Posts tagged "TKI People Awards"

TKI PEOPLE AWARDS: The KPI Institute Celebrates Employees’ Fruit of Hard Work

September 21st, 2022 Posted by Awards, Employees 0 thoughts on “TKI PEOPLE AWARDS: The KPI Institute Celebrates Employees’ Fruit of Hard Work”

The KPI Institute has announced the awardees of the Employee of the Month (EOM) for July 2022.

The TKI People Awards series features the employees and the teams recognized by The KPI Institute for going above and beyond expectations, excelling as team players, and creating a tremendous impact on the company.

The KPI Institute celebrates the success of five (5) employees at work. Learn more about the employees, who excel in the month of July through the interview below, where they share thoughts in receiving the recognition up to the career lessons they have learned as a professional that you may also practice in your working environment.




Raluca Vintila

Management Consultant

TKI Consulting


  1. What do you want to do when you are not working? What are your hobbies, passions, or involvement in your community?

Raluca: I love spending time outdoors as much as possible, especially traveling. In addition, gardening is one of the latest passions I discovered. I also love supporting local non-government organizations (NGOs) that look after environmental protection, forestation, and animal care.

2. What do you appreciate most about working at The KPI Institute?

Raluca: I appreciate the flexibility to match personal preferences and interests with TKI business needs. I think we have a super-open culture, where you have the freedom to contribute.

3. What are you looking forward to in terms of your new projects, collaborations, and role here at TKI?

Raluca: I think my current position is a good fit for me; exploring customer relationships and training delivery. I would love to continue in this endeavor. I already tried everything I wanted to try, like research and instructional design.



Mohamed Fouad

Art Director



  1. What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Mohamed: It means a lot to me— feeling appreciated by my superiors for my work and effort I exerted to every task, and the desire to achieve more achievements in the future.

2. What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Mohamed: My favorite accomplishment is when I worked on two branding projects. I am so honored to be part of creating the visual identities for ILMS & LMSL

3. When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Mohamed: I search for the best solution, and ask my manager.

4. What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Mohamed: The three main career lessons I have learned so far are as follows:

  • Trust the process as you will achieve what you dream about. 
  • Appreciate what you have.
  • Always work on your skills on a daily basis.



Asmaa El Cadi

Marketing Manager



  1. What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Asmaa: I was surprised when I first got to know about it [EOM award].  I am glad that my work did not get unnoticed, and I am very grateful to work with such a highly skilled team of very kind people. 

2. What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Asmaa: This award itself is a great accomplishment to me, plus the fact that my team and I are currently managing our work pretty well. We got to understand each other’s way of working and strengths, and I can say— now, we harmoniously complement each other.

3. When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Asmaa: I admit, I was usually the type of person who would try hard to find a solution by myself whenever I am facing any challenges. With my current team, I learned to seek help and advice from my colleagues. I have the chance to work with experienced people from different backgrounds, so there is always someone who has my back.

4. What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Asmaa: The first career lesson I have learned is getting to know your team members and developing good relationships based on respect and appreciation. The second thing is being result-oriented and trying to have the same vision as your team to accomplish any project. Lastly, maintaining a good work-life balance:  staying healthy and getting the time to do the things you love will positively impact your productivity at work.



Tudor Modruz

Senior Business Development



  1. What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Tudor: Receiving the EOM award is an acknowledgement of hard work and dedication. This award also provides another incentive to continue the development path. This award would certainly not have been possible without the help of my colleagues, who I would like to thank on this occasion.

2. What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Tudor: My favorite accomplishment is seeing the developed ideas proved useful and added value to the related activities.

3. When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Tudor: Challenges are sometimes the big learning opportunities in everyone’s career. In my case, changing views and balancing the impact of any decision make the best solution that is easier to reach.

4. What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Tudor: The following are the three main lessons I learned so far as a professional:

  • Recognize and appreciate the success of others.
  • Teamwork is a key aspect.
  • Keep learning every day.



Kimberly Tilar

Publisher and Editor Specialist

TKI Research


  1. What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Kimberly: Receiving the EOM award means a lot to me. It serves as a reminder to become more competent, and consistent in giving my best in every project or task that I do. This award also shows that my work values and performance are appreciated by my colleagues. 

Thus, I would like to thank these people: Len Cristobal, Daniela Vuta, Cristina Mihailoaie, Dragos Anton, Andrei Costea, and Alexandru Seliscan, for guiding me to become the best version of myself since day one. 

2. What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Kimberly: Growing professionally and personally with my colleagues here in TKI is something I can consider my favorite accomplishment. So, aside from my participation in the production of the Performance Magazine, one of my favorite accomplishments is receiving the final versions of the articles written by our researchers and contributors. That means, at some point in the writing process, I have been  helpful to my colleagues in improving their pieces and encouraging them to express and share their knowledge in the best form it possibly can be. 

3. When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Kimberly: I admit that I am the type of person who likes to figure things out on my own as I do not want to cause any inconveniences to others. But I have been able to change this attitude. Whenever I face a challenge at work now, I search for the possible solution first on my own. Then, I consult with my superiors and workmates for their suggestions or feedback. I narrow  down all the options, ideas, and advice I receive  to come up with the best solution.

However, it is important to take a breath when things are becoming overwhelming before making a decision. So, allowing myself to pause and have a peaceful mind is what I actually do first when facing a challenge. After that, when I know that I am in the right place and mind, I conquer everything.

4. What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Kimberly: The three main career lessons that I have learned so far as a young professional, especially in the TKI are:

  • Communication is the key to everything: Conflicts can be avoided when good communication is being practiced, especially in the work from home setup with a community of diverse culture.
  • Good skills are a must but having empathy skills will lead you to other greater things: In an article from Harvard Business Review, it has been  mentioned that “empathic workplaces tend to enjoy stronger collaboration, less stress, and greater morale, and their employees bounce back more quickly from difficult moments such as layoffs.”
  • Everyday is a new opportunity to grow: In TKI, I am able to handle different tasks and projects, and collaborate with my colleagues from different departments. So, in every situation, I always make sure that I have takeaways, something I have learned and would like to keep to improve. Moreover, do not be afraid to ask questions. You will learn a lot by asking questions.

The KPI Institute is a globally recognized organization that focuses on business performance. It offers research projects in 12 practice areas, including strategy, KPIs, employee performance, and customer service as well as innovation performance. 

The KPI Institute uses a variety of publications, subscription services, and a knowledge platform in disseminating insights, that is available to registered members. Training and consultation services are also provided worldwide to assist in putting these insights into reality. 


TKI PEOPLE AWARDS (Q2, 2022): Celebrating the Achievements of Our Colleagues!

August 24th, 2022 Posted by Awards 0 thoughts on “TKI PEOPLE AWARDS (Q2, 2022): Celebrating the Achievements of Our Colleagues!”

The KPI Institute (TKI) has announced the Employee of the Month (EOM) awardees for the second quarter of 2022.

The TKI People Awards series features the employees and teams recognized by The KPI Institute for going above and beyond expectations, excelling as team players, and creating a tremendous impact on the company.

In an interview, the recipients of the Employee of the Month award in April, May, and June shared their thoughts about the recognition, as well as their favorite accomplishments working at TKI. Learn how they conquer challenges at work, and be inspired as they break down three main lessons they have learned so far as professionals.

Employee of the Month: April 



Natasya Susilyo

Administrative Assistant,

ILMS Division


  1. What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Natasya: I am very pleased to hear that everyone perceived my work helpful. I always try to tap my back and tell myself to give out my best in every task and project I do. I feel very encouraged by this recognition, and the EOM awards motivate me to improve myself. I hope I continue to prove myself worthy of this recognition.

  1. What is your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Natasya: My favorite accomplishment is when everyone feels that I am helpful, and I get to fulfill the needs of our team. During my first two months at TKI, I received great feedback and recognition from the team for improving efficiently and creating a clear workflow for our new project, as well as establishing good communication for the guests. Most importantly, I learn new things when I work and collaborate with our research team. I find out what they need and already have and connect them with project goals. Another one is that I get to connect with global teams, experts, and authors and improve my way of thinking. For me, that’s a great accomplishment while working at TKI.

  1. When you are faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Natasya: I usually take a moment for at least 5 to 10 minutes to see the bigger picture of a challenge. Then, I take some notes and create a little framework and to-do list on how it should be processed.

  1. What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Natasya: The main career lessons are to give your best in everything you do, look at the bigger picture, and take your time when facing challenges. Moreover, always ask your superiors for their thoughts on your performance to get you motivated and feedback that might help you improve!



Andra Rotar

Junior Management Consultant,

Research Division


  1. What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Andra: It [EOM award] was a great encouragement as I received it quite early in my collaboration with TKI.

  1. What is your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Andra: My favorite accomplishment in TKI is being part of the team developing a Top 25 KPI report. It is the first project in which I was involved from the beginning until the last review. I believe the final result turned out nice in a way that is informative and helpful for the stakeholders of the targeted industry.

  1. When you are faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Andra: I try to stay positive and assess my ability to respond to challenges. I do my best to find a suitable solution, which I try to discuss with a more experienced colleague and get their feedback and perspective.

  1. What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Andra: Three main career lessons I learned: (1) find a job that gives you meaning and enjoyment, (2) develop fruitful relations with your colleagues, and (3) together you will have greater achievements and you’ll have more fun. There are always new things to learn from everyone around you, from the new colleague that started last month to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) with decades of experience. You have to be open-minded and always pay attention.



Alexandru Seliscan

Senior Graphic Designer

Biodigy Division


  1. What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Alexandru: Receiving this recognition means a welcomed acknowledgment for the work I was doing here.

  1. What is your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Alexandru: The pinnacle of any graphic designer’s work is creating a brand book. I can add this to my accomplishments with designing the systems brand book, but I also really enjoyed working on the Performance Magazine, the 20th and 22nd issues, where I had more creative freedom.

  1. When you are faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Alexandru: I discuss this [challenge at work] with my team and try to find the best solution to the given problem.

  1. What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Alexandru: The main career lessons I have learned so far are:

  • Keep up  the positive thinking. Think out of the box to find new solutions to any problem.
  • To be a good leader means to listen to and understand the people you are working with if you want to have constant good results.

Employee of the Month: May



Mihai Malene

Account Manager,

Biodigy Division


  1. What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Mihai: It is an honor. I enjoy working with the team, and I believe everyone is an employee of the month.

  1. What is your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Mihai: Becoming part of the team!

  1. When you are faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Mihai: I propose a solution and ask my more experienced colleagues.

  1. What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Mihai: Ask, and then double-check; never assume! Teamwork is highly important. Knowledge is good, but the experience is better.



April Nombrefia

Head of Instructional Design,

ILMS Division


  1. What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Apri: I think this means that I was able to help my fellow instructional designers (ID) and colleagues with what they needed help with at work and that I exceeded expectations beyond my job description. I was not expecting it, to be honest. 

  1. What is your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

April: So far, my favorite accomplishment at TKI is establishing a productive yet friendly working dynamic, not only with my ID team, but also with the cross-functional teams at ILMS and across TKI. 

I believe that anyone can be a task manager, but establishing and being able to maintain a good working relationship with colleagues from different teams and entities in the TKI ecosystem is something I feel happy about, and it is worth celebrating. 

  1. When you are faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

April: I usually try a triage of approaches: root-cause analysis, research, and “scenario-based trial and error.” Root-cause analysis is crucial. No matter how small the challenge is, identifying the problem or the source of the challenge is very important in finding the exact solution. Misdiagnosis can result in bigger issues. 

Research is another of my first go-to solutions in problem-solving as information is always a good source. Research may not always provide solutions but it can give meaningful directions that can point me to the exact answer I am looking for. 

I would also say “scenario-based trial and error.” I try to think of how my ideas would affect specific scenarios of the challenge and then work from there. 

  1. What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

April: I would say the effectiveness of communication, clarity of instructions or directions, and empathy. While it is not my first time working with multicultural teams, it is a different story when everything is remote, not to mention the difference in time zones. However, working with my team members and other colleagues made me realize I still have a lot to learn in these three aspects, so I’m very thankful to them for these lessons!



Cristina Craciun

Business Research Analysis,

Research Division


  1. What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Cristina: The employee of the Month is an excellent acknowledgment of the energy and focus of the employee, motivating for further achievements. It was a huge surprise to receive the award and a true honor. Thus, I want to thank my colleagues for their support and recognition. I am truly grateful!

  1. What is your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Cristina: I can not talk of just a favorite one. I take small accomplishments and celebrate each of them. The practice of acknowledging even small achievements is my recipe for enjoying work and life. So far, it has been a great motivation.

  1. When you are faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Cristina: Most of the time, challenges can become opportunities. But from my experience, that can only be done by switching perspectives. In my life and even at work, when I face a challenge or a problem, I step out of my box and look at the bigger picture. Almost all the time, this helicopter view gives me new perspectives and helps me keep my plans up-to-date. Whenever this does not work, I seek help from my colleagues as their fresh views can open new paths.

  1. What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Cristina: First, never stop learning. Second, have courage. Lastly, appreciate yourself and your coworkers.



Irene Rahardiani

Senior Educational Programs Specialist,

Educational Programs Division


  1. What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Irene: I feel honored and greatly appreciate receiving this acknowledgment and recognition of my work. However, I would not be at this point without the endless support of my team. So, through this opportunity, I would like to convey my sincere gratitude to Roxana Barb, Cezarina Ciochina, Khairunnisa Prayati, and Rim Marmar. Thank you so much, team! You are the best!

  1. What is your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Irene: My favorite accomplishment at TKI is receiving this award and positive feedback from our course participants for my assistance during their learning experience with TKI.

  1. When you are faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Irene: First, I tried to find a solution by myself through little research. When I am in a situation where I hit a dead end, I always ask my mentors, Roxana or Czarina, and seek advice.

  1. What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Irene: Good communication. A work environment with good communication makes us achieve the best result. It includes appreciation for every little help of our colleagues. 

Be brave. There are many new things I learned from TKI, and as always, the big encouragement from Roxana makes me courageous to give it a try. 

Great teamwork. According to George Shinn, “there is no such thing as a self-made man. You will reach your goals only with the help of others.” 

Employee of the Month: June



Aida Manea

Business Research Analyst,

Research Division


  1. What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Aida: This is the first time I receive the EOM award. For me, it is an acknowledgment of the fact that I am doing something good around here. This nomination encourages team connection and fuels my ambition to shape a better version of myself at work.

  1. What is your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Aida: The fact that I got the chance to hold meetings by myself with two of our audit clients. Moreover, I was recently assigned as the project manager for an Employee Performance Management Audit project.

  1. When you are faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Aida: I always take time to get used to the situation and become comfortable with it. I tend to look over past projects to see if there is something that could help me. For me, previous experiences serve, most of the time, as aids. With each project I am involved in, I feel more confident handling issues. I always stick with some information or working method.

  1. What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Aida: So far, the three main career lessons I learned are: get a job you enjoy, always strive to become better, and be a team player.



Alina Zeres

Logistics Specialist,

Support Division


  1. What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Alina: This second EOM award I got represents a sign of appreciation that motivates me and makes me believe that my work brings value to everything I do.

  1. What is your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Alina: My favorite accomplishment is seeing my colleagues happy with the support I offer in their project development.

  1. When you are faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Alina: Logistics is a sector that brings challenges often but having more than 10 years of experience in logistics and business travel planning, I can always find the best solution. 

  1. What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Alina: First, bring value to everything you do. Second, keep learning. Lastly, set objectives.



Abdallah Diab

Research Analyst for Personal Productivity, 

ILMS Division


  1. What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Abdallah: To me, receiving the EOM award means appreciation of the hard work and effort I put into my work. It means acknowledgment from my colleagues, and I am truly humbled and grateful for this consideration. 

  1. What is your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Abdallah: My favorite accomplishment is learning a lot about the proper utilization of the project management tool— Asana and successfully creating projects that helped the team and our goals be organized, including the management in tracking teamwork progress by making everything simplified, structured, and accessible. 

  1. When you are faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Abdallah: Whenever I face a challenge, I seek help from my research colleagues or our Head of Research. Everyone is very kind and helpful. Our team culture truly deserves to be treasured because aside from receiving help is always available, it is promoted through fostering an environment where double-checking things and asking questions is constantly encouraged. 

  1. What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Abdallah: The first career lesson I have learned extensively is how to conduct proper research. I can feel that my research skills have tremendously improved over these months of working here, and in the future, if I wish to pursue a Ph.D., the prospect of doing so seems a lot more doable and practical than before. 

Second, I have gained some insights into how project management takes place and the dynamics of how a start-up works, and what sort of teams are required to bring the final product into materialization. 

Lastly, I learned about the vitality of proper teamwork, communication and provision of feedback for one’s work, and the importance of taking in multiple opinions on a matter before reaching the finish line. 


Be part of The KPI Institute’s growing team! TKI is looking for the following professionals:

  • Governance and Compliance Audit Consultant
  • Internal Consultant (BD/Product Management)
  • Marketing Manager
  • Edutech Business Analyst
  • Junior and Senior Researcher
  • Backend Developer
  • Graphic Designer

Visit TKI’s official LinkedIn profile, or connect with Nadiyah Afifah Niigata Ramadhani (Recruitment Specialist) through LinkedIn for more information.

TKI PEOPLE AWARDS (Q1, 2022): Appreciating Our Colleagues!

June 24th, 2022 Posted by Awards, Employees 0 thoughts on “TKI PEOPLE AWARDS (Q1, 2022): Appreciating Our Colleagues!”

The KPI Institute has announced the Employee of the Month awardees for the first quarter of 2022.

The TKI People Awards series features the employees and teams recognized by The KPI Institute for going above and beyond expectations, excelling as team players, and creating a tremendous impact on the company.

Get to know the seven recipients of the Employee of the Month award in January, February, and March. Find out what they think about the recognition and the best career lessons they have learned so far.

Employee of the Month: January 2022


Name: Carmen Sardean

Position: Accounting Specialist

Division: Support Division


What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Carmen: It is a pleasant surprise and a great boost in motivation. I am grateful for the appreciation of my colleagues.

What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Carmen: After years of working on my own, at TKI I am learning teamwork.

When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Carmen: Usually, I need time to detach myself and make space for new perspectives and approaches. Discussing with others helps a lot in bringing clarity and finding better ways.

What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Carmen: Small improvements made with consistency lead to meaningful increases over time. I need to continuously upgrade my skills to keep up with the dynamic work environment. Also, it is so important to take care of my inner state and well-being because it affects a lot of my performance at work.



Name: Syadza Andini

Position: Research Program Coordinator, Senior Research Analyst for Center for Relationships Science

Division: ILMS


What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Syadza: The ephemeral nature of a startup distinguishes it from others. It helps employees accept, manage, and overcome problems.  Therefore, receiving this title gave me a sense of achievement for what I did for the organization, and the team was not left unnoticed.

What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Syadza: Being recognized as an employee of the month and getting promoted to Research Program Coordinator are my favorite accomplishments so far at TKI.

When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Syadza: I work with people of different ages, backgrounds, and cultures. When I am faced with a challenge at work, I seek advice from my team, and they have been great. I love working with my team in ILMS.

What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Syadza: First main career lesson that I have learned is to appreciate even the smallest achievement or progress. Second, developing relationships is an important part of doing business. Every big idea deserves a team to make it happen. Lastly, it is great to be busy, productive, and successful. But you need to be healthy to keep up with the pace.

Employee of the Month: February 2022


Name: Nadiyah Afifah

Position: Recruitment Specialist

Division: Support Division


What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Nadiyah: It is a great appreciation from this company and my colleagues, an affirmation to grow, and a confirmation of the impacts I tried to create with my work. I have tried my best to contribute to the productivity of this company, and it is nice that my contribution is acknowledged. This recognition gives me a new spirit to be more productive, innovative, and not merely focused on the assigned tasks because I believe everyone can bring a new color to this company.

What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Nadiyah: I managed to execute the project of online onboarding for the new hires. We usually spend 1.5 hours presenting to our new joiners, but now, we have applied this procedure to our internal LMS system. It is a great introduction to the newbies about what we are working on. Every new hire can now access their onboarding course in Lerero. Also, recruiters can allocate their time to more productive work because they only need 20 minutes of discussion with new joiners. 

This project is far from perfect, but it has been helping us a lot as recruiters. Hopefully, the new hire adjusts their induction speed based on their learning abilities. It was exciting to work with different stakeholders to make this project happen. 

When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Nadiyah: I believe that proactivity matters a lot. I always try to connect with everyone and discuss with them every time I have something I did not know or when I am facing a challenge. My colleagues have been supportive, and I am also trying to do the same. I found honesty works as well. Acknowledging we might make mistakes will help us to grow to be better. 

What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Nadiyah: Proactivity and curiosity matter. Whatever the challenges are, we can always research things. Also, there are always people we can discuss our challenges with. But we need to have the willingness to do those. For me, work is more than just earning. It is also the fulfillment of my potential. Connecting with people helps me understand better which aspects I should improve and what new things are surrounding me, especially in a diverse environment like The KPI Institute. Growth always starts with our proactivity and curiosity. 

Set the right mindset. When things get difficult, the right way of seeing them will help us get a different perspective, seeing the opportunity as a chance to learn something new instead of focusing on how hard things are. The right mindset will also help us not feel ashamed of our mistakes but look at them as a better chance to improve.

Putting myself in other people’s shoes is important. As a person involved in HR, it is crucial to develop empathy. Showing more compassion to candidates or colleagues will bring positive impacts and results. Empathy allows us to build social connections and respond appropriately to other people’s needs. 



Name: Deofelyn Cristobal

Position: Head of Publishing

Division: TKI Research


What do you want to do when you are not working? What are your hobbies, passions, or involvement in your community?

Len: A huge factor that fuels my pursuit of work-life balance is that what I am passionate about in my personal life is not too far from what I do at TKI – which focuses on developing and publishing content for research reports and magazines. I usually unwind by reading books, writing poems, and watching movies. I still consider these activities as learning opportunities – just less structured and more relaxed. They help me slow down and at the same time replenish my well of creativity, which is required at work every day.

What do you appreciate most about working at The KPI Institute?

Len: While the company is known for the certifications it offers to professionals and organizations worldwide, I am grateful for the opportunities that TKI provides to its own people in terms of expanding their skills and knowledge. Personally, I appreciate the fact that there is always something new to do. There are opportunities to explore ideas, gain new skills, discover and utilize new systems, and collaborate with people from different backgrounds.

What are you looking forward to in terms of your new projects, collaborations, and role here at TKI?

Len: I am excited about trying out new forms of media in terms of delivering our content. I would also like to widen the distribution of our output so more people can benefit from the research that we do. 



Name: Kathina Aninditya

Position: Research Analyst

Division: ILMS


What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Kathina: It is like a reward for me. It was a great feeling to receive the Employee of the Month, and I am very thankful to my team for their acknowledgment. I believe that it’s not only me, but every one of us deserves this title since we all work together.

What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Kathina: My favorite accomplishment so far at TKI is developing the framework of Personal Resilience.

When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Kathina: When I am faced with problems, I try to find the solutions first by searching for information that could help. However, if I still can not solve them, I turn to my colleagues in the research team and discuss my challenges with them. If needed, I ask for more insights from others such as from ID and marketing team. After that, I will organize all the opinions and analyze them until I find a satisfying solution. Sometimes, I even take a break from the issues and face them again with a more objective “head.” It will allow me to use a new approach in solving the problems.

What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Kathina: The first career lesson I have learned was about the importance of communication. Communication is about conveying information through exchanged thoughts, ideas and feelings. However, since communication involves more than one person, multiple interpretations of a message can happen if there is no clarity during the communication process. Effective and assertive communication is needed for a team to have the same understanding and work collaboratively towards the same goal.

The second lesson is still related to the first one. Even if information is being relayed correctly, it is possible that people forget and get lost in the middle of doing the project. This is where follow-ups with each other and writing things in notes are important. It will help us get back on the right track together.

The third lesson would be about caring for others. We all work together, face similar issues, and are in the same working environment, so we experience more or less the same thing. It is very probable that we are feeling the same thing. Even when it’s not the case, only we understand the circumstances better than outsiders. Therefore, caring for and being cared for by team members play a vital role in a workplace. 

The role of taking care and being cared for would be related to our well-being, productivity, resilience, happiness, and our private life as a person, a partner, a family member, or a parent. So, we will not only succeed in promoting life management to the public but also in our own lives.

Employee of the Month: March 2022



Name: Daniela Vuta

Position: Business Research Analyst

Division: TKI Research


What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Daniela: I am very honored and grateful for being part of a great team, and this nomination confirms, once again, how important it is to have both the support and the recognition of your team leader and colleagues.

What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Daniela: Daniela: Being part of the project team who developed the “State of Strategy Management Practice Report – 2021” is my favorite accomplishment so far. As a Senior Business Research Analyst, I had the pleasure to coordinate this primary international research study conducted by The KPI Institute from November to December 2021.

When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

When a challenge arises, I always try to figure out the real size of the problem because what I see as challenging might have a simple solution. Therefore, I dive deep into the problem, address the situation from different perspectives, brainstorm solutions, and look for feedback. When I feel overwhelmed, I always seek assistance from my team or my manager, who are always there to support me.

What would be the three main career lessons that you have learned thus far?

Daniela: Three main career lessons I have learned: be supportive, encourage, and provide meaningful feedback; ask for feedback and be open-minded in receiving criticism; and there is always something to improve or to learn. 


The last awardee in the month of March is Adiela Misan, an Account Specialist from the Finance Department, Support Division. Though she was not able to participate in the interview, she wants to extend her sincere gratitude to her colleagues for recognizing her hard work.

“I appreciate this recognition. Knowing that my work is acknowledged and appreciated by my colleagues gave me a pleasant feeling. I thank them for the understanding and support shown whenever I needed it,” said Adiela.


TKI People Awards: Business Development SEA Wins Team of the Quarter

September 26th, 2021 Posted by Awards 0 thoughts on “TKI People Awards: Business Development SEA Wins Team of the Quarter”

The Business Development SEA team is the recipient of the Team of the Quarter award, having demonstrated excellence and commitment to bring in extraordinary results during the second quarter of 2021.

The TKI People Awards series features the employees and teams recognized by The KPI Institute for going above and beyond expectations, excelling as team players, and creating a tremendous impact on the company.

As business development specialists, the awardees are constantly identifying opportunities for business growth, developing strategies, and nurturing client relationships.

Let’s get to know the team better.

What was the biggest accomplishment of your team this quarter?

Khesviny Vijayan Pillay: The senior members of our team have achieved more than our target during Q2, boosting the revenue of the company. What that also means to our team is we have colleagues who always share their ideas and experience on sales, encourage us to improve our communication skills, and teach us about creating business plans. They are very supportive as bearers of positivity in our team.

Kellen Adevia: Despite the distance and the pandemic, we remain united as a team. We make sure that not even one from our team is left behind. We learn and grow together as we conduct our sales activities. 

What do you like most about your team?

Khesviny: We value and appreciate each other’s contribution whether we are doing research or making plans. Each member of the team does their fair share of workload and fully understands what their responsibilities are and where they fit in. Our team’s members are more productive when they are given support and access to the necessary resources. Our manager is a good and perfect leader to us. With her help, we are able to improve our relationships with our colleagues to reduce conflicts and build a more positive environment.

Thalia Amnesti Simanjutak: My colleagues are always giving useful insights and ready to help me since I am new in the team. They  create a safe space for us to give our opinions and cheer for members who are reaching milestones and sealing achievements. As a team, we encourage each other to continue growing and to perform at their best at all times.

Kellen: I really appreciate the supportive culture of the team. Despite all our differences and personal goals, the team manages to work together, be there for each other, and reach for success as one.

Nurulain Zainal: My team is creative, enthusiastic, and unique.

Describe one of the challenges you were able to overcome this quarter. How were you able to overcome it as a team?

Khesviny: Whenever I face challenges in getting leads, my team is always there to guide me. They motivate me and show me how to improve my communication skills and overall methodology. As our team tries to engage the SEA market, we make sure we have a proper plan for exploring new opportunities. 

Thalia: I can’t say that I’ve learned our team’s activities and objectives overnight. It took me a while to even close my first registration. Luckily, I belong to a team that never hesitates to share their knowledge, insights, and time. Now, we are in Q3, and I look forward to contributing more to the team and the company.

Kellen: Personally, I find adapting to my new work as my biggest challenge. But my team has been very encouraging and resourceful when it comes to guiding me since day one. I can always turn to them for advice and insights. Adjusting to my role also becomes easier because in our team,  everyone is welcome to express their opinions and ideas. It also helps that my manager demonstrates good leadership skills. 

Nurulain: We managed to get through another lockdown. We make sure our team is achieving progress and supporting each other. With this, we are able to improve our own sales activities while learning together. 

For more information on The KPI Institute’s products and services, contact Sasikala Annamalai, Head of Business Development SEA, via [email protected] or +60 12 591 1366 and +60 16 660 5117.

TKI People Awards: Nurulain Zainal is TKI’s Employee of the Month

September 22nd, 2021 Posted by Awards 0 thoughts on “TKI People Awards: Nurulain Zainal is TKI’s Employee of the Month”

The KPI Institute gave the Employee of the Month award to Nurulain Zainal for her outstanding performance in July 2021.

The TKI People Awards series features the employees and teams recognized by The KPI Institute for going above and beyond expectations, excelling as team players, and creating a tremendous impact on the company.

Nurulain is a business development specialist and a part of the Business Development SEA team. Her job involves planning, developing, and executing the sales campaigns of the product and services of TKI. She identifies opportunities for campaigns, services, and distribution channels that will lead to more sales.

Nurulain’s work ethic and involvement in the team’s projects are admirable, according to Sasikala Annamalai, Head of Business Development SEA.

“Her sales results were very impressive, especially this quarter of the year. She is dedicated to the task assigned to her and is always volunteering. She also likes supporting other team members,” Sasikala said.

Let’s discover what makes Nurulain, or Ain, special to her team.

What does receiving the Employee of the Month award mean to you?

Ain: I feel very honored, grateful, and appreciated. With the award, I am motivated to do my job better. The company’s excellent support system despite the pandemic also encourages me to gain more personal achievements.

What’s your favorite accomplishment so far at TKI?

Ain: My team won the Team of the Quarter.

When you’re faced with a challenge at work, how do you find a solution?

Ain: Being with a supportive, encouraging, cooperative, and creative team is highly valuable. Hence, whenever I have difficulties or am in very much need of assistance regardless of the situation, my team is always there to assist me. Each of them has his/her unique approach in supporting me. My manager, Sasikala Annamalai, helps me with overcoming challenges. We also have a highly dedicated consultant, Andreea Minelli, who has been guiding us since the beginning, especially in the technical aspects of our work.

Reflecting on her career, Ain said that she values creativity in dealing with any situation and believes that one should be willing to listen to the opinions of others.

One of the best things she has learned so far is to never stop learning.

Because for her, “there’s always something new to learn.”

If you’re interested to know how The KPI Institute helps professionals perform better and drives growth for businesses, explore the TKI Marketplace. You may also reach out to Sasikala Annamalai, Head of Business Development SEA, via [email protected] or  +60 12 591 1366 and +60 16 660 5117.

research division

TKI People Awards: Research Division Bags the Team of the Quarter Award

September 8th, 2021 Posted by Awards, Research 0 thoughts on “TKI People Awards: Research Division Bags the Team of the Quarter Award”

research division

The Research Division of The KPI Institute (TKI) has been named the Team of the Quarter for its exemplary performance in the first quarter of 2021.

The TKI People Awards series features the employees and teams recognized by TKI for going above and beyond expectations, excelling as team players, and creating a tremendous impact on the company.

Composed of subject matter experts and business research analysts, the Research Division ensures that the company’s courses are calibrated according to industry trends and demands. With their knowledge, skills, and leadership, TKI’s comprehensive KPI database continues to provide up-to-date and innovative content in order to help businesses measure their success.

“We are the BRAINs, the core team, which develops the company’s products and services,” says Cristina Mihăiloaie, Business Unit Manager of the Research Division. The team is responsible for producing quantitative and qualitative research and publications on performance management and performance measurement systems.

How are they able to accomplish those things?

Let’s find out from some of the team’s members.

What are a few perks that make working in your team a great experience?

Cristina: Openness, honesty, and support allow us to make sure that at the end of the day, our output meets clients’ expectations.

Human Hardy: We are able to learn and acquire new sets of knowledge and skills in many industrial topics.

Aida Manea: I would say the feeling that you are being listened to and that you are also listening. The amazing thing that results from this is anyone can come up with ideas, and if they are good, they will be recognized and applied.

What advice would you give other teams in order for them to achieve the same success you now enjoy?

Daniela Vuta: Focus on individual study and continuous learning but also encouragement, collaboration, and feedback sharing among team members.

Silvana Badita: When dealing with difficult tasks, collaborating and communicating with team members can help you find the best solutions to your problem.

Aida: Step out of your comfort zone a little every day. Stay focused and strive for the best version of yourself.

Cristina: It does not matter how many times or how bad you fail. What matters is how you get out of tough situations as a team. It can break you and make you secretly hate each other, or it can contribute to learning and building trust among people.

Teamwork requires shared knowledge and work experiences. What would you say is the main thing you have learned as part of your team?

Silvana: You need to work together towards a shared goal. This way, you can improve productivity and bring better business results.

Agnes Ilyes: We can improve ourselves faster if we are helping, not competing, with each other.

Human: The importance of brainstorming. Ask whatever you need to ask, and you’ll be surprised by the knowledge and perspective that your colleagues have.

Cristina: It is not about what you as an individual knows that matters in a team, but what you can bring to complete the team. You may be very good at many things, but the team may require from your role just one skill. You need to deliver what is needed and in the format it is needed.

For more information on TKI’s research reports, publications, and consulting services, get in touch with Cristina Mihăiloaie, Business Unit Manager – Research Division: [email protected] | +61 (390) 282 223 | +40 (749) 424 517.

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