Posts tagged "KPI library"


KPI Library: What’s Inside the World’s Biggest Database of KPIs

September 8th, 2021 Posted by Research 0 thoughts on “KPI Library: What’s Inside the World’s Biggest Database of KPIs”

documented kpis

The KPI Institute (TKI) marks its 17th year of research on KPI best practices, with 21,264 KPIs documented on to date. functions as an online KPI library built with performance cycle solutions and designed for professionals and public and private organizations who want to monitor the performance of key result areas of their business activities.

The KPI Database, a result of ongoing research activity managed by experienced performance measurement analysts, covers 25 industries and 16 functional areas, such as accounting, finance, CSR, human resources, portfolio and project management, sales, and supply chain.

More than 84,000 subscribers now enjoy access to a wide range of KPI examples that they can apply to their business environment, the global level, and even personal contexts, such as productivity and work-life balance. 

Members can find relevant KPI examples for their context, use them to design their own template, and get advice from experts about performance measurement.

They can also explore TKI’s Research Library, which virtually houses hundreds of resources and publications on performance-related research. 

Some of them are The KPI Dictionary series, which features definitions and calculation formula for more than 8,000 KPIs, and the Top KPI Reports series, which records the most popular KPIs used in different industries along with insights from TKI’s research analysts.

To those who would like to develop and upgrade their performance management architecture, TKI offers Toolkits consisting of pre-populated templates and examples to guide organizations in the process.

Apart from generating research reports, TKI remains committed to equipping professionals and organizations with the necessary skills in addressing KPI measurement challenges. Through the Certified KPI Professional program, they can achieve international recognition in the field of performance measurement, provide value for their business, and join esteemed peers in the Certified KPI Professionals Community.

Some of the organizations that have used TKI’s services are Accenture, Microsoft, PWC, BMW, Pepsico, Samsung, Emirates, IBM, Hilton Worldwide, and Petronas. Join the growing list of clients by choosing the subscription plan that suits your needs.

For inquiries, contact Cristina Mihăiloaie, Business Unit Manager – Research Division:  [email protected], +61 (390) 282 223 or +40 (749) 424 517.

KPI Documentation – Free webinar by The KPI Institute

July 22nd, 2013 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “KPI Documentation – Free webinar by The KPI Institute”

Madinah Institute for Leadership and Entrepreneurship in partnership with The KPI Institute and presents the webinar:

KPI Documentation: Understanding KPI names, calculating formulas and establishing targets

by Adrian Brudan, Research Director, The KPI Institute

Date: Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013
Time: 3:00 PM KSA (8:00am EDT | +3:00 GMT)

Summary outline of the webinar

Managing the KPIs framework correctly is challenging due to lack of standards in the KPI naming, definition and their use. One of the key factors for success in this direction is to employ a rigorous KPI documentation process within the organization and consolidate an internal KPI library.

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