Succeed in strategy and performance management: practical applications from TKI’s 2023 research study

Amidst a sea of strategic frameworks and performance modulations, aligning your organizational strategies with validated, global insights is akin to following a lighthouse that guides you toward informed, impactful decision-making. With that in mind, The KPI Institute (TKI) invites you to join our exclusive webinar meticulously crafted for leaders, strategists, and innovators like you. 

The webinar will be held on Nov. 14, 2023, at 7:00 PM (KSA) and is designed to give participants the tools they need to navigate through the crucial findings of TKI’s “State of Strategy Management Practice Report 2023.” The report is a comprehensive research study conducted by TKI, which echoes the current state, challenges, and tactics of organizations across the globe. This webinar will not merely present data, but it will also help you understand how to weave these insights into the very fabric of your strategic endeavors.

What can you expect?

  • In-depth insights: Discover key findings from the research report that unveil current and future trends in strategic planning, measurement, and execution.
  • Expert narratives: Engage with our seasoned strategy and performance management expert who offers actionable advice to overcome challenges and bolster organizational practices.
  • Interactive dialogue: Participate in a rich, collaborative Q&A session, and glean insights from our expert on your topics of interest.

Who is this for?

  • Executives and managers who are navigating through the complex webs of decision-making and organizational leadership
  • Strategy planning professionals who seek to enhance the depth and impact of their strategy management tools and practices
  • Corporate performance management managers who are looking to align organizational performance measurement with emerging global trends and insights
  • Business consultants who aim to provide their clientele with informed, data-backed guidance that elevates the effectiveness of performance management systems

Participant gift bag

What’s in the bag? Participants will receive the following gifts:

  • State of Strategy Management Practice Report 2023: Access the full report including practical recommendations.
  • The Human Resources Performance Scorecard Template: Benefit from a pre-populated performance scorecard that can be populated with other functional area examples or corporate-level objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs).

About the speaker

The webinar will be presented by Cristina Mihăiloaie, a Strategy and Performance Management Expert and the Business Unit Manager of Research Programs at TKI.

Her professional experience embeds research skills with performance management consulting and practical strategy development and execution for TKI’s research division.

In the last 10 years, Cristina has contributed to the development of best practices and standards for using and leveraging KPIs that are taught in the premium certifications of TKI worldwide. She has assisted large organizations in industries like oil and gas, the financial sector, telecommunications, manufacturing, and utilities.

She conducts maturity assessments for strategy and performance management systems and has trained over 500 professionals, gaining first-hand experience on the most stringent issues that organizations are facing.

Join the webinar

Embark on a journey of strategic elevation, where your actions and decisions are not just informed but transformed by a reservoir of global insights and trends. Click the link below to secure your spot in a webinar that promises to reshape your strategic outlook and empower your forward trajectory.

Secure my spot.

The KPI Institute November 8th, 2023 Events, Webinar Tags: ,