Posts tagged "performance magazine – printed edition"

Excerpt: Empowering employees for a new strategic vision and adaptability…

May 27th, 2024 Posted by Publications 0 thoughts on “Excerpt: Empowering employees for a new strategic vision and adaptability…”

The transformative shifts occurring today compel employees to recalibrate their thinking, embrace cutting-edge technologies, adapt behaviors, and operate in new environments. While these changes hold the promise of progress, they simultaneously introduce disruptions. 

Effective change management is a critical factor for organizational success in this dynamic scenario. Change management relies on strategic leadership, as highlighted in the Certified Agile Strategy Execution course offered by The KPI Institute (TKI). This program emphasizes the importance of shaping a strategic vision and guiding employees through essential actions for its realization. It involves anticipating change, maintaining flexibility, and empowering others to drive strategic change when needed. 

However, TKI’s State of Strategy Management Practice Global Report – 2023 reveals a stark reality in the business environment: 34% of professionals identify poor management of changes as a significant contributor to strategic failure. Meanwhile, on the employees’ side, the challenge of change fatigue emerges during transformation changes.


This excerpt is from the cover story of Performance Magazine Issue No. 29, 2024 – Strategy Management Edition titled “Empowering employees for a new strategic vision and adaptability through change management.” To find out the factors that hinder employees’ performance and engagement when experiencing continuous change and how to cultivate a positive and adaptive organizational culture, download the free digital copy of the Performance Magazine on the TKI Marketplace. An additional printed copy is available and can be purchased via Amazon.

A year in print: TKI releases four special editions of Performance Magazine

January 15th, 2024 Posted by Publications 0 thoughts on “A year in print: TKI releases four special editions of Performance Magazine”

Performance Magazine, a trusted professional resource for industry updates, expert analysis, case studies, and trends in strategy and performance management, marked a successful year in 2023 with the release of four special editions. Performance Magazine – Print Edition is published quarterly by The KPI Institute (TKI), a leading global research institute dedicated to defining standards and advancing the field of strategy and performance management.

The four editions covered themes of the public sector, sustainability, data analytics, and government. Each edition showcases insights from guest experts in their respective fields. The magazines also present real-world examples, dissect frameworks, and offer practical recommendations for professionals seeking a comprehensive understanding of performance standards.

The Public Sector Edition highlights TKI’s Government Service Index Report 2022, which documents the performance of governments worldwide in key public service areas. The data were analyzed using five dimensions: adaptability, talent, digitalization, governance, and impact. The digital copy of this edition can be downloaded directly from TKI Marketplace while the print copy is available for purchase on Amazon.

The Sustainability Edition offers valuable information and analysis on how to effectively apply sustainable practices to business operations and strategy, as well as measuring and evaluating the impact of such efforts on the growth of the business and the wider society. Readers can grab a copy on TKI Marketplace or Amazon.

The Data Analytics Edition provides insights into applying data analytics to transform business operations, develop robust strategies, improve decision-making, and enhance performance management. This edition can be accessed through TKI Marketplace or Amazon.

The Government Edition explores the public sector’s multifaceted approach to strategy and performance management and reviews standards and concepts behind the tools and techniques governments use in planning strategies and measuring performance. Those interested can secure a copy via TKI Marketplace or Amazon.

For the first quarter of 2024, readers can look forward to editions covering employee performance and strategy management. Stay updated and be the first to access them by following TKI’s LinkedIn page.

Elevating government performance: an exclusive interview with Michael Jacobson

January 15th, 2024 Posted by Publications 0 thoughts on “Elevating government performance: an exclusive interview with Michael Jacobson”

In the PERFORMANCE Magazine Issue No. 27, 2023 – Government Edition, The KPI Institute was given the opportunity to connect with Michael Jacobson, Deputy Director for Performance and Strategy in King County’s Office of Performance, Strategy and Budget, through a written interview and discuss government strategy and performance management, focusing on people, processes, and public service.

TKI: What key trends have shaped the public sector in recent years, and how have they influenced governmental practices and policies?

Jacobson: Increasing complexity and cross-sectoral issues: the hardest problems to solve are not technical or even financial but cut across multiple sectors and social dimensions. They also require political agreement or at least alignment. The public sector cannot solve issues like homelessness, climate change, or poverty alone. The need for cross-sectoral collaboration is required.

Demographics: this applies to the increasing diversity of the populations we serve and the changing expectations of new generations and their relationship to work, especially if they want to work in the public sector. This requires a more racially diverse workforce and a more responsive stance as an employer to adapt to changing market conditions. This has also reinforced the need for governments to improve equity in services and policies (process, distributional, and results).

Accountability and limited resources: increased public accountability and constrained resources have required governments to focus on management systems, including performance management and Lean, to deliver results.

TKI: In your observations in general, what do you think about how well governments manage their performance in terms of strategy planning and performance monitoring?

Jacobson: Some are doing a fantastic job developing strategic plans, cascading strategy down to the organization, and tracking performance to targets. Some are doing little of these things and primarily reacting to issues. The majority are doing one or two major planning and monitoring efforts, maybe inconsistently or in specific departments only and not at an enterprise scale.

A complete strategic planning-monitoring-improvement cycle (or a complete Plan-Do-Check-Adjust cycle) is not a small thing. It has taken us years to have the key elements in place at the enterprise level in King County. There are still many opportunities to improve, whether using targets more consistently or being more results-focused when performance differs from where it needs to be.

Dive deeper into Jacobson’s perspectives on the latest trends in strategy and performance management in the government sector today. Check out the cover story of the newest issue of PERFORMANCE Magazine. Visit the TKI Marketplace for a free digital copy and Amazon for an additional printed version of the magazine. 

Performance Magazine: government strategy and performance management in focus

December 12th, 2023 Posted by Publications 0 thoughts on “Performance Magazine: government strategy and performance management in focus”

Effective governance not only sets rules but also steers a nation toward a shared vision.  This is accomplished by creating a strategy aligned with citizens’ welfare and aspirations and ensuring progress at every step. Therefore, performance management plays a crucial role in measuring, evaluating, and improving the effectiveness of government initiatives and policies. 

The latest PERFORMANCE Magazine Print Edition, published by The KPI Institute (TKI), explores innovative ideas, best practices, case studies, agile approaches, and viewpoints about the use of key performance indicators, benchmarking, strategic planning and execution, and data analysis in the government sector. 

The magazine offers exclusive insights from interviews with performance management practitioners and experts in the government, addressing issues affecting government employees and citizens, like job loss and digital inequality. TKI’s consultants also share their perspectives on other performance management challenges, data empowerment, and digitalization. 

In the cover story, Michael Jacobson, the Deputy Director for Performance and Strategy at the King County Office of Performance, Strategy, and Budget in the United States, dives deeper into government strategy and performance management, highlighting the roles of people, processes, and leadership in ensuring efficient and successful public service.

Furthermore, the In-depth section of the magazine delves into crucial aspects of organizational management, covering the newest trends and practices in how organizations formulate and execute strategies, enhance workforce performance, and leverage data for informed decision-making.

One of the edition’s highlights is the coverage of the performance management system maturity assessment conducted by the Global Performance Audit (GPA) Unit of The KPI Institute for the Talent and Performance Management Department of Saudi Arabia’s Tourism Development Fund (TDF).

PERFORMANCE Magazine’s Career Insights section presents stories and insights from seasoned performance management professionals in the government who shared their experiences in pursuing careers in public service. Additionally, the magazine shares valuable resources such as statistics, books, software, podcasts, and webinars.

Seize this opportunity to understand how strategy and performance management work in the government sector and gain lessons on leadership, strategic thinking, and adaptability. Grab a digital copy today of the PERFORMANCE Magazine Issue No. 27, 2023 – Government Edition through TKI Marketplace. You can also purchase the printed edition via Amazon


Madhur Mayank Sharma: achieving speed and accuracy in data analysis

September 27th, 2023 Posted by Publications 0 thoughts on “Madhur Mayank Sharma: achieving speed and accuracy in data analysis”

The KPI Institute recently interviewed Madhur Mayank Sharma, senior director and head of AI development at SAP Asia PTE LTD and share insights with PERFORMANCE Magazine about about the challenges and opportunities in adopting artificial intelligence in the Asia Pacific region, and how to develop a data strategy that aligns with business objectives and how to foster data literacy within organizations.

TKI: As the Head of the AI Development team for SAP, how do you define a good data strategy? What does it entail?

Madhur: For companies to drive innovation, improve operational efficiency, and deliver better business outcomes, a sound data strategy is a must. Establishing clear business objectives helps in identifying needed data points and data quality. With this in place, choosing the right data platform facilitates the creation of the required digital infrastructure. This infrastructure should support seamless and real-time data flow from the source of generation to the point of decision-making. Lastly, proper training and continuous process improvement result in positive business outcomes.

TKI: What are the unique opportunities and challenges that come with developing AI products and services in the Asia Pacific region, and how do you ensure that your team is able to effectively address these factors?

Madhur: The Asia Pacific region represents a unique challenge and opportunity when it comes to the adoption of AI products and services. On one side, the ever-changing business landscape, language barriers, and varied business processes pose challenges for AI systems to provide desired results. On the other hand, companies are willing to experiment, are open to changing business processes, and have adopted innovative ways of running the business, helping usher in innovation.

TKI: How do you balance the need for speed and agility in data analysis with the need for accuracy and rigor in data modeling and interpretation?

Madhur: This balance needs to be established on a case-by-case basis. Critical business functions in which decisions may profoundly impact business outcomes require more attention and hence better accuracy and rigor in data modeling. Meanwhile, the faster deployment of data modeling may help enhance the user experience for the business processes where user behavior and action require facilitation and substantiation. Agility and relevance are fundamental to both critical and non-critical business functions.

To read more about the latest trends, strategy, and performance management in data analytics, check out the latest issue of Performance Magazine today! You can get a free digital version via the TKI Marketplace or order a printed copy from Amazon. Please be informed that the price may vary for printed copies depending on your location.

Performance Magazine: data analytics for strategy and performance management

August 23rd, 2023 Posted by Press release, Publications 0 thoughts on “Performance Magazine: data analytics for strategy and performance management”

Recent developments in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have profoundly impacted data analytics, allowing for informed, real-time decision-making and improved strategy execution. As interest in data analytics among C-suite executives increases, it is crucial to understand how it can be used to empower strategy and performance management.

The KPI Institute, a leading global research institute specialized in business performance, is proud to announce the publication of the 26th issue of Performance Magazine, which goes on a deep dive into how data analytics is being used to transform the way companies operate, develop business strategies, and manage performance. This issue also includes best practices and case studies on integrating innovative technologies such as AI and ML into an organization’s operations. 

Our cover story features insights from Madhur Mayank Sharma, senior director and head of AI development at SAP Asia PTE LTD, who shared his thoughts on how to develop a forward-thinking, dynamic data strategy. In addition, we also feature a plethora of experts in the field of data analytics, each of whom has provided a unique perspective on how organizations can create a data strategy and establish a data-driven culture.

Furthermore, our very own experts from The KPI Institute provided answers to questions on data analytics, such as:

  • How can organizations bridge the knowledge gap between data analysts and nontechnical stakeholders and decision-makers?
  • How can managers and executives stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in data analytics?
  • What are the most important KPIs for measuring the ROI of data analytics initiatives?

This issue also includes in-depth articles on topics such as how to leverage data for sustainability strategies, how to use business simulations to practice decision-making and problem-solving skills, how to identify whether or not the data gathered is of “good” quality, and how businesses can avoid falling prey to hype by adopting technologies that actually matter. 

Aspiring data analytics professionals will also learn a lot from our Career Insights section, which features an article detailing the importance of building a strong statistical foundation. Readers can also peruse our recommended resources, which include books, podcasts, webinars, and more.

Ensure your organization doesn’t fall behind on the latest data analytics trends impacting business, strategy, and performance management by checking out the latest issue of Performance Magazine today! You can get a digital version via the TKI Marketplace or order a printed copy from Amazon.

23rd Performance Magazine: Explore the World of Strategy and Performance Management

November 29th, 2022 Posted by Press release 0 thoughts on “23rd Performance Magazine: Explore the World of Strategy and Performance Management”

Take a deep dive into the newest PERFORMANCE Magazine – Printed Edition. 

The 23rd PERFORMANCE Magazine – Travel Issue reveals the new strategies established by hotels, airlines, restaurants, and other industry participants in the aftermath of the pandemic. This issue unveils the difficulties these industry face in reviving their operations and everything in between that affects their community, efficiency, and performance.

What Is Inside the 23rd PERFORMANCE Magazine?

Get updates and inclusive insights on the recent status of businesses in the tourism and travel industry. Have a glimpse at the extended and newest edition of a report compiled with the top key performance indicators (KPIs) in the airline industry and explore fresh approaches to reviving the hospitality industry.

Learn about new ideas, best practices, case studies, agile practices, and insightful perspectives on strategy planning and execution, performance management cycles, benchmarking, data analysis and visualization, and the use of KPIs.

Determine how silo transformation can improve organizational performance directly from Dr. Keith Clinkscale, Strategic Planning and Performance Management Director in Palm Beach County, Florida, USA. Take a look at the tools they developed in monitoring and evaluating their performance and discover it helped them advance their competition in the industry. 

Travel the world of strategy and performance management through recent initiatives of hospitality, tourism, and travel industry in different countries, as well as through interviews with subject matter experts, seasoned consultants, practitioners, business leaders, academicians, and research analysts. Seize the recommended tools, webinars, podcasts, and talks you will encounter on the final pages of the magazine.

To get your own copy of the 23rd PERFORMANCE Magazine – Printed Edition, visit TKI Marketplace. You can download a free digital copy there! You can also get an additional printed copy of the magazine through Amazon

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