Monthly Archives: October, 2019


Delivering KPI Essentials in Lima, Peru, for the CPTU

October 18th, 2019 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “Delivering KPI Essentials in Lima, Peru, for the CPTU”

Raluca’s adventure started in Egypt, continued in Kuala Lumpur and at the end of it all, finished in Peru. Seeing companies that we have helped achieve realistic, measurable performance improvements is what motivates us to keep spreading best practices worldwide, keep carrying that banner and keep striving to improve the business world at large, one company at a time.peruOn the 28th of August, 2019, we held a short, 2-part training intervention in Lima, Peru, for a group of representatives from the Central Procurement and Technical Unit (CPTU), part of the Ministry of Planning in Bangladesh.

The first part of the intervention was mostly centered around creating a basic level of understanding and a clear picture of the most popular performance management concepts, ranging from Vision, Mission and Values to KPIs, Tasks and Milestones.

The second part focused on KPI Selection, according to a set of previously defined strategic objectives, because it’s not enough to define where you’d like to go, but also how you’d like to actively keep track of where you’re going, understanding how you will reach that destination.

Therefore, we went over several KPIs and allocated each and every one of them to their respective objectives, which were adapted for procurement in the public sector.

kuala lumpur

Performance Management for the Public Sector in Kuala Lumpur

October 17th, 2019 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “Performance Management for the Public Sector in Kuala Lumpur”

Fast forward after Egypt, Raluca landed in Kuala Lumpur, where a team of 20 delegates, part of Kuala Lumpur’s Ministry of Economy and Finance, dedicated to the Public Financial Management Reform Program, had the chance to explore The KPI Institute’s Performance Management training course, between the 12th – 14th of August, 2019. The training session included public sector examples, best practices and case studies.kuala lumpur

During the 3-day session, there were a ton of interesting debates and discussions around the various elements covered in our course, however here is a quick top 3 of the most appreciated training sections:

  • Performance management concepts: 13 popular concepts were differentiated; this section was particularly useful, as people tended to interpret matters in very different ways from the concepts;
  • The Balanced Scorecard being the main tool to operate a PMS based on KPIs;
  • Performance Management Simulation: collected data for KPIs results, compiled the performance scorecard, conducted the meeting to enable the decision-making process around KPI results and addressed initiatives to improve performance results, after which we documented the initiatives agreed upon during the meeting. WOW!

Our target during this learning experience in Kuala Lumpur was to ensure that all of the information shared with our attendees would provide them with meaningful methods of dealing with their daily challenges. We never aim to provide a theoretical response to a theoretical issue. Therefore, whenever we receive feedback like the following, it truly warms our hearts because we know we’re helping in making a difference:

  • “These sessions are very useful and interesting because I can apply all of this information to my current job.”
  • “I have gained a lot of input and experience from the “Performance Management” course, enough to be confident to apply at my work. Good course outline, straightforward and practical case studies and exercises.”

Course Stories: 6th training for Valeo Egypt in KPI Management

October 16th, 2019 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “Course Stories: 6th training for Valeo Egypt in KPI Management”

August has been a very active month for Raluca Vintilă, one of TKI’s most experienced management consultants. Engaging into Egypt, conducting consultations in Kuala Lumpur and then putting up a stellar performance in Peru, Raluca’s dedication to performance management and improving performance in general deserves a tremendous amount of respect and recognition.


The KPI Institute would not be the same without such exemplary individuals, carrying our banner forward, pushing companies to overcome challenges and become the best versions of themselves.

6th training for Valeo Egypt in KPI Management

Raluca begun her adventure in Egypt, where she delivered the 6th edition of our Certified KPI Professional training course, as an in-house session for Valeo Egypt. She’s become so accustomed to the environment and their team that oftentimes, she feels that she will most likely end up being part of Valeo’s team.

While most people attending had a lot of positive feedback, her favorite parts about this training were the following two sentiments:

  • “This training has been mind-twister in Performance Measurement.”
  • “This course is really great & an eye-opener on how to effectively visualize KPIs.”

A newly inserted part in this training edition was the review of Valeo’s KPIs, from the 2018 Integrated Report. The review has been conducted according to the standards of the Key Performance Indicators Management Framework v2.0.

Participants found highly attractive the Value Flow Analysis in the KPI Selection session. Moreover, one of the most appreciated Performance Management Tools used during the session and which are also part of the TKI Toolkit were the Scorecard and KPI Documentation Form.

Looking forward to checking what Valeo’s potential 7th group finds most attractive in the Certified KPI Professional training course.


Course Stories – TKI comes home Down Under – Sydney

October 2nd, 2019 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “Course Stories – TKI comes home Down Under – Sydney”

Between the 13th – 15th May and 28th – 30th August 2019, The KPI Institute has successfully organized two new editions of our worldwide renowned course – The Certified KPI Professional in Australia’s most vibrant city,

Regarding the course itself, The Certified KPI Professional, C-KPI for short, brought a comprehensive new world of insights into how organizations can and should strive for a continuous optimization of their performance operation and performance management processes.

 “A fantastic and well-structured course, which really puts into perspective how to effectively set up KPIs for your organization. Very relevant, easily understood and very applicable to my field of work. It is highly recommended”. – Jane Rowe, ACT NoWaste, Transport Canberra & City Services

During the 3-day learning experience, the 13 attendees, as Performance Specialists, General Managers and Directors of several Australian-based organizations from the Utilities, Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals and Government Sector, had the opportunity of being guided by one of our foremost consultants, Andrea Minelli.

The attendees, via a combination of theoretical notions and hands-on-practice exercises and case studies, had the possibility to better understand and practice the following concepts:

  • What is a Performance Management Framework and how to bring it to life;
  • How to strategically select the relevant KPIs and why;
  • How to implement best practices associated with the selection of relevant KPis;
  • How to set realistic yet challenging targets;
  • Ensuring the creation of a sound performance framework supporting a performance-oriented culture.


The course is hands-on practice and extremely useful, with relevant topics and materials. It allowed us to find performance mistakes that we often do when we manage our departments or teams. Very impressed with the presenter, Andrea.” – Denis Nascimben, Sydney Water

Course Journal

This certification course has provided a solid theoretical and hands-on practical foundation on how to optimize all the tools that are part of the performance management system.

Day I

During the first day of the learning experience, participants have been exposed to several concepts associated with KPIs, the Performance Management Architecture and most importantly, building a proper Framework that will set up a sound foundation of the system per se.

Constructive comparisons were made between the performance management system currently implemented within the participants’ organization and the best practices found at an international level.

Day II

The second day featured a full-on hands-on approach, where participants worked in different groups and focused their efforts on understanding and applying best techniques associated with KPI selection and how to strategically align, KPIs and corporate objectives among all the organizational layers.

Understanding the behind-the-scenes of the KPIs selection process was a primary source of discussion among attendees.


As the final day approached, participants discussed about the importance of not only selecting KPIs, but also of implementing best practices in setting up realistic, yet challenging targets for each KPI.

A customized simulation was created in order for the participants to apply those practices in their own organizational contexts.

Overall, the course has offered participants, all in senior managerial positions, the chance to practice implementing some of the best practices found at a global level, within their own Performance Management System Frameworks.

“The KPI training course is exceptionally important for anyone who would like to know more about their business, how to set their objectives and, most importantly, how to achieve them. The facilitator delivered the message, easily but effectively, allowing us to understand the subject matter and above all, how to efficiently implement the knowledge gained. Highly recommended”. – Musawath Shams Zahedee, Radiant Pharmaceuticals

Want to know more about Performance Measurement and Management?

As performance is a continuous concern for organizations, do not hesitate to contact us and we will be more than pleased to assist you throughout your performance measurement and management journey!

If you are interested in improving the maturity of your performance measurement and management practices currently implemented in your organization, be sure to visit our training calendar and assess what best suits your learning requirements.

Among the key Business Benefits for attendees interested in  Performance Managements courses are:

  • Improve the performance of your company by practicing a sound framework for KPI measurement;
  • Obtain better business results by selecting the right KPIs to monitor for your company;
  • Generate value from using KPIs by optimizing the data collection process.
  • Implement best practices that lead to an organizational culture that is performance-oriented
  • Ensure a robust alignment between the strategic objectives and the KPI measurement framework.

Otherwise, if a customized training course best suits your needs and time-frame and you would like to know more details about it, please do not hesitate to contact Andrea Minelli, directly at [email protected].

Wishing you best of performance!


The KPI Institute signs a partnership with Mogul Consulting

October 1st, 2019 Posted by Press release 0 thoughts on “The KPI Institute signs a partnership with Mogul Consulting”

The KPI Institute, the global leader in performance management and KPIs training and certification, is pleased to announce that Mogul Consulting, headquartered in Ulaanbaatar, has signed an agreement to be a Training Partner. mogul

Mogul Consulting and Service provides business, IT and ERP consultancy services across a range of industries. Its portfolio includes over 100 successful projects carried out for international and local organizations such as Tavanbogd Group, Zag Group, APU trade, Xacbank, VisionFund, Sandvik and many others.

As a Training Partner, Mogul Consulting will gain further knowledge and tools in deploying and using KPIs in accordance with The KPI Institute’s Key Performance Indicators Management Framework, the main body of knowledge on the rigorous use of KPIs in organizations.

Selecting the most appropriate KPIs to monitor organizational performance, from data collection to reporting and decision making are important issues for every business. Mogul Consulting already has an impressive track record of helping clients manage business process and data collection using technology.

By partnering with The KPI Institute, organizations from Mongolia will get access to international best practices in performance management, in order to improve strategy execution, operations, and learn how to better use their data, in order to achieve their business goals.

“We help organizations excel in their markets as we implement the right IT products and businesses solutions. In addition, we provide them with full-scale training and support. Certified KPI Professional will add important value in selecting the most appropriate KPIs to measure their strategic goals” said Javkhlan Nergui, CEO, Mogul Consulting.

The KPI Institute Program brings product and service offerings within its Key Performance Indicators Management Framework to more than 50 countries from the Middle East, Latin America, Europe, and South-East Asia. These Partners provide growth and awareness of strategy execution, performance measurement, and management to clients through education, consulting and technology.

“This partnership will enable business leaders from Mongolia to adopt international best practices in performance management and improve performance at all organizational levels”, said Cosmin Chindris, Director–Global Partnerships at The KPI Institute.

The KPI Institute Partners commit a significant team of professionals to building a performance measurement and management practice and must have credibility in their region, strong client bases, and deep performance management training and consulting expertise.

This partnership between The KPI Institute and Mogul Consulting and Service debuts with the launch of the first Certified KPI Professional course in Ulaanbaatar, scheduled for the 18th to 20th of November, 2019.

About Mogul Consulting and Service

Mogul Consulting was established in 2016 as a subsidiary of IT ZONE, the leading provider of IT services in Mongolia. Mogul’s mission is to help our clients improve their performance and build their success with the help of technology. We offer business and IT consultancy services.

For more information, visit Mogul Consulting’s website:

About the KPI Institute

The KPI Institute is a leading global research institute specialized in business performance. It operates research programs in 12 practice domains, ranging from strategy and KPIs to employee performance, and from customer service to innovation performance. Insights are disseminated through a variety of publications, subscriptions services, and through a knowledge platform available to registered members. Support in deploying these insights in practice is offered through training and advisory services.

For more information visit The KPI Institute website –


The KPI Institute:

Cosmin Chindris

Email: [email protected]


Mogul Consulting and Service:

Chingerel Balchinpurev

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 976-99027699

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