Delivering KPI Essentials in Lima, Peru, for the CPTU

Raluca’s adventure started in Egypt, continued in Kuala Lumpur and at the end of it all, finished in Peru. Seeing companies that we have helped achieve realistic, measurable performance improvements is what motivates us to keep spreading best practices worldwide, keep carrying that banner and keep striving to improve the business world at large, one company at a time.peruOn the 28th of August, 2019, we held a short, 2-part training intervention in Lima, Peru, for a group of representatives from the Central Procurement and Technical Unit (CPTU), part of the Ministry of Planning in Bangladesh.

The first part of the intervention was mostly centered around creating a basic level of understanding and a clear picture of the most popular performance management concepts, ranging from Vision, Mission and Values to KPIs, Tasks and Milestones.

The second part focused on KPI Selection, according to a set of previously defined strategic objectives, because it’s not enough to define where you’d like to go, but also how you’d like to actively keep track of where you’re going, understanding how you will reach that destination.

Therefore, we went over several KPIs and allocated each and every one of them to their respective objectives, which were adapted for procurement in the public sector.

The KPI Institute October 18th, 2019 Events Tags: ,