Monthly Archives: May, 2024

Special promotion: Unlock your learning potential with The KPI Institute!

May 29th, 2024 Posted by Certification, Courses, E-learning, Events 0 thoughts on “Special promotion: Unlock your learning potential with The KPI Institute!”

Get 20% Off Your Course of Choice! 

Are you ready to take your skills to the next level? At The KPI Institute (TKI), we believe in rewarding your commitment to growth. We’re offering a 20% off voucher for any one course of your choice, as well as a FREE copy of our GSI 2023 Report and the State of Global Strategy Management Practice 2023 Report! 

Whether diving into a new subject or advancing your current expertise, this is your chance to learn more for less.

Our loyal learners mean the world to us. To show our appreciation, we have a fantastic offer for those who cherish bettering themselves:

  • Enjoy a 20% discount on whichever course you want
  • A FREE copy of the Government Services Index (GSI) 2023 Report
  • A FREE copy of the State of Global Strategy Management Practice 2023 Report

This opportunity will enhance your knowledge and skills while saving on top-notch courses. Whether you’re a new learner or a seasoned attendee, there’s never been a better time to invest in yourself.

Visit our marketplace to choose your course and apply your discount today!


Terms, Notes, and Conditions: 

  • The 20% off voucher applies to one TKI course per person.
  • While the 20% voucher for courses is ONLY valid until August 31st, you can join any specific course editions from now until December. If you redeem the voucher until the 31st of August, you can use it to take 20% off of a course that may take place even in December.
  • The “2023 Government Services Index” is the proprietary index of The KPI Institute to assess the performance of governments around the world.
  • The “State of Strategy Management Practice Global Report – 2023” thoroughly examines the most recent developments and progressions in strategy planning, performance measurement, and strategy execution within organizational contexts.
  • Offers cannot be combined with other promotions.
  • This promotion is subject to change without notice.

Quarterly KPI Highlights: using KPIs to drive performance and accountability

May 27th, 2024 Posted by KPIs 0 thoughts on “Quarterly KPI Highlights: using KPIs to drive performance and accountability”

While key performance indicators (KPIs) have been around for a long time and are vital for tracking corporate, operational, and employee performance, some organizations still struggle to use them effectively up to these days. 

According to The KPI Institute’s State of Strategy Management Practice Global Report – 2023, 25% of the 346 respondents from private, government, and non-profit organizations expressed that aligning KPIs and targets across the organization continues to be their primary challenge. Moreover, 24% struggle with KPI selection, reflecting a 4% increase compared to results from 2022. When assessing their organizations’ proficiency in documenting KPIs, 47% of respondents rate their capabilities as high or better, but it is still important to note that 26% rate their documentation capabilities as low or lowest. Hence, 16% of them encounter difficulties in documenting KPIs.

To offer insights into the practical application of KPIs, The KPI Institute introduced a series of free infographics called KPI of the Month. Each infographic focuses on a particular KPI that provides explanations of terminology and addresses key challenges related to its use. The monthly infographics include profile, calculation, balanced scorecard focus, data profile, targets, and practical recommendations.

In case you missed the KPI of the Month from the first quarter of 2024, we’ve compiled the highlights to keep you informed and up-to-date:

KPI of January: $ Free cash flow (FCF) – This indicator “measures the amount of cash a company generates from its operations, after covering operating expenses and capital expenditures.” It aims to offer insights into a company’s financial well-being and ensure efficient cash management. One of its benefits is that it offers a focused evaluation of liquidity and solvency through exclusive attention to cash flow. To learn more about $ FCF, download the poster on the TKI Marketplace.

KPI of February: # Greenhouse gas emissions – This indicator’s purpose is to evaluate environmental pressures from greenhouse gas emissions. Specifically, it “measures the quantity of greenhouse gas emissions of country, industry,  or company expressed in metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e).” The greenhouse gas emissions have become a pressing issue that even the United Nations set ambitious net-zero goals, aiming for a 45% reduction in global greenhouse gas emissions by 2023 and achieving net-zero emissions worldwide by 2050. Learn how to utilize this indicator to align with your strategy for reducing emissions. Get the free infographic via TKI Marketplace.

KPI of March: % Critical positions filled – This indicator “measures the percentage of critical job positions that have been filled out of all available positions identified as critical within an organization.” The objective being measured by this indicator is the improvement of workforce planning for key positions. The % Critical positions filled helps organizations assess their capability to attract and retain suitable talent for critical job positions. But to utilize this KPI, identifying the critical positions within the organizations is important. To find out more about how you can apply this indicator in practice, grab a copy of the free poster from the TKI Marketplace

To amplify your KPI toolkit with a wealth of documented KPIs from various industries and functional areas, visit— the leading online platform for performance measurement knowledge integration and the world’s largest database featuring over 21,000 documented KPIs. 

Excerpt: Empowering employees for a new strategic vision and adaptability…

May 27th, 2024 Posted by Publications 0 thoughts on “Excerpt: Empowering employees for a new strategic vision and adaptability…”

The transformative shifts occurring today compel employees to recalibrate their thinking, embrace cutting-edge technologies, adapt behaviors, and operate in new environments. While these changes hold the promise of progress, they simultaneously introduce disruptions. 

Effective change management is a critical factor for organizational success in this dynamic scenario. Change management relies on strategic leadership, as highlighted in the Certified Agile Strategy Execution course offered by The KPI Institute (TKI). This program emphasizes the importance of shaping a strategic vision and guiding employees through essential actions for its realization. It involves anticipating change, maintaining flexibility, and empowering others to drive strategic change when needed. 

However, TKI’s State of Strategy Management Practice Global Report – 2023 reveals a stark reality in the business environment: 34% of professionals identify poor management of changes as a significant contributor to strategic failure. Meanwhile, on the employees’ side, the challenge of change fatigue emerges during transformation changes.


This excerpt is from the cover story of Performance Magazine Issue No. 29, 2024 – Strategy Management Edition titled “Empowering employees for a new strategic vision and adaptability through change management.” To find out the factors that hinder employees’ performance and engagement when experiencing continuous change and how to cultivate a positive and adaptive organizational culture, download the free digital copy of the Performance Magazine on the TKI Marketplace. An additional printed copy is available and can be purchased via Amazon.

The KPI Institute – 20 years of success, growth, and performance

May 26th, 2024 Posted by Events, Press release 0 thoughts on “The KPI Institute – 20 years of success, growth, and performance”

The KPI Institute (TKI) marks its 20th anniversary with innovation milestones, market reach growth, and network expansion. Founded in 2004 by its CEO, Dr. Aurel Brudan, TKI has evolved from being a global pioneer, advancing the field of strategy and performance management into a diversified ecosystem leveraging its research expertise, science, and technology for both business and societal progress.

From building the world’s largest database of documented KPIs to launching enterprises dedicated to various business and lifestyle solutions, TKI has set the standard for structuring knowledge and foundational principles to address a broad range of sectoral challenges.

TKI has delivered educational programs to over 29,000 participants across 60 countries. In addition to its 40 partner organizations across the globe, TKI has its own four offices established in Australia (headquarters), Europe, Middle East, and Southeast Asia. TKI’s standards for performance excellence are best captured by the company’s accomplishments in various areas. Some of the highlights are:

Product and service innovation: Driven by a learner-centric philosophy, TKI started offering its courses in three formats from 2020: face-to-face, live-online, and self-paced. This move signifies the company’s commitment to its participants and their ever-changing needs and participants.

Global partnerships: To make world-class education accessible and impactful, TKI sets an industry standard for professional training organizations by offering the first global certification to validate performance and KPI management expertise.

Strong clientele worldwide: TKI’s multidisciplinary expertise has been sought by major brands, government institutions, and organizations worldwide.

Premium educational programs and certifications: The KPI Institute designed the Postgraduate Diploma in Strategy and Performance to develop a new generation of executives armed with strategic mastery and agile leadership skills. TKI has also introduced alternative learning programs, such as microcredentials in various areas of expertise, to respond to the growing need for upskilling. See our latest release on AI for business productivity.

Research and publications:, a database featuring over 21,383 documented KPIs, results from an intensive, ongoing research endeavor by TKI. Another critical moment in this aspect is the release of The Government Service Index, which examines foundational elements that contribute to the success of government services and aligns them with globally recognized indicators.

Publishing: Performance Magazine is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. The number of downloads in 2023 compared to 2022 increased by 40%, and the magazine features interviews with experts from major brands such as Google, Microsoft, SAP, Global Reporting Initiative, and more.

Talent acquisition and growth: TKI has scaled its workforce to over 350 employees from different parts of the world and over 20 nationalities, reflecting its mission to leverage cultural diversity.

Community and Networking Prowess: The KPI Institute has reached a significant milestone, cultivating an online community with over 70,000 followers across social media and more than 50,000 LinkedIn group members, highlighting our emphasis on building strong networking links as a key component to improving knowledge flow. 

As TKI celebrates 20 years since its inception, our vision for the future is focused on exploring new horizons, empowering communities, and striving for excellence to achieve organizational success and contribute to the common good.

Achieve organizational success with the Certified Agile Strategy Execution Professional course

May 1st, 2024 Posted by Certification 0 thoughts on “Achieve organizational success with the Certified Agile Strategy Execution Professional course”

In a world where 80% of strategic initiatives fail, improving the key capabilities to deploy strategy is vital. This transformative learning experience equips you with the tools to revolutionize your approach and become a catalyst for organizational success. It is time to unleash the power of agile strategy execution by learning how to navigate uncertainty, align teams, and drive exceptional results. 

Course overview

The Certified Agile Strategy Execution course is developed on a proprietary framework created by The KPI Institute for strategy implementation. The framework not only presents best practices but also provides solid advice, process maps, and instruments to ensure a successful strategy execution. Participants will acquire strategic design and implementation skills to enhance organizational performance and align departmental strategies while gaining global certification, networking, and business opportunities. They will discover cutting-edge strategies, frameworks, and methodologies to drive organizational success, optimize financial and operational performance, and foster a culture of satisfaction among customers and employees. The course’s learning objectives are as follows:                                                                                                                                        

  • Connect strategy planning to execution
  • Deploy key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor strategy implementation
  • Engage the right stakeholders in strategy execution
  • Monitor strategy implementation
  • Drive organizational change

Benefits and importance

By becoming a member of the international Certified Agile Strategy Execution Community, you gain access to a wealth of benefits, including: 

  • A step-by-step model to improve the strategy execution framework
  • Pre-populated tools to facilitate the implementation of strategic initiatives
  • An innovative learning experience based on a three-stage educational process
  • An expanded business network through membership within the international Certified Agile Strategy Professional Community
  • International recognition for your skills as a Certified Agile Strategy Professional

Course structure and methodology

The course encompasses a three-stage educational process with an expected duration of 40 hours:

  1. Pre-course stage: Before the training program, participants will assess their current skills, interact with fellow learners through an online forum, and establish a foundation for collaborative learning.
  2. Core-course stage: During this stage, participants can choose between attending live online sessions or in-person interactions. They will engage in experiential learning, interactive activities, complete their Individual Learning Maps, and conclude with a certification exam.
  3. After-course stage: Following the training, participants will participate in thought-provoking forum discussions and explore supplementary readings. They will have the opportunity to create a customized action plan tailored to their organization’s specific needs.                                                                                                                                                                               

The Certified Agile Strategy Execution Professional course also provides participants with a toolkit with publications, manuals, and templates that will develop their practical expertise in dynamic strategy implementation. The toolkit features a Strategy Map, Performance Scorecard, Performance Dashboard, Initiatives Portfolio, Performance Management System Architecture, and Monthly Performance Management Process.

Course syllabus

The core course comprises eight learning modules:

  • Day 1: Strategy Management Overview, Strategy Execution Prerequisite, Strategy Execution
  • Day 2: Initiatives Management
  • Day 3: Performance Measurement, Performance Monitoring
  • Day 4: Adapting to Changes
  • Day 5: Key Capabilities to Support Strategy Execution

Flexible learning options

The course is regularly available in multiple languages, ensuring flexibility to suit diverse schedules and language preferences.

Certification and recognition

Upon completion, attendees will receive the following certificates (soft copy):

  • Certificate of Attendance: for course session participation
  • Certificate of Completion: after fulfilling pre-course activities and passing the Certification Exam
  • Certified Professional Diploma: upon completing all three stages of the learning experience, as well as the full payment being received by the contractor
  • CPD Certificate of Attendance: provided once you achieve the Certified Professional Status

Unlock your organization’s full potential. Join us in embracing the future of strategic management. Become a Certified Agile Strategy Execution Professional and enroll today!

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