Monthly Archives: January, 2023

KPI news: The KPI Institute’s research shows today’s most popular KPIs

January 25th, 2023 Posted by KPIs, Research 0 thoughts on “KPI news: The KPI Institute’s research shows today’s most popular KPIs”

Reports featuring the most popular KPIs of 2022 are now all available at The KPI Institute’s Marketplace platform. This series covers different contexts in which KPIs can be used by professionals and offers up-to-date information and resources on selecting and using KPIs.

The most popular KPIs were processed based on the data from, the world’s largest database of documented KPIs. In every report, users will find a KPI profile, analysis, notes on KPI reporting, and other details pertaining to performance measurement.

Explore the most popular KPIs in their respective industries or areas through the KPI of the Month poster collection, which can be downloaded for free:

KPI of January: # Days on market – measures the number of days a property stays on the market on average, between the listing for sale and the contract signing

KPI of February: # Berry ratio – measures the ratio of an organization’s gross profits to operating expenses

KPI of March: % Production First Time Yield (FTY) – measures the percentage of good units produced as per specifications from the first run of the process, out of the units going into the process

KPI of April: % Hospital bed occupancy rate – measures the percentage of beds in the hospital that are occupied by patients on a daily basis, out of the overall number of hospital beds

KPI of May: # Pick-to-ship cycle time for customer orders – measures the average time (in hours or days) from the moment of picking the order to the moment of shipping the product to the client

KPI of June: # Liquidity ratio – measures the available cash or other assets easily convertible into cash that could cover short term payables

KPI of July: % On time departures – measures the percentage of flights that are departing within 15 minutes from the initially scheduled take-off time out of the total number of flights scheduled for departing

KPI of August: % Project schedule variance – measures the variance in terms of schedule, revealing the alteration between the planned project timeframe and the actual project phase

KPI of September: % Production uptime – measures the percentage of the utilized operation time, from the planned available production time

KPI of October: % Employee turnover – measures the rate at which employees leave the organization in a given period

KPI of November: # Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) – measures the number of work-related incidents generating time loss that are occurring per one million hours worked

KPI of December: $ Revenue Per Available Seat Hour (RevPASH) – measures the restaurant’s revenue on a per available seat hour basis.

For more information on the research reports, get in touch with Cristina Mihăiloaie, Business Unit Manager – Research Division: [email protected] | +61 (390) 282 223 | +40 (749) 424 517


Gearing up for success: performance trends software, research, and more

January 25th, 2023 Posted by Podcasts, Research 0 thoughts on “Gearing up for success: performance trends software, research, and more”


Learning how to achieve organizational excellence is now easier with the accessibility of performance trends software, digital content, research reports, and learning opportunities today.

The KPI Institute’s Publishing Team curated the following resources related to trends, best practices, and solutions in strategy and performance management.



PeopleForce ( is a cloud-based management system  that incorporates tools, functions, and software solutions for a company to automate  all HR & Recruitment related processes.

Sisense Fusion Platform

Sisense Fusion Platform ( is a  Business Intelligence solution allowing to  transform data into insightful interactive dashboards. It facilitates the decision-making process through key features and user-friendly interfaces that make analytics and visualization tools easy to work with. 

Tableau Software

Tableau ( is an intuitive platform that enables a robust Business Intelligence infrastructure and data-driven decision making. Its characteristics make it easy to integrate with legacy systems and to do a deep dive in any data dimension. 


Cascade ( is a strategy execution platform that provides solutions to effectively manage the complex nature of multiple strategic plans. The user-friendly and easy to customize interface enables a real-time tracking of key initiatives and milestones of a project. 

SAP Analytics Cloud

SAP Analytics Cloud is a cloud-based system that integrates BI, augmented and predictive analytics, and planning capabilities. It offers advanced analytics across businesses as the analytics layer of SAP Business Technology Platform. SAP Analytics Cloud has unique connectivity to SAP applications and seamless access to heterogeneous data sources. This enables users to combine analytics and planning.

ADP Workforce Now

ADP Workforce Now is the only cloud-based, all-in-one HR solution that adapts to your work style. Human Resource Management, Payroll, Benefits, Talent Management, Time & Labor Management, Learning and Analytics, and Return to Office capabilities are all available through ADP Workforce Now.

Qlik Sense

People can make better data-driven decisions and take action with Qlik Sense. This system provides enhanced analytics for every business need, from visualization and dashboards to natural language analytics, customized and embedded analytics, reporting, and alerting. The innovative associative technology combines human intuition with AI-powered insights to provide unrivaled data combining and exploration capabilities. 


OKRs, From Mission to Metrics: How Objectives and Key Results can help your organization achieve great things

By Francisco S. Homem de Mello

Implemented and promoted successfully by some of the most significant brands in the world, like Google, Accenture, Twitter, and many others, OKRs is a goal setting tool that has become the modern alternative to performance management systems. Through meaningful research and by combining  theory with best practices, the author provides an insightful approach on how to better understand and implement OKRs in your organization. Available on Amazon

Performance Measurement for Local Government Management

By David N. Ammons

“Performance Measurement for Local Government Management”’ is packed with valuable insights to gain an overview of critical management practices. This book guides readers towards a  practical framework and provides examples of techniques for successfully executing a performance measurement system that can guide local governments to achieve  meaningful outcomes for their communities. Available on Amazon

See Sooner, Act Faster: How Vigilant Leaders Thrive in an Era of Digital Turbulence (Management on the Cutting Edge)

By George S. Day and Paul J. H. Schoemaker

In the middle of digital turbulence, the ability of an organization’s leadership to predict risks, detect opportunities, and respond promptly is critical to its survival. Strategy experts George Day and Paul Schoemaker’s book provides tools and an action plan with suggestions for leaders to encourage vigilance and adaptability in the workplace. The authors believe that acting wisely is essential in the era of digital instability, so in See Sooner, Act Faster, they recommend methods for constructing dynamic option portfolios. 

Stop Overthinking: 23 Techniques to Relieve Stress, Stop Negative Spirals, Declutter Your Mind, and Focus on the Present (Mental and Emotional Abundance)

By Nick Trenton

Thinking too much or too long about something is known as overthinking. This book understands your experiences, the difficult circumstances you have put yourself in, and the consequences of your mind getting drowned in anxiety and tension. This book will guide you through the challenges of overthinking, using thorough and ways based on scientific approaches. These steps aim to help you untangle spirals of unhealthy thoughts, build a habit of mind decluttering, and break the negative patterns you feel and think. 

Build: An Unorthodox Guide to Making Things Worth Making

By Tony Fadell and Roger Wayne (Published by HarperAudio)

This book is an advice encyclopedia compiled with personal anecdotes, practical guidance, and unique insights into some of the 20th century’s most influential items and people. Fadell and Wayne treat this book as “a mentor in a box” catering to young graduates and professionals, and CEOs who wish to advance in their careers. 


Performance Management and KPIs – Past, Present & Future

By Aurel Brudan 

Organizations can gain a competitive advantage through enhancing Performance Management practices. Aurel Brudan, CEO of The KPI Institute, highlighted concepts related to Performance Management and its dynamics over time in this podcast. He also delves into interesting trends in Performance Management. Available at

How I Built This with Guy Raz

By Guy Raz

Guy Raz is the founder of Built-it Productions and described by The New York Times as “one of the most popular podcasters in history’.” This podcast is all about the ideas and stories of innovators and entrepreneurs. If you want to begin an entrepreneurship journey or want to know how others work, this podcast is a must in your playlist. Available on Apple Podcasts

Thinking Like An Economist

By Betsey Stevenson & Justin Wolfers

This podcast empowers you to make better economic decisions. Leading economists Betsey and Justin introduce you to big ideas in economics and show you how they are implemented in real life. Available on Spotify


State of Strategy Management Practice Report – 2022

The State of Strategy Management Practice Report – 2022 is an international primary research study conducted by The KPI Institute from November to December 2022. The report identifies the latest issues, trends, and challenges impacting the field of strategic planning, KPI usage, and strategy execution. Download it for free here.

The KPI Compendium

The KPI Compendium is a concise, but comprehensive work that summarizes thousands of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) available on the platform. It provides professionals and practitioners with a powerful tool to weight together or to compare practical examples of KPIs coming from hundreds of business areas. One of the most important benefits that this Compendium brings is the abundance of options that will assist you in identifying and selecting the most relevant KPIs. Get a copy here.

To explore more resources on strategy and performance management, check out The KPI Institute`s Research Library.

Certified strategy and business planning professional course schedule for 2023

January 25th, 2023 Posted by Courses, E-learning, Events 0 thoughts on “Certified strategy and business planning professional course schedule for 2023”

The KPI Institute’s Certified Strategy and Business Planning Professional course schedule for 2023 is out now. This training program is designed for professionals and organizations aiming to stay relevant, agile, and innovative in today’s fast-paced world.

The certification is the result of a complex, experiential learning program that has three sections: pre-course activities, three days core-course activities, and post-course assignments. Throughout the course, participants will learn how to develop a strategic mind frame, explore key strategy planning concepts, apply strategy planning tools to individual and team exercises, and reflect on the best practices in the field through case studies and debates.

In addition, the Certified Strategy and Business Planning Professional course provides access to a network of specialists, who are encouraged to share business opportunities and innovative solutions to strategy planning challenges.

Among the topics in the course are the architecture of the strategy planning process, internal and external environment scanning, cascading the strategy from the corporate level, identifying KPIs for strategic objectives, and setting targets for KPIs.

Check out the Live-Online and Face-to-face classes of the Certified Strategy and Business Planning Professional course today here.

For questions about our courses, contact:

Sasikala Annamalai 

Senior Business Development Manager

E: [email protected]

M: +60 12 591 1366

Teodora Gorski

Managing Director MENA

E: [email protected]

M: +971 55 787 6427

Alexandru Muntean

Head of Customer Engagement

E: [email protected]

M: +40 747 060 997


Looking ahead: 2023 is the year to invest in your skills

January 25th, 2023 Posted by Certification, Courses, Employees, Research 0 thoughts on “Looking ahead: 2023 is the year to invest in your skills”

For 2023, The KPI Institute has prepared the annual calendar with premium training programs for executives available as virtual classrooms, face-to-face groups, or self-paced eLearning classes. Furthermore, we will continue to share practical insights from our research programs and disseminate publications to empower professionals and organizations to enhance and adapt their performance management to everyday challenges.

With 19 years of experience in providing performance solutions, The KPI Institute is now a global research organization with over 200 employees from 17 different nationalities serving thousands of clients around the world. We are proud to have trained over 13,500 professionals in strategy and performance management related disciplines. Our wide global reach would not have been possible without the support of our 37 partner organizations.

Our consultancy division has supported tons of organizations ranging from holding companies and corporations to government agencies. Success stories were promoted by some of our clients that strive for business excellence.

Last year marked the launch of our first index –  Government Services Index 2022, a pragmatic review of public service performance in the post-pandemic era, covering 7 world regions, 66 countries, 5 dimensions, and 32 indicators.

2023 will be an important year.

For professionals looking to advance in their career paths and organizations seeking solutions to modern business challenges, Live-Online Certifications 2023 and face-to-face Certified Courses 2023 – MENA or SEA region can meet your learning and development needs with courses that are based on advanced research and rigorous frameworks.

The KPI Institute continues to partner with global organizations in delivering the world’s first global certification to validate performance management and KPIs expertise.

On that note, I wish everyone a happy and successful 2023!


Cristina Mihăiloaie

Business Unit Manager – Research Division

The KPI Institute 

Phone: +61 (390) 282 223 | +40 (749) 424 517

Email: [email protected]

A year-in-review: setting goals for 2023

January 10th, 2023 Posted by Employees 0 thoughts on “A year-in-review: setting goals for 2023”

Editor’s Note: This is a continuation of the first year-in-review article we published, A year-in-review: a look back on 2022

A new chapter has finally unfolded. The new year is about going forward, opening new doors, and accepting the journey that is about to begin. Starting something new is always challenging, as uncertainty and unfamiliarity sound terrifying. But beginnings are most powerful as they feel fresh and light. Moreover, you have the chance to set new and higher goals that can serve as your guide through the new year, whether professionally or personally.

We asked some of our colleagues in The KPI Institute (TKI) Ecosystem to highlight their objectives in the year 2023 that you may find inspiration from, as well as their proudest achievements in 2022 that can serve as motivation to do better in the new year.

Iulia Tutulan

Senior Customer Engagement Specialist



  1. What project or task you accomplished this year that you are most proud of and why?

2022 was an amazing year for me, not necessarily only in terms of results but in terms of consolidating the processes of learning and maturing my skills. I am proud of my team, and I am proud of my accomplishments and the projects delivered. I am proud that I managed to sign many contracts and delivered many successful projects, which lead to many certified professionals, who now have the chance to evolve in their careers.

I am grateful to be part of a team that supports each other in growth, and I am positive that all of our great results reside also in the power of our team.

  1. What endeavors or objectives would you like to prioritize in your career as well as in life next year?

For 2023, I am expecting to focus more on developing my skills, designing my career path, and deciding on what my focus in my career should be. Even though I feel I could never give up sales and customer interaction, I also feel that I enjoy working with companies in developing their workforce. Thus, I plan to start my Ph.D. and focus more on the academic part. My personal life will bring new challenges that will need my attention. My family is growing, so 2023 will be an amazing year for me with happy moments and challenges in my personal and professional life.


Bori Pentek

Head of Operations



  1. What project or task you accomplished this year that you are most proud of and why?

The accomplishment I am most proud of this year is setting the work processes in the Research and Instructional Design team.

  1. What endeavors or objectives would you like to prioritize in your career as well as in life next year?

In my career, I prioritize reaching the production targets Aurel Brudan, CEO of TKI, requested from ILMS and instilling a culture of continuous improvement.

In my personal life, I only have two objectives: to be more mindful and more compassionate.


Cynthia Claudia

Assistant Editor



  1. What project or task you accomplished this year that you are most proud of and why?

As our team’s objective is to generate standard documents for each LMSL’s elements, I am proud to be the first editor who proposed the workflow or process of working on a Standard Document. One of the main processes involves constant collaboration with the Research team that generates the materials. We will keep improving the workflow as we move forward with generating more documents in the future.

A Standard Document refers to a document that collates available research on a subject matter including requirements, rules, guidelines, and characteristics. These documents serve as companions to learning merchandise produced by the LMSL Labs.

  1. What endeavors or objectives would you like to prioritize in your career as well as in life next year?

I am looking forward to how the Publishing team will grow next year. When the team grows, it is inevitable that there will be new responsibilities and challenges, as new working and communication processes will be introduced. However, I am seeing these challenges as opportunities to develop myself.

My personal goal for next year is to be able to thrive in my current role, as well as develop and utilize my potential to achieve the company’s objectives. I am also looking forward to helping the growing Publishing team achieve our shared goals.



Instructional Designer



  1. What project or task you accomplished this year that you are most proud of and why?

The Digital Marketing Course modules development and review are the ones I am proud of. In this project, I got insights into digital marketing, and it gave me an opportunity to see the modules from the learner’s perspective.

  1. What endeavors or objectives would you like to prioritize in your career as well as in life next year?

In the next year, I want to upgrade my skills in Instructional Design so I can contribute more towards the success of my team.


Irene Kaldas

Marketing Consultant

Head of Marketing Center in AMSI, and Internal Consultant for other TKI’s entities


  1. What project or task you accomplished this year that you are most proud of and why?

I initiated and created a digital marketing program that leverages different, top-of-mind digital marketing domains and current and emerging digital marketing concepts and tools.

  1. What endeavors or objectives would you like to prioritize in your career as well as in life next year?

I have always chosen work experiences that not only enhance my skills but also broaden my horizon in unconventional ways. As a Marketing Consultant and mentor for thousands of learners in the technology field, I believe getting the chance where those experiences can be invested became my ultimate goal. Whatever I aim to achieve, either on a professional or personal level, I always try to appreciate every new learning experience and enjoy the process while working toward my goals.


Bayu Mahdhani

Web Developer



  1. What project or task you accomplished this year that you are most proud of and why?

Working on Power BI features from the signature module and salary comparison is what I am the proudest of this year as they needed in-depth research before doing them.

  1. What endeavors or objectives would you like to prioritize in your career as well as in life next year?

In 2023, I am looking forward to more new technology implementation and more opportunities to learn and develop my skill.


Doina Popovici

Partnerships Manager and Consultant

Research division


  1. What project or task you accomplished this year that you are most proud of and why?

Here are my top three accomplishments which I am most proud of:

  1. Being able to validate the first live online C-KPI course in Spanish, organized directly by TKI and not through partners
  2. Creating a sales pipeline with leads coming from own research and prospecting efforts as well as being able to send a couple of in-house proposals and one audit service
  3. Signing two Reseller Partners and a few more companies in the current negotiation for signing


  1. What endeavors or objectives would you like to prioritize in your career as well as in life next year?

I set my objectives in 2023 to establish a consultancy project, sign a Training Partner, and target an audience from new countries to attend our programs. Moreover, I want to lead several open and in-house courses through partners and personal efforts.


Abdallah Diab

Research Analyst



  1. What project or task you accomplished this year that you are most proud of and why?

A monthly report and performance tracker that monitors the work of an individual is one of my accomplishments this year of which I am most proud. I created the tracker in a standard way that is applicable to a diverse set of tasks conducted by the research team.

  1. What endeavors or objectives would you like to prioritize in your career as well as in life next year?

Upskilling myself and experimenting in multiple domains to gain more confidence in my career path, perhaps along the lines of project management and performance improvement. These are my main objectives in the coming year.


Claudia Istratii

Senior Customer Engagement Specialist

Support Division


  1. What project or task you accomplished this year that you are most proud of and why?

2022 was a year of many projects, tasks, and accomplishments. But something that deserves to be mentioned is the fact that I am part of a great customer engagement team that always focuses on customer experience. This year, I have managed to bring many ideas for sales strategy improvement and innovation, and I was happy to see them in practice. 

For me, it is very important to assist our customers as I would wish to be treated to have a positive experience. What helped me maximize my knowledge of customer satisfaction and experience was the Certified Customer Service Performance Professional course I attended.

  1. What endeavors or objectives would you like to prioritize in your career as well as in life next year?

On a professional level, in 2023, I would love to make some steps forward to becoming a trainer for the Certified Customer Service Performance Professional course. I would like to inspire every professional interested in customer service to develop their performance management skills.

On a personal level, I would love to travel more and see new places around the world, learn the Arabic language, and spend quality time with my family.

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