Posts tagged "employee recognition"

Recognizing outstanding performance: meet The KPI Institute’s employee of the year

February 14th, 2024 Posted by Awards 0 thoughts on “Recognizing outstanding performance: meet The KPI Institute’s employee of the year”

The KPI Institute (TKI) has announced the recipient of the TKI People Awards for Employee of the Year 2023. The TKI People Awards series features the employees and teams recognized by TKI for going above and beyond expectations, excelling as team players, and creating a tremendous impact on the company.

Adiela Misan, Head of Finance, receives the Employee of the Year 2023 award. Misan has been working at TKI since 2016 and has consistently demonstrated dedication and commitment to her role, which her colleagues praised.

According to Cosmina Mitran, Chief Financial Officer, Misan has shown exceptional competence in coordinating finance-related activities and ensuring smooth business operations. Her adept handling of financial matters has contributed to seamless financial processes, showcasing her proficiency in overseeing critical aspects of the organization’s success and stability. Misan is also appreciated for her attention to detail, strategic approach, and dedication.

As an accounting specialist and part of Synaesis’ Financial Team, Misan manages the financial and accounting aspects of TKI, which involve accounting records, reconciliations, invoicing, payments, salaries, tax, and audit reporting. At the same time, she assists other departments of the TKI ecosystem, such as the logistics, human resources, sales, and consultancy departments.

Now, let’s meet the TKI’s Employee of the Year and explore the principles that guide her in the workplace.

What does receiving the Employee of the Year award mean to you?

Receiving the Employee of the Year award means that my contribution to the organization is acknowledged and appreciated, motivating me to constantly improve and develop my skills. I am always grateful to my team members and manager for their continuous support.

What is your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

I do not have a favorite accomplishment because every time I learn something new or complete a task, it feels like an accomplishment to me.

How do you find a solution when you are faced with a challenge at work?

First, I take a break. Then, I reassess the situation and look for some ways to solve it. Lastly, I discuss my challenge with my superior and choose the best solution. I believe everything has a solution; we only need to find the most convenient one for our situation.

What are the three main career lessons you have learned thus far?

The three main career lessons I have learned so far are:

  1. Communication is essential.
  2. Keep learning and growing.
  3. Save time to do the things you are passionate about.


Take the next step in your career and join The KPI Institute’s expanding team. TKI is looking for the following professionals:

  • Chief Operating Officer
  • Marketing Manager
  • Sales Manager
  • Business Research Analyst
  • Instructional Designer
  • Graphic Designer
  • Copywriter

Should you be interested, submit your CV to [email protected]. Visit for more information.

TKI People Awards: exploring the personal dimensions of professional achievements

January 11th, 2024 Posted by Awards, Employees 0 thoughts on “TKI People Awards: exploring the personal dimensions of professional achievements”

The KPI Institute (TKI) People Awards series features the employees and teams recognized by TKI for going above and beyond expectations, excelling as team players, and creating a tremendous impact on the company.

In the ever-evolving professional landscape, the pursuit of excellence extends beyond technical prowess. In this interview, the TKI Employee of the Month (EOM) awardees for the third quarter of 2023 share how their mindset, personal passions and connection to the community shine through in the way they perform their roles and achieve success.

By looking at real stories and lessons from different fields, we gain a holistic view of what success really means.




Bernadine Sandoval

Administrative Assistant

Life Management Science Labs (LMSL)


TKI: What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Bernadine: Being awarded the Employee of the Month is a big recognition for my hard work. It also serves as a motivation for me to continue performing at a high level. At the same time, it gives me the eagerness to improve my abilities and skills. Also, I am glad that I was able to contribute to the company’s success.

TKI: What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Bernadine: Working as an admin assistant, I am responsible for ensuring seamless workflow and day-to-day operations. Collaborating with different teams and ensuring their expectations are met has been one of my biggest accomplishments here at LMSL.

TKI: When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Bernadine: My journey at LMSL has been marked by work challenges that have catalyzed my growth. I have discovered that confronting mistakes, rather than avoiding them, can lead to personal improvement and a more resilient and productive work environment.

TKI: What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Bernadine: The three career lessons I have learned so far are continuous learning, leadership skills, and resilience. Working at LMSL gives me the opportunity to learn every day. Even though I am not a leader, I have the chance to improve myself when it comes to decision-making, problem-solving, and team management. Lastly, LMSL taught me to bounce back from disappointments and use them as opportunities for personal and professional growth.


Kathina Aninditya

Junior Research Program Coordinator

Institute for Life Management Science (ILMS)


TKI: What do you want to do when you are not working? What are your hobbies, passions, or involvement in your community?

Kathina: In my free time, I enjoy spending quality moments with family and friends to recharge. One of my hobbies is reading but it varies depending on my mood. As for community involvement, I recently applied for a 5K race with friends to promote a healthy lifestyle.

TKI: What do you appreciate most about working at TKI?

Kathina: What I value most about my role at TKI is the opportunity to work within a global environment. Collaborating with colleagues from diverse cultures and backgrounds adds a unique dimension to our discussions and allows for a rich exchange of perspectives that constantly broadens my horizons.

TKI: What are you looking forward to in terms of your new projects, collaborations, and role here at TKI?

Kathina: Nothing specific, but I am eagerly anticipating the opportunities for growth and learning that come with my new projects, collaborations, and role here at ILMS. It’s an exciting prospect to take on fresh challenges and work closely with talented colleagues.


Islam Salahuddin

Data Analyst

TKI Research Division


TKI: What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Islam: Receiving the Employee of the Month award serves as a valuable recognition from colleagues

TKI: What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Islam: One of my favorite accomplishments at TKI is developing and enhancing the methodology as well as the analysis and reporting of TKI’s flagship Government Services Index.

TKI: When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Islam: Through research, discussions with colleagues and trial and error.

TKI: What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

  1. Flexibility – Career paths are not carved in stone. 
  2. Personal perspective – Everyone has their own experience that shapes their perception and what they have to add, and that is important. 
  3. Collective learning – Sharing knowledge and skills supports individual development.




Andreea Vintila

Business Research Analyst – TKI Research


TKI: What do you want to do when you are not working? What are your hobbies, passions, or involvement in your community?

Andreea: Outside of work, I enjoy immersing myself in nature and observing the world in motion, which helps me reconnect with reality after spending time in the virtual realm. My creativity knows no bounds; I dabble in photography and often experiment with reinventing recipes.

TKI: What do you appreciate most about working at The KPI Institute?

Andreea: What I value most is the sense of security and the absence of excessive pressure in my work environment. At the same time, I appreciate the occasional challenge of working under pressure, as it fosters growth and adaptability.

TKI: What are you looking forward to in terms of your new projects, collaborations, and role here at TKI?

Andreea: I am always eager to take on diverse projects. I approach each task with confidence, fully aware that the necessary support and patience are readily available to help me excel. My experience within this team shows that with the right people, we can progress at our own pace. Additionally, I have learned that no matter how complex a task may appear, a positive mindset, patience, and dedication can lead to its resolution.


Cynthia Claudia

Senior Editor & Quality Assurance Specialist 



TKI: What do you want to do when you are not working? What are your hobbies, passions, or involvement in your community?

Cynthia: I am mostly involved in self-care activities when I disconnect myself from work: I do pilates, have a quiet time to myself, enjoy listening to music and watching movies, and connect with friends and families.

I am also an avid traveler who not only enjoys exploring the serenity of nature in the countryside but the hustle bustle culture of city life too.

TKI: What do you appreciate most about working at The KPI Institute?

Cynthia: I am grateful for the opportunities that TKI provides in terms of self-improvement and learning new skills and knowledge through many training and certifications. There are always opportunities to gain new skills, discover ideas, learn new systems, and build new relationships.

Through remote work setup, I am also grateful to be able to collaborate with people from various ages, cultures, and backgrounds. It is such a remarkable experience to get in touch with people from different parts of the world.

TKI: What are you looking forward to in terms of your new projects, collaborations, and role here at TKI?

Cynthia: I hope to keep earning the trust to deliver various tasks and outputs in my current role. Furthermore, I am also looking forward to being a part of projects outside my scope of work.  As I closely collaborate with the Research team and gain insights into their work, I’m keen to engage in primary research for firsthand data collection, moving beyond secondary research.

The opportunity to conduct surveys or interview people to gather primary data in the field of social science or life science and drawing conclusions excites me the most. I am looking forward to many more opportunities to improve my skills and knowledge in the future. 


Syadza Andini

Framework Program Coordinator 



TKI: What do you want to do when you are not working? What are your hobbies, passions, or involvement in your community?

Syadza: Outside of work, I cherish my moments of self-care and relaxation. These moments often include savoring a leisurely day at the beach, immersing myself in a good book on my Kindle, indulging in a soothing massage, and spending quality time with friends. These activities help me recharge and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Occasionally, my friends and I would also embark on spontaneous adventures, which might lead us to picturesque waterfalls or, when time permits, underwater as we engage in diving. These experiences foster a sense of wonder and excitement, allowing me to connect with nature and create lasting memories with friends.

Regarding my passions, I have a deep-rooted love for working with clients, particularly in the realm of counseling, and my specialization is in Clinical Psychology with a focus on children and adolescents. Although my current role may not involve direct client interaction, I am committed to advancing in this area. I have been actively pursuing additional courses and certifications related to counseling and child psychology, with the ultimate goal of rekindling my passion and making a meaningful impact in this field once again.

TKI: What do you appreciate most about working at The KPI Institute?

Syadza: What I appreciate most about working at The KPI Institute (especially in the ILMS) are:

The diverse culture – Our workplace is a tapestry of diverse cultures, with colleagues coming from different countries and backgrounds. This enriching diversity provides a dynamic environment where different perspectives and insights come together. It fosters a global mindset and encourages creative problem-solving.

Supportive colleagues – The camaraderie among my colleagues is truly exceptional. I am fortunate to work with teams that are not only talented but also incredibly supportive. Whether it is collaborating on projects, seeking advice, or navigating challenges, there is a strong sense of teamwork and a willingness to help one another succeed.

TKI: What are you looking forward to in terms of your new projects, collaborations, and role here at TKI?

Syadza: In terms of my projects, collaborations, and role here at TKI, I have several things that I look forward to:

  1. Launching courses with the LMSL – I am eagerly anticipating the launch of courses under the LMSL initiative. This is a project close to my heart, as I was here from the beginning of it, and I am committed to its success. These courses have the potential to offer valuable insights and knowledge to our audience, and I look forward to contributing to their development and rollout.
  2. Increased involvement in creating articles – I am keen to become more actively involved in creating articles for the Insights Magazine. Sharing valuable knowledge and insights with our readers is a fulfilling endeavor, and I am excited to be more active and contribute to this platform.
  3. New centers in the ILMS – The establishment of a new center within the ILMS is a significant development. I am excited about the challenge of developing the framework for this center and helping it evolve just like the existing centers.


TKI People Awards: thriving in the dynamic business landscape

October 4th, 2023 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “TKI People Awards: thriving in the dynamic business landscape”

The success of an organization depends on its employees’ ability to adapt to a dynamic business landscape characterized by technological advancements and industry shifts. How can individuals make the most of these changes to not only rise above them but also thrive in their chosen fields?

Take a look at how employees at The KPI Institute accomplish their goals. They come from diverse backgrounds, each contributing a wealth of expertise to their roles while remaining committed to continuing their personal and professional development. 

This is why The KPI Institute (TKI) People Awards series features the employees and teams recognized by TKI for going above and beyond expectations, excelling as team players, and creating a tremendous impact on the company.

In this article, let’s get to know the TKI Employee of the Month (EOM) awardees for the second quarter of 2023. 


Month of April 2023




Paolo Orduña

Senior Editor

TKI Publishing Department


TKI: What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Paolo: Receiving the EOM award proves I belong here.


TKI: What is your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Paolo: I am proud of the Writer Training Program that I developed and facilitated.


TKI:  When you are faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Paolo: I try to look at challenges or problems from different perspectives to find a solution that best fits the context of the current issue.


TKI: What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?


1. When you fail, it is important to note where and how you fell short. Failing by itself won’t bring any lessons. But how you frame failure and what you can take away from the experience that dictates whether or not you learn something.

2. Being open to feedback means having to swallow your pride. You cannot get better if you do not believe there is room for improvement.

3. Never be afraid to ask for help. As cliché as it sounds, there really is no “I” in “team.”




Cynthia Claudia

Senior Editor and Quality Assurance Specialist

Institute for Life Management Science (ILMS)


TKI: What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Cynthia: I am grateful to receive the EOM award for April 2023. It means a lot to me because it shows that the people around me acknowledged and appreciated my work and capability. Moreover, it also serves as a reminder of my work’s impact on the people around me as well as on the overall success of the organization. It motivates me to continue giving my best to contribute to the organization’s shared goals.


TKI: What is your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Cynthia: The opportunity of getting promoted from Assistant Editor to Senior Editor and Quality Assurance Specialist. I believe this accomplishment would not have been possible without the constant support and feedback from the people I work closely with. I might be going out of my comfort zone when dealing with new stuff but I am eager to embrace new challenges and learning opportunities, leveraging my strengths and capability to make a meaningful contribution.


TKI:  When you are faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Cynthia: When faced with a challenge at work, I try to gather as much information as possible. I gather information independently or by reaching out to my seniors, who I believe can brainstorm a solution to the particular challenge. The information-gathering process will help me to devise solutions. From there, I can decide the best solution to the challenge. I believe it is important not to be passive when facing challenges at work, especially in a remote environment. 


TKI: What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?


1. Communication: Constant communication with colleagues is essential in solving problems, aligning expectations, and building trust in the working environment. 

2. Agility: Be agile to adapt quickly to any changes in the working environment and lead changes productively and cost-effectively without compromising the quality of our output. 

3. Continuous improvement: Always be hungry to learn something new and improve yourself. Learning is a continuous journey that helps you improve, so embrace any opportunity to learn something new. 




Raden Trizaldi

Senior Researcher

Applied Management System Institute (AMSI)


TKI: What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Raden: Receiving the EOM award means a great deal to me. It validates my hard work, dedication, and support provided to my team and the organization. It signifies that my efforts have been noticed and appreciated, which is extremely motivating. This award serves as a reminder that my contributions had a positive impact and encourages me to continue striving for excellence in my work.


TKI: What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Raden: Choosing just one favorite accomplishment at TKI is difficult as I have been fortunate to work on various meaningful projects. However, if I highlight one, it would be the development of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Business Productivity course. This accomplishment is remarkable to me because it allowed me to utilize my expertise in AI and allowed me to contribute to my team members’ growth and development. Witnessing the impact of the course on their learning and seeing them excel in their roles has been immensely fulfilling.


TKI:  When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Raden: When faced with a challenge at work, my approach to finding a solution involves several steps. First, I thoroughly analyze the problem and understand its underlying causes. Then, I research and gather relevant information to gain a comprehensive understanding of the issue. Next, I brainstorm potential solutions, considering both conventional and innovative approaches. 

Moreover, I engage in open discussions and seek input from my colleagues, leveraging their expertise and perspectives. Once I have explored various options, I assess each solution’s feasibility, risks, and potential outcomes. Finally, I make an informed decision, considering the resources available and the desired outcomes, and proceed with implementing the chosen solution. Throughout the process, I remain adaptable, open-minded, and persistent, always ready to adjust my approach if necessary.


TKI: What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Raden: The three main career lessons I have learned thus far are:

  1. Collaboration and teamwork are essential for success. Embracing a collaborative mindset and fostering strong relationships with colleagues not only enhances productivity but also promotes a positive and supportive work environment.
  2. Continuous learning and staying updated with industry trends and advancements are crucial. Embracing a growth mindset and seeking knowledge and skill expansion have fueled my professional development.
  3. Embracing challenges and stepping out of the comfort zone is where real growth happens. By taking on tasks and roles that stretch my capabilities, I have learned and achieved more than I initially thought possible. Embracing challenges with a positive attitude and perseverance has been essential to overcoming obstacles and reaching new heights in my career. Once again, I am genuinely grateful for being recognized as the Employee of the Month. This award motivates me to continue contributing to the success of AMSI and TKI, inspiring and supporting my colleagues to reach their full potential.




Syahrul Ghifari

Graphic Designer



TKI: What do you want to do when you are not working? What are your hobbies, passions, or involvement in your community?

Syahrul: When I am not working, I have several hobbies and interests I enjoy doing. One of my main passions is learning. I love to immerse myself in books or videos, especially about design, technology, and web development. I am also quite passionate about outdoor activities like jogging. Exploring nature and spending time outdoors rejuvenates and allows me to disconnect from the digital world, even for just a while. Additionally, I enjoy outdoor photography, capturing the beauty of landscapes and wildlife.

Overall, my hobbies help me maintain a balanced and fulfilling life outside of work.


TKI: What do you appreciate most about working at The KPI Institute?

Syahrul: Firstly, I am delighted to return as an employee of the month. What I appreciate most about working at TKI is that it provides me with a platform for learning and self-improvement. Additionally, the efficiency of remote work, which is uncommon in Indonesia, serves as an advantage, enabling me to be more productive, manage my time effectively, and collaborate with helpful colleagues.


TKI: What are you looking forward to in terms of your new projects, collaborations, and role here at TKI?

Syahrul: I hope to continue earning trust to take on diverse tasks, enabling me to complete projects and acquire new skills.


Month of May 2023




Andreea Vintila

Junior Management Consultant



TKI: What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Andreea: Receiving the EOM award is a fantastic accomplishment and a meaningful appreciation of my hard work and victories on the job. Knowing that my coworkers and superiors have seen and acknowledged my efforts gives me a sense of validation. This honor motivates me to continue functioning at a high level and to aim for even greater success.


TKI: What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Andreea: A significant achievement I take pride in is my contribution to authoring multiple articles for both the printed and online editions of the Performance Magazine.


TKI:  When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Andreea: Typically, when confronted with work challenges, I proactively seek to devise independent solutions, drawing upon my professional expertise. Additionally, I engage in collaborative brainstorming sessions with trusted colleagues to explore diverse perspectives. To ensure an optimal outcome, I also seek the guidance and input of my supervisor to validate and refine the proposed solution.


TKI: What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Andreea: The three main career lessons I learned so far in my stay in TKI are (1) prioritizing work-life balance, (2) embracing challenges and setbacks as learning opportunities, and (3) communicating effectively.




Nouran Essam Ali 

Graphic Designer



TKI: What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Nouran: This award makes me feel recognized and appreciated by my colleagues for all my work these past few months.


TKI: What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Nouran: It should be the PERFORMANCE Magazine Issue 26, 2023 – Data Analytics edition


TKI:  When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Nouran: I face my challenge at work by completing the project quickly, breaking the challenge into smaller tasks, maimaintaining positive self-image, and staying passionate.


TKI: What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?


  • time management
  • focus on developing and using your strengths
  • staying committed to work




Layla Woodard

Marketing Manager

Functional Areas Enablement Institute


TKI: What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Layla: The EOM award means a lot since it shows my colleagues’ trust in me and my commitment to the job. I appreciate how they see my work ethic and no deed (small or big) goes unnoticed.


TKI: What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Layla: Finalizing the name of FAEI, formerly AMSI, and launching its first product was a long process but completely worth it. Nothing feels better than seeing your hard work come to life!


TKI:  When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Layla: I always try to distance myself from the problem and challenge, so I look at things from a different lens than when I am in the eye of the hurricane. To solve any issue, you must be as empathetic as possible in understanding all perspectives. In addition, I ask my colleagues what would be the best course of action in any challenge because sometimes someone outside of the situation is the one who can provide insight or enlighten you on the solution.


TKI: What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?


  • Everyone learns differently, so be patient with people.
  • Sometimes, you have to step away from a problem to solve it.
  • Taking initiative is one of the best things you can do.




Kathina Aninditya

Junior Framework Program Coordinator



TKI: What do you want to do when you are not working? What are your hobbies, passions, or involvement in your community?

Kathina: On some days, I just want to rest at home. Then, sometimes, I want to go outside and spontaneously go somewhere with my family or friends. Recently, I have been setting aside a day each month to try new activities with my friends. For example, we learned to make pottery, created batik (an Indonesian technique of wax-resist dyeing applied to the whole cloth), concocted tisane, and garden using permaculture principles.


TKI: What do you appreciate most about working at The KPI Institute?

Kathina: I am genuinely grateful for the remarkable support from both ILMS team members, including the research team and our colleagues at Life Management Science Labs (LMSL). It brings me immense joy to be part of a group that faces challenges and triumphs together. Although there were some disagreements, which are natural in any dynamic environment, we always overcame them together. During these moments, we truly connect, fostering openness and collaboration that is integral to our success as a team. I genuinely feel fortunate to be surrounded by such a talented and dedicated group, and it fuels my excitement to continue working with them and achieving our collective goals.


TKI: What are you looking forward to in terms of your new projects, collaborations, and role here at TKI?

Kathina: As I start my new role at ILMS, I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to gain valuable experience in management. I am not only coordinating junior researchers but also keen to actively participate in other projects involving cross-functional collaboration with teams such as publishing and marketing. However, I would like to take on smaller projects like improvement plans for our products or other initiatives alongside my colleagues. 

Furthermore, I look forward to delving into primary research again, a pursuit that has been close to my heart for some time. The prospect of conducting experiments and employing statistical analysis excites me greatly, and I am truly eager to engage in this fulfilling aspect of the role. As I envision the future possibilities, my enthusiasm grows, and I am genuinely thrilled to embrace the challenges and opportunities that await me.


Brian Kiprop

Research Analyst



TKI: What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Brian: Being honored with the EOM award recognizes my dedication and significant contributions to achieving the company’s project goals. I collaborated with the Applied Management System Institute (AMSI) to develop an innovative AI professional course, which involved focused teamwork and meeting tight deadlines. I willingly went above and beyond, working extra hours to ensure success. Reflecting upon this transformative experience, I realize how it has propelled my professional growth and empowered me to cultivate an environment where colleagues thrive and excel, fostering a culture of collective success.


TKI: What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Brian: Working on the new AI course has been a significant highlight of my year. It has been immensely rewarding to contribute to developing this course, which aims to enhance professionals’ understanding of AI for business productivity concepts and their practical application across various business functions. I am excited about its potential impact on enriching knowledge and empowering organizations and individuals in the rapidly evolving field of AI.


TKI:  When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Brian: When faced with a challenge at work, I focus on understanding the issue by gathering information and seeking input from colleagues. This enables me to assess potential solutions and prioritize successful ones effectively. Reflecting on outcomes also helps me learn and improve.


TKI: What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?


1. Embrace versatility and adaptability –  working across multiple units and taking various roles within the company has taught me the importance of being adaptable and open to new challenges. 

2. Foster a growth mindset –  maintaining a growth mindset has been pivotal in my career development. By staying humble and curious, I have approached each task and interaction as an opportunity to learn and grow.

3. Take ownership of your professional growth – seeking opportunities to expand my knowledge, acquire new skills, and stay current with industry trends is vital to remain competitive and advancing in my career.

TKI People Awards: nurturing employee motivation in the realm of remote work

September 6th, 2023 Posted by Awards, Employees 0 thoughts on “TKI People Awards: nurturing employee motivation in the realm of remote work”

With the rise of remote work, maintaining employee motivation and engagement has become vital to elevate morale, nurture belonging, and amplify productivity. One way to keep employees motivated and engaged is through employee recognition

The TKI People Awards series features the employees and teams recognized by TKI for going above and beyond expectations, excelling as team players, and creating a tremendous impact on the company.

In this article, the recipients of the TKI Employee of the Month award in March 2023 shared their thoughts on receiving it and their achievements so far. Learn how they overcome challenges and find motivation at work.



Maryan Hamadeh

Translator and Research Assistant, Research Division

The KPI Institute


TKI: What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Maryan: Receiving the Employee of the Month award means a lot to me. It represents a sense of accomplishment and pride for my hard work. It makes me feel appreciated and that my efforts have been recognized. Moreover, it reassures me that I work in the right company and a supportive working environment that values its employees. 

TKI: What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI? 

Maryan: One of my favorite accomplishments at TKI has been my most recent project. I was proudly able to translate the Certified Innovation Performance Professional (C-IP) course in just one month while juggling other tasks as well, knowing that the time estimation to translate such courses is around three months. This task was challenging but also demonstrated my dedication and time management skills. It is certainly something to be proud of! 

TKI: When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Maryan: The first thing I do once I face a challenge at work is trying to understand the challenge. After that, I break it down into minor challenges and set small goals. I develop an action plan for steps that I need to take to overcome this challenge. Those are the steps I have followed to translate the C-IP course, and I cannot stress enough the importance of time management. Remember that you can continuously develop your time management skills to increase your ability to handle challenges efficiently and achieve better results. 

TKI: What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Maryan: (1) Continuous learning and development: There is always room for improvement and growth. Every day, you face new challenges and handle new tasks, so take that as an opportunity to learn new things. (2) Networking: The KPI Institute is a working environment known for its diversity. Getting to know colleagues from various backgrounds will help you exchange knowledge and share different insights. (3) Taking risks: Always remember that you know a lot more than you think you know. You still need to be put in a situation to discover those skills. So, once you fail, embrace this failure and step up again. Fall seven times, stand up eight! 



Eglis Mewania

Administrative Assistant

Life Management Science Labs (LMSL)


TKI: What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Eglis: Getting the Employee of the Month award means a lot to me. It is like a big thumbs-up from my colleagues and a recognition that my hard work and dedication have paid off. It increases my confidence and motivation, showing that the company values my efforts. Plus, it is a nice little ego boost and a chance to celebrate with my team. Overall, it is a tremendous honor that makes me proud of what I do.

TKI: What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI? 

Eglis: So far at TKI, my favorite accomplishment has been conducting preliminary meetings successfully with potential podcast guests. I took the time to explain everything clearly and effectively, and I was thrilled every time they agreed to join the podcast. Knowing that my efforts paid off and that our podcast would benefit from their participation was a great feeling.

TKI: When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Eglis: When I encounter a challenge at work, I tackle it head-on. First, I take a moment to assess the situation and understand the problem. Then, I brainstorm possible solutions, often bouncing ideas off my colleagues or seeking their input. Once I have a few potential solutions, I weigh their pros and cons. Finally, I choose the best approach and dive in, adapting and learning along the way. It is all about being proactive, collaborative, and willing to learn from successes and setbacks.

TKI: What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Eglis: The three main career lessons I have learned so far would be (1) embrace opportunities, (2) learn from failures, and (3) build relationships.



Shorouk Mohamed

Senior Graphic Designer 



TKI: What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Shorouk: Receiving the Employee of the Month award means a lot to me because it feels great to know that my work got noticed and appreciated. This makes me more encouraged and motivated to keep up the hard work.

TKI: What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI? 

Shorouk: I would say designing the  LMSL and maentae websites is my favorite accomplishment because these projects introduced me to website designing for the first time. I learned from scratch how to use the new required Adobe software and am still educating myself more about the UI/UX design field.

TKI: When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Shorouk: I start by doing my own research regarding the different potential solutions to the challenge I am facing and then discuss the results with my art director for more reliable and supported answers to my questions.

TKI: What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Shorouk: (1) There is always room for learning new skills and getting introduced to new fields of design. (2) It is important from time to time that I get out of my comfort zone and try more challenging projects that require a design outcome that is not my typical design style. (3) Getting to work with colleagues from a diverse culture is very inspiring because it introduces us to different work experiences and project management techniques.



Donnell Constantino

Instructional Designer

Institute for Life Management Science (ILMS)


TKI: What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Donnell: Receiving the Employee of the Month award makes me feel validated. 

TKI: What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI? 

Donnell: My favorite accomplishment so far working at ILMS, one of the organizations within the TKI ecosystem, would be creating course modules

TKI: When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Donnell: When faced with a challenge at work and finding a solution for it,  just be assertive and not be afraid to ask questions. 

TKI: What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Donnell: The three career insights I have gained include the importance of assertiveness, kindness, and critical thinking.

TKI People Awards: getting to know more about the Employee of the Month awardees

July 5th, 2023 Posted by Awards, Employees 0 thoughts on “TKI People Awards: getting to know more about the Employee of the Month awardees”

In the vibrant corridors of an organization bustling with dynamic teams and ambitious projects, there exists a source of inspiration and a beacon of excellence. Each month, The KPI Institute (TKI) acknowledges the performance of individuals through the TKI People Awards.

The TKI People Awards series features the employees and teams recognized by TKI for going above and beyond expectations, excelling as team players, and creating a tremendous impact on the company.

In this article, TKI proudly introduces you to the esteemed employees of the month in February 2023. Learn about the awardees’ unique personal and professional interests and outstanding accomplishments, showing their incredible journey and invaluable contributions to the organization.



Daniela Vuta

Head of Publication

The KPI Institute


TKI: What do you want to do when you are not working? What are your hobbies, passions, or involvement in your community?

Daniela: When not working, I enjoy listening to music, reading and staying active. Also, I practice and hone my piano skills and experiment with different musical genres in my spare time. When I am not playing music, you can find my nose deep in a book, exploring different worlds and perspectives through literature. 

Moreover, I love hiking and jogging to stay fit and have fun outdoors. I enjoy the challenge of hiking up steep trails, taking in beautiful scenery and pushing myself to reach new heights. But I like to jog around my neighborhood or in the local park for a quick and energizing workout. 

TKI: What do you appreciate most about working at The KPI Institute?

Daniela: There are several aspects of my workplace that I value. My first example is a positive work culture. It also offers opportunities to improve my skills and advance my career through training programs, mentorship, and advancement opportunities, which I truly value. Nonetheless, feeling fairly compensated for my efforts is vital to job satisfaction. The KPI Institute is a company that provides competitive pay, benefits and opportunities for bonuses or other rewards. Lastly, working for the Institute allows me to achieve the work-life balance I have always aspired to. Flexible scheduling and remote work options are all valued perks that help me balance my personal and professional life.

TKI: What are you looking forward to in terms of your new projects, collaborations and role here at TKI?

Daniela: I am thrilled about the upcoming projects I will be working on, particularly the one that entails developing new publications that align with our mission of delivering comprehensive performance solutions backed by thorough research. I look forward to collaborating with my team members to develop more creative ideas, strategies and content that enhance decision-making, shed light on business practices, and provide valuable insights to our readers. 

In terms of my role in the organization, I am eager to take on more leadership responsibilities and contribute to the growth and success of the company. Overall, I am excited about the opportunities ahead and cannot wait to see what we can achieve together.



Abdallah Diab

Human Resources Information System Specialist



TKI: What do you want to do when you are not working? What are your hobbies, passions, or involvement in your community?

Abdallah: Outside of working hours, I am usually either swimming as part of my workout routine, reading from my collection of books, watching Netflix, or spending time with family and friends when possible. Hopefully, I could travel again during the summer vacation and use my time off. Moreover, my hobbies include playing chess, drawing and Arabic calligraphy.

TKI: What do you appreciate most about working at The KPI Institute?

Abdallah: I mostly appreciate the work culture at TKI and my colleagues, especially the ILMS Research Leadership team members, who encourage me to pursue particular projects and support me. They pave the way for my growth and provide opportunities to experiment with specific initiatives I take. Also, I value my team members’ trust in me to bring improvements and change to the team in achieving overall efficiency and reaching targets and goals.

TKI: What are you looking forward to in terms of your new projects, collaborations, and role here at TKI?

Abdallah: I look forward to expanding my knowledge, learning more, and upskilling myself in diverse areas when possible, especially in data management and human resource and performance practices. 



Indita Sindaran

Admin Assistant



TKI: What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Indita: Getting the Employee of the Month award means a lot to me! It is like a big pat on the back for all the effort and commitment I put into my job. It is awesome to know that my hard work has not gone unnoticed and that my colleagues and manager appreciate what I do. This recognition boosts my confidence and makes me even more determined to keep up the good work. Overall, it is really a special honor that puts a big smile on my face.

TKI: What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Indita: My favorite accomplishment is getting guests consistently for the cluster I am assigned to. Moreover, I keep my projects to be the most organized.

TKI: When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Indita: Whenever I face challenges, discussing it and brainstorming to find a solution with fellow Admin Assistants (AAs) or the direct manager always works.

TKI: What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Indita: The three main career lessons I have learned while working at LMSL are as follows: (1) a good companion should always be appreciated, especially in hard times, (2) set a schedule before you do anything to avoid overworking, and (3) resting your eyes after a prolonged time staring at your computer screen is essential to keep you healthy— physically and mentally.



Sarika Fitri 

Business Analyst



TKI: What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Sarika: The Employee of the Month award means recognition and validation for exceptional dedication and performance.

TKI: What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Sarika: My favorite accomplishment so far would be having to work with colleagues from around the world.

TKI: When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Sarika: We are currently witnessing remarkable growth in the artificial intelligence (AI) industry. So, nowadays, I utilize ChatGPT to find a solution to the challenge I am facing and then seek further opinions from my colleagues working globally.

TKI: What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Sarika: Slot Thailand The importance of engaging in networking, possessing soft skills like adaptability, and embracing the culture of continuous learning.

TKI People Awards: recognizing exceptional talent

June 7th, 2023 Posted by Awards, Employees 0 thoughts on “TKI People Awards: recognizing exceptional talent”

Every successful organization has talented individuals whose dedication, passion, and expertise drive innovation, conquer challenges, and turn visions into reality.

The KPI Institute (TKI) People Awards series features the employees and teams recognized by TKI for going above and beyond expectations, excelling as team players, and creating a tremendous impact on the company.

Today, we will uncover the outstanding journeys and accomplishments of the employees of the month for January 2023. Get ready to be inspired and motivated by their stories in an interview with the TKI Publishing Team. 



Haifa Audrey

Junior Instructional Designer



TKI: What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Haifa: Receiving the Employee of the Month award is a humbling experience. This award has made me reflect on my work and my contributions to the team. It has also given me motivation to keep improving my skills.

I am grateful for the support and guidance of my colleagues, who have helped me grow professionally. Their willingness to collaborate and share their knowledge has allowed me to contribute more effectively to the team’s success.

Overall, this award is a reminder of the importance of hard work, dedication and collaboration. I will continue to work hard and strive for excellence, and I am grateful for the opportunity to work with such a talented and supportive team.

TKI: What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Haifa: My favorite accomplishment at TKI is sharing knowledge as an onboarding buddy for new instructional designers (IDs). Sharing my knowledge about the team’s work and processes with new colleagues not only helped them to settle in quickly but also gave me a fresh perspective on our work.

Through this experience, I gained new insights that have improved my work, and I was inspired to seek further opportunities for collaboration and knowledge-sharing. I believe that this chain of knowledge sharing is critical to our team’s success, and I am proud to have played a part in it.

TKI: When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Haifa: When faced with a challenge at work, I first approach the problem with a positive mindset. Being optimistic and open-minded helps me see things from different perspectives and develop better solutions. I also believe staying calm and focused is important, so I take a step back to analyze the situation before jumping into any solutions.

Once I have gathered all the relevant information, I turn to my colleagues for input. I find that by seeking solutions collaboratively, we can come up with more effective solutions than we could on our own. It is also a great opportunity to learn from one another’s experiences and perspectives, which can help us navigate similar challenges in the future.

TKI: What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Haifa: Throughout my career, I have learned three key lessons that have been instrumental in my personal and professional growth. Firstly, I have come to understand that effective communication is paramount not only in what I communicate but also in how I do it. I have learned to listen to others, empathize with their perspectives, and respond appropriately to communicate effectively.

Secondly, maintaining a positive mindset has proven to be powerful. It helps me approach challenges with a clear head, find solutions, and contribute to a positive work environment. I try to proactively build an environment that fosters positivity and inclusivity.

Lastly, I have learned that collaboration is crucial to achieving our goals as a team. We can leverage each other’s strengths and expertise to reach our objectives by working together. Owning up to our mistakes, taking responsibility, and learning from them have helped me grow and improve my collaboration with others.



Linh Do

Head of Professional Services- Vietnam 



TKI: What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Linh: It motivates me to maintain a positive attitude toward my work

TKI: What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Linh: We conducted our first Certified Performance Management course in Vietnamese in March 2023, and the participants gave positive feedback, demonstrating our team’s capability to expand in this market. Our premium products are priced higher than the local offerings, but we believe that the quality of our products speaks for itself.

TKI: When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Linh: In many cases, I seek advice from my senior colleagues to arrive at a solution. However, there are instances where I conduct research and benchmarks on my own particularly when my colleagues have not encountered similar problems yet..

TKI: What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Linh: First, creating a work environment that recognizes the significance of continuous learning is crucial, as it is the most critical aspect of any profession.

Second, successful teamwork and the achievement of team objectives rely heavily on the buy-in and involvement of colleagues.

Lastly, the key to success is not managing time but managing one’s mind. Therefore, it is important to cultivate an interest in and passion for the work one does every day.



Widasari Wida

Admin Assistant 



TKI: What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Widasari: So many things happened that made me question whether I was doing well or doing things right, and this award dispels any doubts I had. Now, I am proud of everything I have accomplished so far.

TKI: What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Widasari: Being entrusted with managing a handover course production process between ILMS and LMSL. As the project is ongoing, I hope everything goes well.

TKI: When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Widasari: I believe that communication is key for any matter to happen, so I consult problems I have with my team. I am grateful to have such a supportive team with an awesome direct manager that I am able to give and receive much support.

TKI: What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Widasari: In project management, being proactive is highly important since we are expected to seek action and solve problems quickly. You must also be brave enough to stand up for yourself when in a difficult position. Lastly, spare time to check regularly on your teammates to see if they need help.



Temiloluwa Makinwa

Product Manager



TKI: What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Temiloluwa: It is intriguing and encourages me to do more in my job function.

TKI: What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Temiloluwa: My favorite accomplishment at TKI is the soon-to-be-launched Learning Management System (Lerero LMS). I am excited to launch the product.

TKI: When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Temiloluwa: When I am faced with a challenge at work, I collaborate with team members, try to research possible solutions, and put in a can-do attitude.

TKI: What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Temiloluwa: I have learned three main career lessons: (1) asking the right questions, (2) building relationships with key contributors, and (3) designing and testing solutions with others.


Be part of TKI’s growing team! Check out the following professionals that may fit your interest and expertise:

  • Head of Marketing
  • Marketing Managers
  • Web Developers
  • Research Analyst
  • Podcast Host
  • Sales Manager
  • Admin Assistant

Should you be interested, submit your CV to [email protected]


TKI People Awards: insights from the Employee of the Month awardees

May 3rd, 2023 Posted by Awards 0 thoughts on “TKI People Awards: insights from the Employee of the Month awardees”

Employee motivation plays a vital role in the success of any organization as motivated employees tend to be more engaged, productive, and committed to achieving their objectives. One way to increase employee motivation is through recognition programs such as the Employee of the Month award.

According to a survey, 83% of employees are driven to work harder when being recognized for their job. It shows that rewarding employees for their efforts can efficiently boost employee productivity and self-esteem.

The TKI People Awards series features the employees and teams recognized by The KPI Institute (TKI) for going above and beyond expectations, excelling as team players, and creating a tremendous impact on the company.

The recipients of the TKI Employee of the Month award in December 2022 shared in an interview their thoughts about the recognition and their best TKI work-related accomplishments. Discover how they overcome obstacles at work and be motivated as they analyze the three most important lessons they have discovered in their careers.




Senior Research Analyst 



  1. What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Receiving the Employee of the Month award is a reminder of my work’s impact on the people around me, and it motivates me to continue making a positive difference.

2. What is your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

I do not have any specific accomplishments to share at this point but I am excited about the potential to contribute to the organization’s success in the future. I have been learning a lot and building relationships with my colleagues, and these experiences will serve as a strong foundation for future accomplishments.

3.  When you are faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

When faced with a work challenge, I carefully assess the situation and gather as much information as possible. Once I clearly understand the problem, I identify potential solutions and weigh the pros and cons of each. Then, I select the best option and develop a plan for implementing it.

4. What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

  • Adaptability: another crucial lesson I have learned is the importance of adaptability in the face of changing circumstances. The workflow constantly changes, and the ability to transform and adjust to changing circumstances is critical, especially when learning new skills, taking on new responsibilities, or adjusting to a new work environment.
  • Continuous learning: finally, I have discovered that continuous learning is essential, especially in a working environment with little experience. We can continue to grow and develop personally and professionally by remaining curious and open to new ideas.
  • Communication: effective communication is one of my most important lessons. Clear and concise communication is essential when communicating with colleagues for building trust, managing expectations and ensuring that everyone is on the same page.



Annisa Alifindira

Business Research Analyst

Partnerships Department


  1. What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

The Employee of the Month award means a lot to me because my work and capability were acknowledged and appreciated.

2. What is your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

I am still aiming for a much better accomplishment every day. So far, receiving the Employee of the Month award is one of my favorites.

3. When you are faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

It is essential to focus more on the challenge at hand to pull out a lot of resources. It is important to focus on the challenge at hand to allocate resources effectively. A concentrated mind and energy will often result not only in one or two solutions.

4. What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

First, communication and double-checking are essential. Second, be quick in responding to problems. Lastly, do not hesitate to appreciate your colleague’s hard work.



Arraghib Nizham 




  1. What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

I felt deeply touched and lucky when I received the Employee of the Month award, which shows that many people support me.

2. What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Every time I finish my task, it is an accomplishment for me.

3. When you are faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

The last time I faced a challenge at work, I tried to do it myself and work overtime. But there are better ways. I realized that I should ask for help from others because others’ gear moved the vision.

4. What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

The primary career lessons I have learned are work-life balance, discipline, and always learning.



Malek Ghazo

Management Consulting

Consulting Department


  1. What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

The Employee of the Month award is a recognition and empowerment with a better sense of belonging to a culture that acknowledges involvement and engagement as drivers for success.

2. What is your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Solutions by STC Audit and SDAIA training project are my favorite accomplishments.

3. When you are faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

When I face a challenge at work, I often approach the different individuals at TKI; seek advice and support from them.

4. What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

The three main career lessons learned are: (1) recognition is unavoidable, (2) collaboration and engagement are essential, and (3) lessons learned are essential to success.

Be part of The KPI Institute’s growing team! TKI is looking for the following professionals:

  • Head of Marketing
  • Marketing Managers
  • Web Developers
  • Research Analyst
  • Podcast Host
  • Sales Manager
  • Admin Assistant

Should you be interested, submit your CV to [email protected]

TKI People Awards: achieving success through team effort

April 4th, 2023 Posted by Awards, Employees 0 thoughts on “TKI People Awards: achieving success through team effort”

Achieving success in any organization is not only about individual achievements but also the collective effort of a team. The concept of teamwork has become increasingly important in today’s business environment as it allows individuals to collaborate towards a shared goal, leveraging their unique strengths and perspectives.

The KPI Institute (TKI)  has recently announced the Partnerships Department as the Team of the Quarter awardee for the fourth quarter of 2022.

The TKI People Awards series features the employees and teams recognized by The KPI Institute for going above and beyond expectations, excelling as team players, and creating a tremendous impact on the company.


Cosmin Chrindris, the Head of Partnerships, shared that despite the market conditions shifting and several markets remaining unsettled due to the aftermath of the pandemic, the partnership team successfully adapted and redirected their energy toward their most effective strategies. As a result, they were able to surpass their goals.

Today, we will explore the story of this remarkable team and their secrets to success. We will delve into the factors that led to their accomplishments, the challenges they faced, and how they overcame them.





Carmen Boboc

Partnership Manager


  1. What was the biggest accomplishment of your team this quarter?

One of the most significant accomplishments in quarter four was the Performance Management Masterclass for Human Resources Departments. This course was successfully delivered in Mauritius in partnership with Soft Skills Consultants.

The Performance Management Masterclass approaches performance management as a practice that enables alignment of the HR department with corporate strategy. It provides a framework, tools, and techniques for the HR department to effectively measure performance and optimize internal processes.

The course includes highly interactive and applicative sessions in which participants learn how to manage and improve results within any HR department. As part of this process, participants identify improvement initiatives and build the HR initiatives portfolio while aligning HR projects with departmental objectives.

  1. What do you like most about your team?

What l like the most about our team is even though we continue to live in uncertain times, we always manage to find solutions to overcome them, develop new markets for our services, and maintain long-term business relationships with our partners. I admire our perseverance and determination.

  1. Describe one of the challenges you were able to overcome this quarter. How were you able to overcome it as a team?

One of the challenges we faced was understanding our partners’ current market needs and challenges and developing new solutions. However, we overcome these challenges by working together to identify the root cause, brainstorm possible solutions, and then decide on the best course of action. We always support each other and provide assistance when needed.




Annisa Alifindira 

Research Analyst


  1. What was the biggest accomplishment of your team this quarter?

I believe that achieving the team’s financial target for the quarter is the biggest accomplishment of our team. 

  1. What do you like most about your team?

Since I work with Cosmin more often, I appreciate that he does not micromanage and never hesitates to show appreciation, not just to me but also to other divisions. He is quick to find solutions and alternatives. Also, I found Carmen and Doina to be willing to help me in times of need

  1. Describe one of the challenges you were able to overcome this quarter. How were you able to overcome it as a team?

I am responsible for the administrative and research tasks of the team, so I ensure that all tasks are completed on time and coordinate regularly with other departments, such as Educational Program.




Doina Popovici

Partnership Manager


  1. What was the biggest accomplishment of your team this quarter?

The biggest accomplishment of our team this quarter was exceeding our financial targets and successfully securing new projects through our local partners.

  1. What do you like most about your team?

What I like most about our team is how we share experiences, exchange impressions regarding different markets or regions, and discuss our approaches to addressing potential challenges.

  1. Describe one of the challenges you were able to overcome this quarter. How were you able to overcome it as a team?

I believe that through open communication, we can solve any issues. Our team encourages initiative and innovation, and we are always open to discussing ways to improve our internal processes


The Partnership team accomplished several noteworthy feats in 2022, such as providing a Performance Management Masterclass for the Human Resources Department, introducing the first customized and internally-delivered Certified Agile Strategy Execution Professional program, and advocating for the creation of a dedicated course focused on the Certified OKR Professional Methodology. According to Cosmin, while developing new courses does not fall within the department’s primary responsibilities, the Partnership team is proactive in identifying opportunities for growth in existing services and creating new courses to address untapped market potential.

Join the global partnership network of TKI and experience the unique advantage of marketing and the delivery of universal benchmarks for Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) selection, documentation, and reporting. To learn more about TKI’s Global Partnership, visit

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