Posts tagged "Balanced Scorecard"

Certified Balanced Scorecard Management System Professional: a pathway to strategic success

April 12th, 2024 Posted by Certification, Courses 0 thoughts on “Certified Balanced Scorecard Management System Professional: a pathway to strategic success”

At a certain point, all companies will inevitably face challenges in achieving strategic objectives and improving performance. Growing a business— irrespective of scale—is no simple feat.  

If you’re seeking a starting point, this certification could be the perfect first step. 

Course overview

The KPI Institute’s Certified Balanced Scorecard Management System Professional course accredits practitioners for their knowledge in developing a Performance Management System (PMS) using the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) methodology and implementing the framework across the entire organization.

Participants will learn how to implement a Balanced Scorecard Management System and master the strategic planning process while reaching the course’s learning objectives:

  • Grasp PMS fundamentals
  • Transpose the organizational strategy into a Balanced Scorecard Management System
  • Integrate components of Balanced Scorecard Architecture
  • Differentiate between objectives, key performance indicators (KPIs), and initiatives

Benefits and importance

In this training program, you will acquire the knowledge and skills to successfully implement a Balanced Scorecard Management System, unleashing the potential to drive business performance. Additionally, you will gain a range of benefits, including:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the value and functionality of the Balanced Scorecard Management System
  • Develop and implement a Balanced Scorecard Management Architecture in a standardized manner
  • Overcome challenges in strategy execution by implementing the Balanced Scorecard Management System
  • Improve strategy communication using the Balanced Scorecard Management System

Course structure and methodology

The course encompasses a three-stage educational process with an expected duration of 40 hours:

  1. Pre-course stage: After completing the needs assessment and a brief knowledge quiz, participants will engage with peers through an interactive online forum and peruse relevant documents to deepen their understanding of the core course content.
  2. Core-course stage: Participants may select between taking live online training sessions or interacting in person. They will engage in immersive learning and interactive activities, progress through their Individual Learning Maps, then complete the certification assessment.
  3. After-course stage: Participants will be immersed in stimulating forum discussions alongside additional readings. Upon completion of their learning journey, participants will be able to create a tailored and actionable plan that addresses the unique needs of their organization.

Course syllabus

The core course comprises 10 learning modules:

  • BSC – performance management tool 
  • BSC governance and performance leadership 
  • Organizational assessment 
  • Strategy formulation and integration 
  • Setting organizational objectives 
  • Working with KPIs  
  • Initiative management 
  • Aligning the BSC across organizational levels 
  • Managing the BSC system 
  • Nurturing a performance culture 

Flexible learning options

The course is provided in numerous languages (English, Arabic, Bahasa) and locations to cater to a diverse array of schedules and preferences. 

Certification and recognition

Participants will receive the following certificates (soft copy) upon completion of the program:

  • Certificate of Attendance: after participating in the five-day live session course
  • Certificate of Completion: after completing the pre-course activities and passing the Certification Exam
  • Certified Professional Diploma: awarded upon successful completion of all three stages and full payment
  • CPD Certificate of Attendance: provided once you achieve Professional Status

Take a brave step forward and unlock your organization’s full potential! Enroll today and become a Certified Balanced Scorecard Management System Professional!

What are the major challenges faced in balanced scorecard implementation?

November 8th, 2023 Posted by Certification, Courses 0 thoughts on “What are the major challenges faced in balanced scorecard implementation?”

An increasingly used performance management tool in organizations worldwide is the balanced scorecard (BSC). This is according to the latest report released by The KPI Institute on strategy management. The BSC provides a comprehensive framework for monitoring and managing performance across various business dimensions, including financial, customer, internal processes, and learning and growth. However, despite its numerous advantages, effectively adopting the BSC presents some obstacles.

Ensuring that the BSC aligns with the organization’s strategic goals is one of the main challenges. Developing relevant performance metrics requires an in-depth understanding of the mission and vision of the organization. Without this alignment, the BSC is just a collection of metrics that do not drive the desired outcomes.

Another issue lies in collecting and managing the data required to support the scorecard. Organizations usually struggle to acquire reliable and timely data, which can affect their capacity to accurately monitor performance. Furthermore, data saturation can become an obstacle, as companies may be tempted to track too many indicators. This may result in information overload and inefficiency.

Communication and staff buy-in are also major challenges. Employees may resist the changes brought about by the BSC and consider it an additional layer of bureaucracy. To overcome this reluctance and make sure that they know what the scorecard is for, it is important to use effective communication and engagement techniques.

For professionals who want to learn how to overcome these challenges, discover real-life cases, and explore solutions, join the Certified Balanced Scorecard Management System Professional – Live Online course. The KPI Institute is holding the year’s last session from December 4 to 8. 

Make your last move of 2023 count and secure your spot by registering here.

Implementing the balanced scorecard system: expert insights, resources, and advisory

February 15th, 2023 Posted by Courses, Research, Webinar 0 thoughts on “Implementing the balanced scorecard system: expert insights, resources, and advisory”

In 1992, Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton introduced the balanced scorecard (BSC) to the private sector as a method for measuring performance beyond financial outcomes. This tool reflects the four major dimensions of an organization: financial, customer, internal processes, learning, and growth.

According to Kaplan and Norton, BSC translates a company’s strategic objectives into coherent performance measures using a comprehensive framework. Moreover, they believe that BSCs can lead to “breakthrough improvements” in the areas of product, process, customer, and market development.

In her article titled “The Balanced Scorecard: Outsmarting design and implementation traps,” Marcela Presecan, head of research, explained the 10 areas that must be examined before using BSC in an organization: strategy drafting, management identity, bureaucracy, employee perception, communication without understanding, lack of common vocabulary, getting over the experimental scorecard, standardizing balanced scorecard design, adapting to the business environment, and commitment of the organization. “When implemented with its full potential in mind, the balanced scorecard is one of the best reflections of an organization’s contribution to the real operating environment,” she wrote.

Meanwhile, Manoj Dubey, a consultant at TKI, argued in an article that the concept of BSC must be revisited. “The perspectives of BSC, especially internal processes and learning and growth, should evaluate the quality aspects of an organization in Industry 4.0. It should ensure that strategy formulation, strategy execution, and performance measurement system are aligned to new technologies,” he wrote. “A traditional approach of BSC leads to fixed or orthodox KPIs which are not relevant in today’s technological scenario. The concept should revolve around improving processes using the latest IT; this includes having new KPIs.”

To get more perspectives and information on BSC, check out this specially curated resources.



Understanding the components of the Balanced Scorecard System – Following a performance management process, the final step regarding a company’s key performance indicators (KPIs) after data gathering is reporting and decision-making. It is crucial that this step is done correctly, as it has an important impact on how organizations utilize KPIs to inform decisions. The focus will be on understanding proper reporting guidelines, along with using business analysis techniques for better decision-making and improved initiatives for performance enhancement.


The KPI Institute’s Certified Balanced Scorecard Management System Professional provides participants with relevant knowledge on how to develop and implement a balanced scorecard system. It also offers a comprehensive overview on the many benefits any organization can extract from the BSC system implementation. Sign up here.

Advisory Services

Through The KPI Institute’s advisory team, organizations and professionals have access to a diverse range of services from KPI advisory calls to complex performance management systems implementation spread over 12 different practice areas, including BSC. If you want to improve your current level of performance using a clear and concise toolset, the BSC is the answer. TKI’s experts and consultants are here to support you in this performance management journey by developing and implementing the BSC system down to the employee level. Learn more here.

Top 5 Most Popular Live-Online Training Certifications at The KPI Institute

January 4th, 2022 Posted by Certification, Courses, Events 0 thoughts on “Top 5 Most Popular Live-Online Training Certifications at The KPI Institute”

If 2020 was the year for survival mode, 2021 was the year for adapting to changes that came our way. Adaptability is not just about keeping up with modern technologies and trends. It’s more about how we use them to accelerate change and foster a culture of innovation in the workplace, and this won’t be possible without valuing learning and development.

That is why The KPI Institute continues to deliver quality live-online certification programs in strategy and performance management. These learning sessions are designed to help organizations and professionals address business challenges, gain competencies, and achieve results.  They are packed with tools, frameworks, resources, exercises, and expert recommendations.

Before we put 2021 behind us, let us revisit the courses that made a mark on you. According to our data, here are the top live-online training programs of The KPI Institute that received the highest number of participants last year.

  1. KPI Certified Professional and Practitioner: “Embedding more than 15 years of research, this educational program will provide you the necessary knowledge and skills to differentiate yourself from other professionals through a rigorous and structured approach to measuring performance.”
  2. Strategy and Business Planning Professional Certification: “The course aims to offer participants a chance to build up a strategic mind-frame, understand key strategy planning concepts, use strategy planning tools, in individual and team exercises, and reflect on the best practices in the field through case studies and debates.”
  3. Balanced Scorecard Management System Professional Certification: “The training course provides the pillars, tools, and resources required for an immediate application and Balanced Scorecard Management System in your own organization.”
  4.  Certified Performance Management Professional and Practitioner Certifications: In this course, participants will “Obtain a premium recognition for your competencies both as a professional and practitioner to demonstrate your ability to monitor and improve current performance levels in different scenarios, in a standardized and effective manner.”
  5. Certified OKR Professional: “The three-day course trains participants in how to set and work with OKRs and offers them the opportunity to get certified on the ability to deploy and use OKRs in accordance.”

To learn more about other certification programs, check out the Performance Management Training Calendar 2022.

50+ KPI Templates, Scorecards, and Dashboards for Measuring Business Success

October 22nd, 2021 Posted by KPIs, Research 0 thoughts on “50+ KPI Templates, Scorecards, and Dashboards for Measuring Business Success”

KPI templates are developed to help organizations find the right key performance indicators (KPI) for their business.

With over 17 years of research on KPI best practices, The KPI Institute emphasizes that KPIs and their value are defined and perceived depending on the industry, functional area, organizational focus, and public, private, or personal domain of application.

What is a KPI?

The KPI Institute defines KPI as a measurable expression for achieving the desired results in an area relevant to the evaluated entity’s activity. KPIs make objectives quantifiable, providing visibility into the performance of individuals, teams, departments, and organizations and enabling decision-makers to act on achieving the desired outcomes.

Typically, KPIs are monitored and communicated through dashboards, scorecards, and other forms of performance reports.

In performance management, a dashboard is used for monitoring data daily. It is characterized by visual representations of data that enable a fast and easy understanding of the performance status.

Measuring performance with dashboards and configuring it requires using enough KPIs, aligning KPIs across the organization, and establishing accountability. To design an effective dashboard, an organization should choose the most relevant KPIs, ensure the presence of precognitive attributes in the visuals, make the features interactive, and regularly provide updates.

A balanced scorecard is a tool in strategic planning and performance management that shows the four dimensions of an organization: financial, customer, internal processes, and learning, and growth. Some of the benefits of using a balanced scorecard are integrated strategic planning, the alignment of KPIs with strategy at all levels of an organization, and a comprehensive view of business performance.

The KPI Institute has put together KPI templates and a platform where you can download scorecards, dashboards, and other performance templates.

key performance indicators

For inquiries, email us at or call T: +61 3 9028 2223 M: +61 4 2456 8088.

What is a Balanced Scorecard? Meaning, Examples, and Insights from the Pros

October 5th, 2021 Posted by E-learning, Events 0 thoughts on “What is a Balanced Scorecard? Meaning, Examples, and Insights from the Pros”

balanced scorecard certification

What is a balanced scorecard? A balanced scorecard (BSC) is a tool in strategic planning and performance management developed by Prof. Robert Kaplan and Prof. David Norton in 1992. It provides organizations a comprehensive view of their business performance.

A BSC shows the four dimensions of an organization: financial, customer, internal processes, and learning, and growth. With this, managers can allocate resources properly and determine the areas that need improvement. The scorecard is also used to align key performance indicators (KPIs) with strategy at all levels of an organization: the strategic, the operational, and the team and individual.

When done right, a BSC can help companies save time and resources, improve their procedures, and keep them on track in terms of objectives.

The Certified Balanced Scorecard Management System Professional (C-BSC) course of The KPI Institute (TKI) will show how your organization can develop and implement a Balanced Scorecard Performance Management System Architecture.

Facilitated by experienced analysts and experts, the C-BCS training course offers toolkits, templates, case studies, and good practice examples to help participants understand and analyze the fundamentals of a BSC system. They will learn how to formulate the main elements of a BSC system and implement the framework in their organizations.

The 40-hour training course comes with pre-course requirements, live online sessions, an individual learning map, a certification exam, and after-course requirements.

In the fourth quarter, the C-BSC in Arabic will be held online on 24 – 28 October 2021, while the C-BSC in English is happening on 29 November – 3 December 2021.

For more information, get in touch with Teodora Gorski, Managing Director MENA: email: or phone: +61 3 9028 2223.


Certified Balanced Scorecard Live Online – 6 – 10 July

June 18th, 2020 Posted by E-learning 0 thoughts on “Certified Balanced Scorecard Live Online – 6 – 10 July”

This training course provides you with relevant knowledge on how to develop and implement a Balanced Scorecard System. It offers a comprehensive overview of the many benefits any organization can extract from employing a Balanced Scorecard System.scorecard

The 40-hour, highly interactive learning experience, delivered by Mihai Toma, will enable you to grasp the functionality of the Balanced Scorecard, and leverage on its benefits to advance strategy execution.

Our BSC certification focuses on providing you with all the information needed to fully comprehend the value of the Balanced Scorecard, as well as on developing the necessary skills for a successful implementation.

What will you learn

  • Comprehend fundamentals of a Performance Management System;
  • Transpose the organizational strategy into a Balanced Scorecard Management System;
  • Learn how to integrate the components of a Balanced Scorecard Architecture;
  • Differentiate between objectives, KPIs, and initiatives.

What’s in it for you – Benefits

  • Get access to a deeper understanding of the added value and functionality of the Balanced Scorecard Management System;
  • Develop and implement a Balanced Scorecard Management Architecture in a standardized manner;
  • Overcome challenges in strategy execution by implementing the Balanced Scorecard Management System;
  • Improve strategy communication by using the Balanced Scorecard Management System.

Presenter profile

Mihai Toma is the Head of Professional Practice MENA and Senior Consultant at The KPI Institute. His research activity in the Performance Management field has resulted in the documentation and revision of over 1000 Key Performance Indicators.

Some of Mihai’s most significant research programs have resulted in the development of several publications such as The KPI Compendium, Top 25 KPIs Report Series for Functional Areas, Top 25 KPIs Report Series for Industries.

Mihai has been actively involved in the implementation and design of KPI operational dashboards and functional performance scorecards, assisting in the development of the performance management system architecture for The KPI Institute’s clients from various industries and functional areas. Mihai is also currently managing the Center for Healthcare Performance at The KPI Institute.

As a facilitator, Mihai has developed and delivered training courses on Organizational Performance Management, the BSC, Key Performance Indicators, Strategic Planning, and Employee Performance Management.

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