Posts tagged "Sustainability Performance"

Performance Magazine achieves 40% increase in downloads

June 12th, 2024 Posted by Publications 0 thoughts on “Performance Magazine achieves 40% increase in downloads”

Performance Magazine has reported a remarkable 40% increase in downloads from 2023. Over the last decade, Performance Magazine has established itself as a reliable source for industry know-how, trends, and best practices in strategy, performance management, and data analytics. This milestone not only proves the publication’s long-standing dedication to providing high-quality information, but also demonstrates the growing demand for its insights among professionals worldwide.

In 2023, Performance Magazine rolled out editions centered on the public sector, data analytics, government, and sustainability. As always, the magazine featured industry leaders and top executives from major organizations, such as Eelco van der Enden of the Global Reporting Initiative and Madhur Mayank Sharma, Head of SAP’s AI Services & Accelerator team.

This year, Performance Magazine gave its readers back-to-back releases: the Employee Performance Edition and the Strategy Management Edition. The Employee Performance Edition discusses the role of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in talent management, democratizing strategy planning, implementing a hybrid performance management system, nurturing holistic performance management, and more. 

On the other hand, the Strategy Management Edition offers insights into practicing strategic leadership in disruptive times, empowering employees for effective change management, and ensuring data accuracy for informed decision-making. The next two editions of Performance Magazine for 2024 are about business excellence and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in strategy and performance management.

Drawing on The KPI Institute’s (TKI) 20 years of experience in performance management, Performance Magazine provides its readers with prime resources, updates, interviews, case studies, expert recommendations, and global perspectives on strategy and performance management. Its first printed edition was launched in April 2015, with TKI’s CEO, Dr. Aurel Brudan, on the cover.

As the magazine gears up for its 10th anniversary next year, enjoy your free access to past editions of Performance Magazine on TKI Marketplace.

A year in print: TKI releases four special editions of Performance Magazine

January 15th, 2024 Posted by Publications 0 thoughts on “A year in print: TKI releases four special editions of Performance Magazine”

Performance Magazine, a trusted professional resource for industry updates, expert analysis, case studies, and trends in strategy and performance management, marked a successful year in 2023 with the release of four special editions. Performance Magazine – Print Edition is published quarterly by The KPI Institute (TKI), a leading global research institute dedicated to defining standards and advancing the field of strategy and performance management.

The four editions covered themes of the public sector, sustainability, data analytics, and government. Each edition showcases insights from guest experts in their respective fields. The magazines also present real-world examples, dissect frameworks, and offer practical recommendations for professionals seeking a comprehensive understanding of performance standards.

The Public Sector Edition highlights TKI’s Government Service Index Report 2022, which documents the performance of governments worldwide in key public service areas. The data were analyzed using five dimensions: adaptability, talent, digitalization, governance, and impact. The digital copy of this edition can be downloaded directly from TKI Marketplace while the print copy is available for purchase on Amazon.

The Sustainability Edition offers valuable information and analysis on how to effectively apply sustainable practices to business operations and strategy, as well as measuring and evaluating the impact of such efforts on the growth of the business and the wider society. Readers can grab a copy on TKI Marketplace or Amazon.

The Data Analytics Edition provides insights into applying data analytics to transform business operations, develop robust strategies, improve decision-making, and enhance performance management. This edition can be accessed through TKI Marketplace or Amazon.

The Government Edition explores the public sector’s multifaceted approach to strategy and performance management and reviews standards and concepts behind the tools and techniques governments use in planning strategies and measuring performance. Those interested can secure a copy via TKI Marketplace or Amazon.

For the first quarter of 2024, readers can look forward to editions covering employee performance and strategy management. Stay updated and be the first to access them by following TKI’s LinkedIn page.

Performance Magazine: integrating sustainability into business strategy

May 10th, 2023 Posted by Publications 0 thoughts on “Performance Magazine: integrating sustainability into business strategy”

In recent years, businesses have placed a greater emphasis on sustainability. However, pursuing sustainable business as a primary strategy differs from merely engaging in sustainable practices. The Performance Magazine Issue No. 25, 2023 – Sustainability Edition presents in-depth analyses and practical perspectives on the latest issues and trends in incorporating sustainability into operations and strategies. 

Moreover, this issue provides guidance for organizations looking to successfully adopt sustainable practices as well as the challenges and opportunities involved in the process. 

Gracing the cover of this issue is  Eelco van der Enden, chief executive officer (CEO) of Global Reporting Initiative. He shared updates on sustainability reporting practices worldwide, discussed the importance of the participation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in sustainability reporting, and emphasized how sustainability creates value for stakeholders and becomes crucial for long-term success.

Readers will also gain valuable insights on how to foster a culture of sustainability in organizations through exclusive interviews with sustainability experts from different companies, such as Kearney, Almarai Group, FIFA World Cup™, and Accenture. 

Furthermore, experts from The KPI Institute will provide answers to pivotal sustainability questions affecting organizations today:

  • What are the key drivers of sustainability in organizations, and what role does the performance management system play in creating a sustainable organization? 
  • What KPIs are a MUST in reporting sustainability matters? 
  • How can an organization create meaningful sustainability reports?

The magazine includes articles highlighting best practices in strategic planning, strategy execution, employee performance, benchmarking, data analysis, and data visualization. Moreover, the latest edition now includes a new section called Career Insights, which features the article, “The power of process thinking for performance management professionals.” Additionally, readers can access a variety of informative resources on strategy and performance management in the Recommended Resources section.

To expand your knowledge on sustainability as part of strategy and performance management, be sure to check out the latest issue of Performance Magazine. You can download the digital version through the TKI Marketplace or order a printed copy from Amazon.


Impact of environmental sustainability on businesses

April 26th, 2023 Posted by KPIs 0 thoughts on “Impact of environmental sustainability on businesses”

With the world facing many environmental challenges, including climate change, pollution, and resource depletion, companies acknowledge the need to prioritize sustainability in their operations. 

According to a survey conducted by the United Nations Global Compact and Accenture, almost 98% of CEOs recognize the importance of sustainability and see it as a core part of their role. Moreover, a report by the Global Reporting Initiative found that 73% of the world’s largest companies are now reporting on their sustainability performance. Additionally, over 25% of businesses reported cost savings as a result of their sustainability investments.

Not only is it a moral imperative but it is also increasingly becoming a business essential as consumers, investors, and governments demand more sustainable practices from businesses. The Global Sustainable Investment Alliance reports that sustainable investments reached $35.3 trillion globally in 2020, up 15% from 2018. Furthermore, a survey revealed that over one-third (34%) of the population is willing to pay a 25% premium on average for sustainable products or services.

But there is still much progress to be made. Monitoring performance using key performance indicators (KPIs) can provide insights into environmental performance and aid in monitoring waste reduction and management.

One example is The KPI Institute’s KPI of the Month: % Waste reused, recycled, and recovered. This KPI helps businesses identify the proportion of reused, recycled, or recovered from the total waste generated during the reporting period. Its purpose is “to provide an indication of the performance management efficacy and commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainability actions.”

This KPI of the Month endorses the Zero Waste Hierarchy framework, which aims to promote sustainable choices, minimize waste, and conserve resources. The framework is divided into seven parts: redesign, reduce, reuse, recycle, recover, residuals and unacceptable. 

To know more about how to use the % Waste reused, recycled, and recovered indicator, download the free poster through The KPI Insitute Marketplace

The KPI of the Month Infographic features a KPI by providing its definition and presenting the challenges of using the KPI in terms of calculation, Balance Scorecard focus, data profile, targets, and recommendations for implementation. It is a valuable resource for practitioners, academics, and consultants working in performance management.

Sustainability Standards and KPIs As Game Changers [Excerpt]

April 8th, 2022 Posted by Research 0 thoughts on “Sustainability Standards and KPIs As Game Changers [Excerpt]”

Editor’s Note: Below is an excerpt from the article “Sustainability Standards and KPIs As Game Changers,” written by Silvana Badita and published in the latest edition of Performance Magazine. It presents trends, solutions, and best practices for strategy and performance management through in-depth articles, first-hand how-to’s, concept presentations, case studies, and expert insights.

Companies can no longer afford to ignore sustainability. It is not just a trend but a major factor that drives where most businesses are headed. According to Globescan’s The State of Sustainable Business 2019, reputational risks, consumer demand, investor interest, operational risk, and employee engagement are some of the catalysts behind the sustainability efforts of most organizations. 

Manufacturing is one of the industries that are pressured to realign their activities with the mounting call for sustainability practices. Sustainable manufacturing refers to developing products with minimal negative environmental impacts and maximum contribution to the conservation of natural resources. These products are expected to be economically sound and safe for employees, communities, and consumers. 

Sustainable manufacturing aims to reduce the intensity of materials use, energy consumption, emissions, and unwanted byproducts while maintaining or improving the value provided for society and organizations. 

Some relevant key performance indicators that are often considered when evaluating the sustainability of manufacturing companies are:

  • Environmental performance KPIs, such as: # Air emissions, % Energy utilization, % Hazardous waste etc.
  • Economic performance KPIs: % Product reliability, % Conformance to specifications, $ Material cost, % Labor cost etc.
  • Social performance KPIs: % Occupational health and safety, % Turnover rate, % Supplier commitment etc.

Sustainability standards are observed to ensure quality, transparency, compliance, and results in terms of making organizations accountable for their economic, environmental, and social performance.

The GRI Standards

Among the internationally renowned frameworks is the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Standards. The GRI Standards consist of Universal Standards, which apply to all organizations and report on human rights and environmental due diligence, the new Sector Standards for sector-specific impacts, and the Topic Standards that come with the revised Universal Standards and relate to a particular topic.

Their vision is to create a sustainable future enabled by transparency and open dialogue about impacts. In this regard, they are a provider of the world’s most widely used sustainability disclosure standards.

With GRI Standards, companies can publicly present the outcomes of their activities in a structured way. This allows their stakeholders and interested parties to better see their status of how they are responding to calls for sustainability. GRI Standards can be used by any type of organization, whether large or small, public or private, or from any location or industry.

Discover how Daimler, the world’s biggest manufacturer of commercial vehicles, developed its sustainability report using the GRI Standards. Read the rest of the article in the latest edition of Performance Magazine  Download your FREE COPY now!


June 7th, 2013 Posted by Research 0 thoughts on “NEW SMARTKPIS.COM REPORT RANKS THE TOP SUSTAINABILITY KPIS OF 2011- 2012”

Top-KPI-Report-Cover-2011-2012-SustainabilityJune 07, 2013, Melbourne, Australia – The KPI Institute, the global authority on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) research and education announces the launch of a new report in its 2011-2012 edition of its popular Top 25 series of reports. The series is based on research conducted through, which contains over 20,000 Key Performance Indicator examples, making it the world’s largest source of thoroughly documented KPIs.

Sustainability, for humans in social systems or ecosystems, refers to long-term maintenance of responsibility, which has environmental, economic and social dimensions. Sustainable energy is the sustainable provision of energy, which meets the present needs of the population without having negative impacts on the future ones. The technologies that promote this kind of energy include renewable energy sources, such as solar energy, wind energy, wave power, geothermal energy and tidal power, being designed to improve energy efficiency. (more…)

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