Course Stories: Certified OKR Professional – Bangkok July

Since the OKRs methodology is the new trend in goal management, we are trying to expand our related learning services and products where the market demands. Last month, during 20th-22nd, we reached Bangkok, through our Senior Management Consultant, Alina Miertoiu.okr bangkokMost of the participants came from the consultancy and entrepreneurship or HR fields, and were eager to learn the secrets of a successful OKR implementation strategy in different organizational contexts, from a practical point of view. We strive to deliver practical and hands-on material, so a big part of this course focused on debriefing several exercises designed to simulate every step of the OKR implementation process.

Similar to our other Certified OKR Professional courses, all of the participants were very interested in how to link OKRs with compensation and bonuses, which was a recurring discussion topic during the three-day learning experience.

Course journal

While the topics and agenda stay roughly the same for most of our OKR courses, each delivery represents a unique experience. Here is the story behind our course adventure in Bangkok.

Day I

Just as it is with any first day, this one started off by introducing the company and the facilitator, being followed up by a short self-presentation from each participant, which included their expectations and interests in the topics at hand. After that, we started discussing about OKRs, what they are, how they are different and their benefits. The highlight of the day were the exercises based on hybrid systems comprised from KPIs and OKRs.

Day II

The second day started off with an overview and recap of the first day, however the most interesting part was when we began simulating OKRs setting and alignment. Participants received a case study and each one of them was assigned a certain position in the company.

The main task was to go through all the steps of an OKR-setting process and ensure alignment between all the levels. Participants showed a lot of involvement and considered the exercise to highly engaging, given the fact that it presented them with hands-on experience, even though it was based on a case study.


During last day of the course, we continued with the case study from the prior day, followed by an OKRs review exercise, in order to help participants understand the OKRs review process as well as prepare them for this type of activity. We discussed several issues which can appear during the OKRs review process, such as employees’ lack of satisfaction or involvement – and the way we should address them.

We’d like to congratulate all of the participants for their drive and involvement, as well as for their energy during the course and we hope that in future we can see you at our next course and write even more amazing stories.

Sign-ups and registration!

As performance is a constant preoccupation, we would be more than happy to assist you throughout your performance journey!

If you enjoyed reading our course journal and feel that this learning environment would be suitable for your needs, why not visit our training calendar and check what best suits your learning needs?

If you’re someone that does not have a lot of time on their hands, to go to a course in person, we also have online training courses that align well with Performance Management topics:

Otherwise, if the opportunity of customized training courses is of interest to you or you’d like to know more information, contact Alina Miertoiu directly, at [email protected].

The KPI Institute August 22nd, 2019 Events Tags: ,