about the importance of not only selecting KPIs, but of also implementing best practices in setting up realistic, yet challenging targets for each KPI. Therefore, we put together a customized simulation, in order for the participants to apply those practices in their own organizational context.
The final session ended with a thorough discussion around the alignment of individual KPIs with corporate objectives, and being able to measure the contribution that each division head will have to achieve in order to meet the aforementioned objectives.
Overall, the course has taught the participants, all in managerial positions, how to implement some of the best practices in the industry, within their own Performance Management System Framework.
Want to know more about Performance Measurement and Management?
As performance is a continuous concern for organizations, do not hesitate to contact us and we will be more than pleased to assist you throughout your performance measurement and management journey!
If you are interested in measuring & improving the performance of your company, be sure to check out The KPI Institute or ECADEMY’s website from time to time, for more details on upcoming performance measurement and management courses.
Among the key Business Benefits for attendees interested in the C-KPI course are:
- Improve the performance of your company by practicing a sound framework for KPI measurement;
- Obtain better business results by selecting the right KPIs to monitor for your company;
- Generate value from using KPIs by optimizing the data collection process.
- Implement best practices that lead to an organizational culture that is performance-oriented
Otherwise, if a customized training course best suits your needs and you would like to know more details about it, please do not hesitate to contact Andrea Minelli directly at, [email protected].
Wishing you best of performance!