Performance Magazine achieves 40% increase in downloads
June 12th, 2024 Posted by Kimberly Tilar Publications 0 thoughts on “Performance Magazine achieves 40% increase in downloads”Performance Magazine has reported a remarkable 40% increase in downloads from 2023. Over the last decade, Performance Magazine has established itself as a reliable source for industry know-how, trends, and best practices in strategy, performance management, and data analytics. This milestone not only proves the publication’s long-standing dedication to providing high-quality information, but also demonstrates the growing demand for its insights among professionals worldwide.
In 2023, Performance Magazine rolled out editions centered on the public sector, data analytics, government, and sustainability. As always, the magazine featured industry leaders and top executives from major organizations, such as Eelco van der Enden of the Global Reporting Initiative and Madhur Mayank Sharma, Head of SAP’s AI Services & Accelerator team.
This year, Performance Magazine gave its readers back-to-back releases: the Employee Performance Edition and the Strategy Management Edition. The Employee Performance Edition discusses the role of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in talent management, democratizing strategy planning, implementing a hybrid performance management system, nurturing holistic performance management, and more.
On the other hand, the Strategy Management Edition offers insights into practicing strategic leadership in disruptive times, empowering employees for effective change management, and ensuring data accuracy for informed decision-making. The next two editions of Performance Magazine for 2024 are about business excellence and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in strategy and performance management.
Drawing on The KPI Institute’s (TKI) 20 years of experience in performance management, Performance Magazine provides its readers with prime resources, updates, interviews, case studies, expert recommendations, and global perspectives on strategy and performance management. Its first printed edition was launched in April 2015, with TKI’s CEO, Dr. Aurel Brudan, on the cover.
As the magazine gears up for its 10th anniversary next year, enjoy your free access to past editions of Performance Magazine on TKI Marketplace.